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Most overrated films of 2012

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I noticed that the "overrated movie" thread is 2x as long as the "underrated" one.  After almost 2 decades of perusing message boards, I've come to believe the reason has something to do with human nature (and of course the anonymity of the internet).

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I noticed that the "overrated movie" thread is 2x as long as the "underrated" one.  After almost 2 decades of perusing message boards, I've come to believe the reason has something to do with human nature (and of course the anonymity of the internet).


The movies that get more attention are usually the ones that get good reviews. You can't say a movie's underrated if you haven't seen it.

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Easily Amour, and I'll add it to the most overrated of all time list, not just this year. I've never been so blindsided by a film I was expecting to be great in my whole life. All the hype and acclaim for that. Are you fucking kidding me!? The movie literally consists of dozens of 1-2 minute shots of absolute NOTHINGNESS occurring. How many fucking times do we need to see people sitting in silence in chairs, or laying in silence in beds? Or how about vacuuming, washing dishes, and looking at unrelated paintings! OOH stimulating!!! :rolleyes: There's no character development to that, and if people think there is they're imagining it in their own heads. There's a difference between slow and developmental and slow for the sake of being slow. Jesus, I can't imagine how such a movie could get this kind of acclaim. And apparently neither could my theater since no less than 5 people walked out, and 75% were asleep by the end from my quick survey of the theater.

Edited by HobbitMan89
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This thing is gonna win BP most likely when Argo, Zero Dark Thirty, and Django Unchained are all much better films.


Seriously, Lincoln is like another Dances With Wolves thing in Hollywood. Hes been done too many times on film.

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I found Lincoln to be extremely boring. I admit, Daniel Day Lewis had a great performance, but in my opinion there are better movies out there that at least get some emotion out from you (feel sorry for characters, cry, laugh... or, to compare it with Lincoln, keeps you awake).


Spielberg didn't give anything that would actually make the viewer give it's full attention to the movie. It's interesting at the beginning, but then... *Yawn*


The only scene that actually came at the right moment (just when I nearly fall asleep) was the scene when that guy wanted to threaten that other guy with the gun and missed. "You son of a bitch" and kicks the dirt towards him. That made me laugh and kept me awake, and it makes me thing that Spielberg knew people would get there and put that scene so it would keep them awake.


I know this is going to get a lot of hate, but this is how I feel about the movie.

Edited by ChD
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LincolnLincolnLincolnLincolnLincolnLincolnLincolnLincolnLincolnLincoln This thing is gonna win BP most likely when Argo, Zero Dark Thirty, and Django Unchained are all much better films.  Seriously, Lincoln is like another Dances With Wolves thing in Hollywood. Hes been done too many times on film.

Is it really? Especially with Argo winning everything
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The end credits for Seven Psycopaths are running as I type.  I am hoping for an end-credits scene which will make this worth the hype.  


Highly overrated.  One of the most overrated for 2012 films.


I suppose it was a dark comedy but wasn't very funny and the writing could have been much better. It felt like a poor mans Coen Brothers.  



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The Avengers by far, Zero Dark Thirty, Cabin in The Woods, Argo, Lincoln, Skyfall, Chronicle.


All in that order.


I just realized two of those films are Joss Whedon films, how ironic. Even more ironic is that I'm a big fan of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly, yet Whedon's move into big budget Hollywood films has been disappointing to me so far.

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Skyfall. The movie was Dark Knight lite.


The Dark Knight Rises wasn't over rated by the general public but Nolan's fans generally do. It was a very good movie but far short of a great one.

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