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Boxoffice.com's Top 100 Films -- 2013 THREAD TO START SOON! POSSIBLE RULE CHANGES ON PG. 50

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My top 10 for the record:1) Jaws2) E.T3) JFK4) Raiders of the Lost Ark5) American Beauty6) Aliens7) The Matrix8) Fellowship of the Ring9) Pulp Fiction10) Empire Strikes BackSo they were well represented.

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Please see note above regarding heated arguments and pot stirrings. Please edit this reponse to something more appropriate.. like.. "Numbers, up yours! Your taste in movies is soooo..." etc.. "Okay. Fair enough. That makes sense" doesn't have a Baumeresque feel to it.

:rofl:Maybe it's because I'm at work and I don't have time to argue today.But I love you calling him by the name numbers...classic. :)
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I expected that people who submitted lists might have a greater appreciation of cinema than what either grossed a shit ton of money or what came out beyond the last 15-20 years.

I have seen some of the older films, and 12 Angry Men is high on my list, but I just think that the Matrix is better than them.
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The list is factually incorrect. Goodfellas is number one. Please correct the mistake Sims.

Had I submitted a list it would have been number 1.My top 30(top three are usually the same the rest changes from day to day:1. Goodfellas2. The Godfather3. The Empire Strikes Back4. Sunset Bouelvard5. Star Wars6. 12 Angry Men7. Jaws8. Raiders of the Lost Ark9. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers10. The Incredibles11. The Outlaw Josey Wales12. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest13. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King14. Aladdin15. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring16. The Good the Bad and the Ugly17. The Shawshank Redemption18. Lawrence of Arabia19. Bridge on the River Kwai20. Fight Club21. Finding Nemo22. Bonnie and Clyde23. Wall-E24. JFK25. Pinnocchio26. Return of the Jedi27. Cool Hand Luke28. Batman Begins29. Toy Story30. The Seven Samurai
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Everyone calls me Numbers, it's easier than remembering to write out X amount of the numbers in my username.Here's some more pot-stirring: The only Nolan film that might deserve Top 100 consideration is The Prestige but the Noloonies went haywire and hijacked the Top 25. ;)

Edited by 4815162342
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I think saying something should be on a list just because it is older is silly, imo. We all have our different opinions of film. I personally think film has come a long way since the 40's and 50's, so for me including older films on the list is a very few and far between. However, 12 Angry Men is an exceptional film, but Matrix is more exceptional. :)

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Everyone calls me Numbers, it's easier than remembering to write out X amount of the numbers in my username.Here's some more pot-stirring: The only Nolan film that might deserve Top 100 consideration is The Prestige but the Noloonies went haywire and hijacked the Top 25. ;)

I kind of agree with this in saying that the only Nolan film that deserves to be on the top 100 is TDK, but yes, we were hijacked by the Nolanites.
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Here's my top 20 list... the one I didn't submit in time:1. Casablanca2. The Godfather Part 23. The Big Lebowski4. Apocalypse Now5. Jaws6. Almost Famous7. Once Upon a Time in the West8. Before Sunset9. Once10. Withnail and I11. Doctor Strangelove12. Leaving Las Vegas13. Badlands14. Goodfellas15. Fargo16. Fight Club17. Fellowship of the Ring18. Serenity19. Sunset Boulevard20. The Long Goodbye

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The list kinda shit the bed in its final run to the finish line. Inception? The Social Network? The Matrix? TDKR? Fucking Titanic? Pulp Fiction? Some of those movies are pretty good, but they don't belong anywhere near the top quarter of a list like this.I blame the people who haven't seen almost anything later than 15 years ago. I also agree with tribefan's comment that there should be a barrier to people posting films only a year or two old to prevent recent memories hijacking their mind.

