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The Movie Man

Most Likeable/Unlikable Actors/Actresses in Movies

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Johnny Depp - I sell glue for a living and every now and then a company who makes snow for movies uses our glue to do so. Basically I ended up on the set for 'On Stranger Tides' and met Johnny Depp. He offered to buy me a beer in the local pub whilst they took a break from shooting as I was shocked that he'd even have the time of day for me. I said no as I had to work and I regret that to this day. He was such a down to earth guy and I've always had the upmost respect for him since.

Wow! You really should have gone.
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I respect acting too much to really hate actors. It's a damn hard profession. Requires an extraordinary amount of vulnerability and openness. Even the models-turned-actors deserve some modicum of respect. Having said that, I have little respect for successful actors who seem to have no respect for where they are or who hires them. Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, etc. Especially when they can't turn in a good performance otherwise.

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I respect acting too much to really hate actors. It's a damn hard profession. Requires an extraordinary amount of vulnerability and openness. Even the models-turned-actors deserve some modicum of respect.Having said that, I have little respect for successful actors who seem to have no respect for where they are or who hires them. Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, etc. Especially when they can't turn in a good performance otherwise.

+1.But I have extra admiration for Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep.
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Personally, I don't really care what an actor is like in real life, unless that personality really comes through on screen. As truthfuly, we really no none of these people, and it must be hard living like an ant under an microscope.

So for me, I was manly talking about what actors, do you like seeing or not seeing on the movie screens.

But keep discussing all the topics, however you want.

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Most LikableTom Hardy- Nobody is more watchable on screen than this guy. He just exudes a quiet charisma that can't be touched. Seems really cool in his interviews too.Leonardo DiCaprio- Incredible actor and consumate professional, but what makes me like him even more is his environmental activism. One of the true celebrities who gets involved on a face to face basis with a major problem, not just throwing money at the issue as charity.Channing Tatum- I can see why he became so popular, the guy is just really hard not to like on screen or off. Just something in his personality. Also, I hate nothing more than celebrities who whine about fame even though they are the luckiest people on Earth to have what they have, so I admire that Tatum truly seems as "happy to be here" about the business as anyone.

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Tom hardy is one of my favourite actors, is he cool in person? I always got the impression that he was shy.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2235037/Tom-Hardy-shows-winning-smile-magazine-signing-actress-Noomi-Rapace.html?ito=feeds-newsxmlDoesn't look shy to me. Shy losers don't put their arm around stunning women like that. Looks like they're having a great time.
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Joaquin Pheonix, it's really a testament to his abilities that he can portray characters without even a modicum of likability, but his characters are offending grating and Freddy Quell is like the ultimate character you absolutely loathe, making it both the role I both love and hate the most in his filmography.

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Johnny Depp - I sell glue for a living and every now and then a company who makes snow for movies uses our glue to do so. Basically I ended up on the set for 'On Stranger Tides' and met Johnny Depp. He offered to buy me a beer in the local pub whilst they took a break from shooting as I was shocked that he'd even have the time of day for me. I said no as I had to work and I regret that to this day. He was such a down to earth guy and I've always had the upmost respect for him since.

People want to get near to him, get a autograph or a photo from him, and you turned down a beer from him? :o
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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2235037/Tom-Hardy-shows-winning-smile-magazine-signing-actress-Noomi-Rapace.html?ito=feeds-newsxmlDoesn't look shy to me. Shy losers don't put their arm around stunning women like that. Looks like they're having a great time.

Lol I only though that after watching him on the Johnathan Ross show promoting This means war. He was funny but you could tell he was a little nervous.
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People want to get near to him, get a autograph or a photo from him, and you turned down a beer from him? :o

I turned down meeting Daniel Radcliffe as well once doing the same job a few years prior, however I didn't want to wait half an hour to see someone who was famous for a series I never particularly liked lol. I would have gone for a bear with Depp but I had a lot to do (work wise) lol, it was pretty unfortunate.
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I find it amazing how likable Tom Cruise continues to be in movie roles and interviews considering outside of these two mediums he is roundly hated and considered evil and crazy at every turn.Other likable seeming actors for me include Will Smith, Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, Heath Ledger or anybody with that style of charisma that feels so natural regardless of situation.For Dislikable I'd go for Russell Crowe, have found every one of his roles to be extremely well acted but there is a dislieability within each one that I cannot quite explain (apart from Crowe himself being a bit of a cock that is).However saying that, I was amazed how likeable I found him in A Good Year. Everything about that film was utterly charming to me.

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Who are the Most Likeable/Unlikable Actors/Actresses in Movies, and you can either discuss present or past actors.For me one is Tom Cruise. I just like him in most movies.

Can't wait for Tom Cruise in Jack Reacher! Still probably my #1, as it was him why I had the idea to start this thread.
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I must say that I'm talking about on-screen personas because I've never met them and they must be charming and all IRL. That just reflects how I perceive them through the silver screen.

Likable in movies:

Hugh Jackman. He got the whole package. Talent, handsome, funny. I can't even manage to be jealous because he's so lovable IRL too.

Will Ferrell. He always plays unlikable lads that you end up loving. That's real talent here. Cannot wait for Anchorman 2.

Cameron Diaz. She's bubbly and she got a natural vibe going on that she could be your buddy hanging around binge drinking, doing fart and snot jokes, swearing and pulling a prank like she doesn't care at all of her drop dead gorgeous look.

People I love to see whatever characters they play because I love their presence:

Sigourney Weaver. Her sultryness. :wub:

Unlikable in movies:

Bradley Cooper. He comes across as a douchebag, smug with fake smile I want to punch him in the face.

Shia LaBeouf. Obnoxious prick in every movie, he's insufferable.

Johnny Depp. I don't hate the guy because he has a reputation of being down to earth and a charming person IRL but most of his last performances irked me so much I try to avoid every movie he's starring in. For me, his best recent role is his cameo in 21 Jump Street. He was genuinely funny for once in a long time.

Natalie Portman. Her whiny performances are cringeworthy.

Zooey Deschanel. Hipsters darling.

One category I might add "What's the big deal about them?":

Emma Stone. "Oh she's cute and can be funny, I love her so much"...There's always been plenty of cute and funny actresses in Hollywood. Ask Cameron Diaz.

Andrew Garfield. He comes across as a douche even though he's trying hard to pretend he's humble.

James Franco. Pothead, looks like he's sleepwalking with 2 facial expressions. Frowning and "Yeah, I'm so high baby, that weed is so good!" kind of face.

Anne Hathaway. She's trying too hard in a goofy way. "Look, I'm funny!!!Look, I'm sexy!!!" Now, she's desperately craving for Academy Awards. "Look, I can sing while looking miserable! Please give it to me!"

Ewan McGregor. He's bland in most roles and when he emotes he's hammy.

Olivia Wilde. She's just there and we're supposed to be drooling at her blank stare.

Edited by dashrendar44
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