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Master Scottb

Total Recall (2012)

Total Recall  

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  1. 1. Total Recall

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B-/C+ > Saw it, as I am an action junkie, who loves movies on the big screen. And I got to see The Dark Knight Rises Again on IMAX for free!Overall, of course, it isn't as good as Arnie's but there was some good stuff here.Good - The Amazing Elevator Chase and the good car chase and the final fight scene and Kate Beckinsale, looking good and being a pretty bad ass villain, kicking Colin's ass through the whole movie.Overall, the rest of the movie is average....but if you weren't around when Arnold's movie was in the theaters, maybe you would like this more.

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I'm giving it an A-

It's a solid action film with well done sequences. The car chase and elevator sequences were really good. I thought the Kate/Colin fight early on was also well done. Kate really is the breakout character in this movie. She seemed to really take to playing a bad ass who's "only following orders" for the cause.

Seems too many still blindly follow RT scores by prissy critics. Then eager little haters spread this like it's fact despite not seeing the film themselves.

I'm not saying it's the savior of the summer but the pile on was not justified. It's not John Carter or Battleship but thanks to spreading the idea it's no good the self fullfilling prophecy set by the critics will be attained thanks to their acolytes.

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A solid B. It's good, easy to watch and fast.Don't go in expecting some deep thoughtful movie about identity or what makes you, you. Nor does it ever try to sell itself as such. Just take it as it should be, a solid sci-fi action/chase movie. If you've watched the original, this movie basically has the same plot, just different setting, however I wish they did change it up a bit. Les knows how to do action sequences. The fight scenes and chase scenes were very well done. At least the action sequences were a lot better than the nonsensical mess in Battleship (a movie which unfortunately TR has been compared to). The look of the movie is definitely a lot better than the original, but that is expected as well. The pace is pretty fast. At least I wasn't looking at my watch to see how long I've been sitting there like some movies. The characters are standard but Kate and Jessica are damn hot. :wub: Kate is a damn good bad-ass. It's also predictable even if you haven't seen the original.Some of the chase scenes can get too long and I wish they tried to have more head games as far as Colin's character questioning his reality. But again, I didn't go in with those expectations. It's a solid movie, it's just too bad it won't do well in the BO.

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I'm giving it an A-

It's a solid action film with well done sequences. The car chase and elevator sequences were really good. I thought the Kate/Colin fight early on was also well done. Kate really is the breakout character in this movie. She seemed to really take to playing a bad ass who's "only following orders" for the cause.

Seems too many still blindly follow RT scores by prissy critics. Then eager little haters spread this like it's fact despite not seeing the film themselves.

I'm not saying it's the savior of the summer but the pile on was not justified. It's not John Carter or Battleship but thanks to spreading the idea it's no good the self fullfilling prophecy set by the critics will be attained thanks to their acolytes.

I'm really starting to think RT is becoming a problem. More and more people seem to think they're the word of God and not giving movies a chance because of it. They're wrong just as many times as they are right. There are plenty of good fun movies under 50% and plenty of bad ones over 80%. Its like they review every film as if its suppose to be Oscar bait or something. This remake was suppose to be just good fun. Did anyone honestly think this was gonna become a huge classic like the original? No. Edited by Shpongle
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I actually agree that RT and the whole online consensus obsession is becoming an issue. It's like a writer said in a recent TDKR article - people that like and don't like the movie seem to be in an intense battle to define the film's legacy mere days after it's been released. It's why TA only has 6 pages on this site's review thread and TDKR has 60 and counting.That said, nothing about this film makes me want to watch it. I have little time for action movies unless there's other stuff going on, and even people who like it say there isn't.

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I went in wanting to like the film but it just didn't happen. It felt long, had no memorable scenes, no great performance or really anything to keep me engaged to care what was occurring.

I give it a C. If I actually thought about comparing it to the original, the score would easily be lower. But I am just grading the film on its own merits.

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I really wanted to like this being sci-fi with a great set up but it just didn't deliver.Action-wise it was pretty great and varied besting something like Transformers 3 which was basically another only action movie that got boring, however it did get repetitive and assaulting after awhile due to its non-stop nature. Not letting up is not a good thing.I also would have liked if they spent more time on the script and address its issues and have some actually intellectually stimulating stuff in there. I'm disheartened that in this era where a $125m film can look this good and can still open to $25m (sci fi hasn't fared well with audiences in forever) that they chose to be so lazy and weak. It could have been a classic for Sony with an ambitious screenwriter but no repeating this generation's favouritism of empty flashy reels. Beckinsale is absolutely stunning and is one of the most gorgeous women in Hollywood. Biel doesn't do much. I really like Farrell and he did give a decent performance but the movie didn't support him at all. The lack of any narrative was my major disappointment with this film. Real pity.

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It was pretty good imo. Not great, nor obviously on par with the original, but still pretty entertaining throughout. Yes, there’s way too much action and too little story development, but hey, its a Hollywood remake directed by the guy who does the Underworld movies. I just wish that with a premise as good as this, they would develop and explore it much deeper. There's basically not a single calm moment in the movie, with the score constantly thumping loudly. More mood and atmosphere would've been nice, but hey, its a Len Wiseman movie. The movie looks great, although it does have a bit of that glossy, artificial feel to it (much like the Star Wars prequels) since everything on the screen was done with CGI. And the production design, especially in the Colony, is really cool, although it blatantly rips off movies like Blade Runner and Minority Report. Since its PG-13 it unfortunately lacks the edge and the dark humor of Verhoeven’s original. Colin Farrell is a decent leading man, but obviously lacks Schwarzenegger’s charisma. And between the babes, I'll definitely go with Jessica Biel. She looks and acts better.Overall I give Total Recall (2012) a good, but not great 7/10.

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An ok movie overall, it's not awful but while watching it I just felt that I had seen it all before, the best part for me was watching Kate, she is sooooo hot, way better than Jessica Timberlake, Farrell was fine but I expected a better movie from LW.

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