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Estimated Wknd Numbers - BD2(141.3M) Skyfall(41.5M) Lincoln(21M)

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I think one thing that really sucks with assigned seating is that all seats are not created equal. I'd hate to get stuck with a seat all the way over on the side. It would be unfair for other people to get seats that I personally percieve as superior.

You can choose on the cimema website where you sit in relation to the screen. That's kind of the point - it tells you in advance how good your viewing experience can be. Edited by Hatebox
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No...100% no.

Why? Maybe "disappointing" is the wrong word for people to use, because it's not "disappointing." Maybe "surprising" would be better. (Not saying I am personally using either of those words, just playing devil's advocate.)Is it really crazy for people to expect a little bit of a bump for all those factors he listed? One would logically think that a film with everything going for it this one did would go up at least a little bit from it's predecessors. But this didn't, and that isn't disappointing or bad in the slightest. it's just a bit odd.However, it really just speaks to not only the consistency of, but the limitations of the Twilight audience.
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TDKR was more popular than the Avengers in the UK and I had no problem booking a seat at a decent cinema a week and a half in advance. If you're a fan enough to know a movie's coming up and when you can buy a ticket, it's pretty straighforward. I dunno, maybe in the US, and for something like Twilight, it'd be different.

See, that's not what I was getting at. This is about assigned seating, not advanced tickets. It's not they can't be bought in advance, it's now you are fighting the same people that would be standing in line at a theater to try to get the "good seats". It's just you are doing it online instead of in person. That's all Edited by 75live
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TDKR was more popular than the Avengers in the UK and I had no problem booking a seat at a decent cinema a week and a half in advance. If you're a fan enough to know a movie's coming up and when you can buy a ticket, it's pretty straighforward. I dunno, maybe in the US, and for something like Twilight, it'd be different.

wow, a week and a half in advance, that's crazyMaybe movies are just perceived differently over here. Do we have more theaters per capita in the US? Maybe people just assume that movie going is "easier", so there's less need for assigned seating.One other problem in my mind is that tons of people always show up after the trailers have started, and the theater is dark. Is finding assigned seats tougher in the dark than finding any random open seats? Maybe, maybe not...
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See, that's not what I was getting at. This is about assigned seating, not advanced tickets. It's not they can't be bought in advance, it's now you are fighting the same people that would be standing in line at a theater to try to get the "good seats". That's all

Well, I'd rather do that from the comfort of my own home than hype myself up for the OD, wait in line for hours only to be disappointed!(This is all academic, of course, I've never competed for good seats online or in real life.)
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But what does that even mean? We have a midnight number. I predicted 145 mill.I don't get it.

I'm just messin with you pal. TASM was a huge target for you for awhile, I'm just exacting a small measure of revenge. But, honestly, it's all in fun. I'm not being that serious. This a great opening, but I still expected a tad more. I figured on 35m Mid/80m OD/150m OW/300m total.
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30m midnight is great for any moviebut for a FINAL movie of mega successful franchise, better reviews and more shows counted as midnight, 30m is kind of a let down.the same with the 450m gross of TDKR. 450m is great, but with almost the same reception of TDK, 4 years of inflation, more IMAXs....

Seriously? 450M is bad?
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I think ultimately that'll end up being seen as a different era. Thursday previews weren't included then, and then (post-2012) they were.

well wouldn't it be logical to go back and include thursday showings in weekend numbers then?ie. retcon all the boxoffice records
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I don't think its a letdown. It's simply a case where this franchise has a set amount of fans, for midnights or otherwise. And that number won't change much at this late date.

ok. NO.DH1 made 24m on midnightDH2 made 43m on midnightclearly an expansion without 3D just for being the finale movie, and where twilight's bump with more shows at midnight and more favorable period than the summer of 2011?
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ok. NO.DH1 made 24m on midnightDH2 made 43m on midnightclearly an expansion without 3D just for being the finale movie, and where twilight's bump with more shows at midnight and more favorable period than the summer of 2011?

Twilight and Harry Potter fan bases are not the same, and Potter has always had more casual fans than Twilight. Not comparable. And DH2 *did* have 3D. So at least some of that large bump is due to that.Though still, one might expect a *little* bit of a bump, but the fact that there wasn't probably just means that the casuals really *aren't* there. Edited by Cozmees Everdeen
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ok. NO.DH1 made 24m on midnightDH2 made 43m on midnightclearly an expansion without 3D just for being the finale movie, and where twilight's bump with more shows at midnight and more favorable period than the summer of 2011?

HP is a bigger franchise with more fans. DH2 had the extra bonuses of 3D plus summer meaning that kids didn't have school on Friday.You're comparing apples to oranges.
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People also have to understand, this was by far the biggest "Mid-night" movie Post-TDKR Shooting. I'm actually not surprised by the flat Midnights. The 10:00pm previews was a reaction to the shooting in trying to soften demand and have teens who love the series not out so late. I'm not giving excuses, I'm just saying I kinda understand the number.

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only because you're a fan, the fan always seeking a way of making their franchises looking good

No because it is the third highest midnight gross ever. That's why.
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