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Aug. 17-19, 2012 Studio Weekend Estimates (coming in...)

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I think that the nasty stench of the Nolanites writing death threats to movie critics at RT and the political bullshit in TDKR had more of an impact than the shooting by far. The movie already had a bad odor even before the Batman fan James Holmes murdered the people in the theater.

That's all projection. Just because you didn't like the film doesn't mean that millions of others didnt. Funny how the sexism against critic on this very website gets ignored because her review was for Avengers and not TDKR.
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I think that the nasty stench of the Nolanites writing death threats to movie critics at RT and the political bullshit in TDKR had more of an impact than the shooting by far. The movie already had a bad odor even before the Batman fan James Holmes murdered the people in the theater.

You clearly have some issues when it comes to common sense and logic. Made me laugh with that nonsense post, though, so cheers.
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It makes no sense to me how a Batman fan, who believes Christopher Nolan's claims that his hilariously fake movies are "realistic", murders people in a movie theater, just days after other Batman fans had written death threats to movie critics at Rotten Tomatoes....and people want to make TDKR out to be the victim.

(I saw a few days ago that one of the, "TDKR would've beaten AVTR!!!" people used the word "tragic" about this....but not talking about the victims murdered by the Batman fan, but about TDKR's BO!)

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You clearly have some issues when it comes to common sense and logic. Made me laugh with that nonsense post, though, so cheers.

Yes, myself and many other people were weirded out by the cult-like, creepy behavior of the Nolanites all over the internet in the weeks leading into TDKR's release. I do have an issue with that behavior.
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So much for Whitney Houston being a super-duper-mega-uber movie star.

I'm sure most of the box office predictions for "Sparkle" were due to Whitney Houston's dead earlier this year, not her humble appeal as an actress. But perhaps you weren't aware that "Sparkle" wrapped production shortly before Ms. Houston's death.
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Again, 600m was a possibility. We don't know whether it could have happened or not, but you can't rule it out. It all comes down to the OW, which would have been significantly higher than TDK's. TDKR's weekend shares tell us clearly that its WoM is very strong, not far off from TDK. But we really should move on, because none of us have any evidence, we only have a frikkin' 30+m midnight number, which leaves us still in the dark.Happy Birthday, BTW. ;)

Thanks. :)
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Yes, myself and many other people were weirded out by the cult-like, creepy behavior of the Nolanites all over the internet in the weeks leading into TDKR's release. I do have an issue with that behavior.

Lol, I don't have any respect for these clowns whatsoever. I kick the bee hive whenever I feel like it.
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Everytime some Nolanite says TDKR would've done 200/600 without the shooting, God kills a kitten. Please guys, think of the kittens.

I'd take it a step further to say that it happens every time two people argue about what it would have made, regardless of whether $600 million comes into the discussion. ;)Getting back to the Friday numbers, that's quite disappointing for The Expendables 2. Even worse case scenario, I thought the fan base would carry it to an opening on par with its predecessor. I guess, as others have already said, the novelty of the concept has worn off.
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It makes no sense to me how a Batman fan, who believes Christopher Nolan's claims that his hilariously fake movies are "realistic", murders people in a movie theater, just days after other Batman fans had written death threats to movie critics at Rotten Tomatoes....and people want to make TDKR out to be the victim.

(I saw a few days ago that one of the, "TDKR would've beaten AVTR!!!" people used the word "tragic" about this....but not talking about the victims murdered by the Batman fan, but about TDKR's BO!)

Let me explain it to you that even a 5-year old can understand:

Rotten Tomatoes - online community, talking point for 3 days

Aurora shooting - whole media coverage, weeks

Now read your statement again and tell me that it makes any sense.

Everytime some Nolanite says TDKR would've done 200/600 without the shooting, God kills a kitten. Please guys, think of the kittens.

That's my point, no one ever said that it would have done 600m without the shooting, so don't twist things around, please. We said that it might have, but we'll never know. Why is is to difficult to accept the fact that we can't decide the outcome, why do you guys have to force to claim a winner and use a tragedy to back up your prediction? Edited by The Dark Alfred
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It makes no sense to me how a Batman fan, who believes Christopher Nolan's claims that his hilariously fake movies are "realistic", murders people in a movie theater, just days after other Batman fans had written death threats to movie critics at Rotten Tomatoes....and people want to make TDKR out to be the victim.

(I saw a few days ago that one of the, "TDKR would've beaten AVTR!!!" people used the word "tragic" about this....but not talking about the victims murdered by the Batman fan, but about TDKR's BO!)

So he shot up the theater because he was a Nolan/Batman fan, not because he went nuts. Got it.
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Yes. And I expect that that miraculous "healing" will, by a sheer and total coincidence, coincide with the release of movies which are actually good which people actually want to see. But it won't be the movie that brings people to the theaters, it will be "the healing process".

What bullshit.

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Anyways I'm done with this tired argument though since the TDKR loonies are clearly just desperate to hold onto the tragedy as the reason TDKR couldn't hit unreachable goals.

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Actually it's the other way around as TDKR is reaching its goals everywhere on the planet, except America.

Last time I'm responding to you on the matter, but you're the biggest Nolanite on this board who had the most unreasonable TDKR expectations of them all. You're so obviously biased with the film and mad it missed all your unreachable club goals, and that's clear as day. So just man up, admit you were wrong on the issue, and stop the stupid arguing and pitches. Never gonna buy them no matter how incessantly you want it to be true.
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I don't think $500m was unreasonable.

Maybe not "unreasonable" but that's not even close to where the likes of Alfred and some of the others had it finishing. Did you see his $200m OW/$100m OD club and some of the predicts in there? And $500m is still pretty unlikely given it will fall $60m or so short of that. That's stretching it to the max to say the tragedy knocked off that much. That would be the absolute ceiling for what it could've knocked off.
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Truly, I know this is just going to stir more shit up, but I think that people's giving into the biggest troll of all time, BKB, is what's causing the Nolanites to hold onto their delusions so tightly (aside from the fact that those cultists tend to be delusional people to start with).

People argued against him so violently and for so long, that they got locked into their opinion that TDKR was going to beat TA (I thought TA would be lucky to hit 400m, so I was flabbergasted by its triumph, too).

But they just burnt those insane TDKR opinions into their heads so deeply, they can't now just let go, step back, and say, "BKB was right, and I was wrong." They'll die before they say that.

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I mean look at Baumer. He's fallen on his face hard with two of his clubs this summer and you don't see him refusing to admit he was wrong or holding onto things like tragedies as the reason they didn't succeed. Geez some people just can never admit they're wrong, which is an awful trait to have. I'd hate to be the significant other in a relationship with someone like that.

Edited by MovieMan89
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I mean look at Baumer. He's fallen on his face hard with two of his clubs this summer and you don't see him refusing to admit he was wrong or holding onto things like tragedies as the reason they didn't succeed. Geez some people just can never admit they're wrong, which is an awful trait to have. I'd hate to be the significant other in a relationship with someone like that.

Oh yeah, but with BKB specifically, they hated him. (And BKB brought that upon himself intentionally, I believe.) They are probably so damn bitter about this, and when TDKR didn't have the insane legs they were all praying for, their hearts probably sank as they envisioned BKB pumping his fists in triumph.

The Nolanites hatred for that troll was probably greater than their idolatry of Nolan in the first place. There was probably heavy drinking to mask their shame at the thought of BKB having been right all along.

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