I'm sorry, but what were you expecting? I find it laughable that every time one of these lists appears, some posters take the opportunity to ridicule everyone else just because they are not in agreement. Sure, the movies at the top may not be worthy of your top ranks, but did you really think that they would be? Did you honestly think, when we were into the top 25 and movies like Dark Knight, Inception, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Godfather, Pulp Fiction and etc. hadn't appeared, that they wouldn't? You and whoever else may keep saying "Oh hey, it's great that 8 1/2 or whatnot made the list at #98" but you'd have to be naive to think that it didn't end up there because it was probably one of the few that people have seen when you delve into the film catalogue than because loads of obscure films make up the rest of the list. Regarding a year or two, the only movies that made it on were the Avengers, Dark Knight Rises and the Hunger Games, if I'm not mistaken, hardly going to make a difference. If you want to have any at all, have a minimum of 10 years. But, once again, who do you think frequents this forum? It is a movie forum, but it is also very much a box office forum, and not to stereotype but evidently these people are interested in numbers and we get the majority of new posters not because there's a new Akira Kurosawa restoration on Blu-Ray but because they are orgasming over Christian Bale making a funny voice and jumping around in a cape. You can start another with more stringent rules, but as depressing as it sounds, you may not be getting many entries, even this list, had a small following and user participation. Obviously you having seen more movies than the rest of us, will have a more informed perspective on what the construct of the list should appear like, but I think, the majority of people are just simply interested in seeing where their favourites stack up and also use the list to see more films that are personally recommended by posters they know. It's a slow process, after all, do we even have the time? Some of us who study film or drama or are working in the industry or whatever else would obviously need to have some knowledge base and seen a variety of films but what about the rest of us? There are teenagers on here, they are people who work in many different industries and there are people from abroad. I, myself, have been trying to catch up on supposed great films, but it is mighty difficult to find films at a decent price. We all don't live in America and have access to Netflix where you can search practically anything and watch it instantly. Most countries only stock evergreen titles in addition to recent ones, certainly all non-English national language countries. Even in the UK or Australia, do you know the cost of getting a non-popular title at a B&M store?

I expected that people who submitted lists might have a greater appreciation of cinema than what either grossed a shit ton of money or what came out beyond the last 15-20 years.

Right, because if they like films that fit that criteria, they should have just grabbed their cocks and fucked off. What an elitist view.
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Everyone's list must be theirs. If it has new films, what's the big problem? There certainly isn't any rule to put old films just because they are great and heralded by everyone else. The Sight & Sound poll basically had everything of old films. Tastes just differ.On another note, I'm surprised there aren't many Hitchcock and Wilder films. They both created some of the most entertaining films.

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What an elitist view.

Thank you for calling me elite.Opinions are not sacred things that have to be respected in awe and reverence. Stop treating this forum like it's a place where we gather to sing "Kumbaya." It's one thing to disparage a poster because of an opinion, that's a personal attack and a no-no. But it's perfectly fine to attack the opinion itself if you feel it's not compatible with your own views. When it comes to film rankings there are no facts, only opinions, so I will continue to say what I have to say and you can do the same. But don't whine about "elitist views" just because myself or someone else thinks the majority of the popular crowd-pleasers selected in this list aren't near the best cinema has to offer.
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32 films from my 100 list made it and there were another 15 that made it from what would be my next wave of 100 films (roughly).Kinda don't want to single out individual films myself, but I will say that at the very least I would have liked to have seen a little more Hitchcock and classic Disney and a little less Nolan and Pixar. I like Nolan and Pixar, but just not THAT much heh.

Edited by JarJarBinks
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Favorite = movies that I enjoyed. I just do not enjoy watching very many of the "classics".There are quite a few movies that I am planning to see, however, after viewing this list. So I am thankful for the vast differences in opinions.Maybe someone could take on the huge task of having members vote on movies based on the critical movie categories:-Story-Acting-Score-Visuals-Sound

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To say TDKR was an "average" movie doesn't make sense to me. If someone does call it an average movie they must be in the minority that disliked the movie in general.As for it's placement on the list. I think there are easily plenty of movies that can be ranked higher but I think on a legit/ non bias list it may be in the list from #95 - #100My No No List:Iron ManThe Hunger Games Star TrekRevenge of the Sith

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