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Estimated Wknd Numbers - BD2(141.3M) Skyfall(41.5M) Lincoln(21M)

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On a more serious note, I'd LOVE for this to just collapse on an epic scale over my own [now seemingly high] predictions coming true, but I'm still going to hold out till tomorrow morning. I'm not yet sold that this will open this poorly

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They might get more repeat view sense it is the final one, but who knows.

Doubt it'll get any more than the previous ones. The adjusted multiplier for these films have been as consistent as they come. Don't see any reason why this wouldn't follow suit, regardless of how well it opens
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The breakup might have had an impact because Twilight is really a very innocent love story and people saw the characters and real life romance as connected. Once the real life love story was shattered, I think some of the fun might have went out from watching them onscreen knowing what was going on offscreen.

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Here, I'll write his response for him-"you guys really have no idea. 120 million is 120 million PERIOD. it's a little below expectations but whatever. WoM is going to be great. lots of chatter coming out of the theater last night. could still hit 300 million because people will be talking about this for a while. it's going to do what DH2 never could and actually have legs. you guys were all defending TDKR when it opened and sucked. bias? :rotfl: "

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After baumer was mercilessly predicting for DH2 to do as low as possible out of spite for the series and then hoped after its OW that it would hit a sub-2 multiplier...this is just too fucking good.DH2 > BD2RAWR!

Comeuppance for baumer for sure(for trolling during TDKR as well). He wont be enjoying this.
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These are just very very bad numbers for Breaking Dawn...I mean 250M is looking unlikely at the moment. But who knows, we may all wake up in the morning and see 74M as the actual. Crazier things have happened.

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