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Django Unchained


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Very good movie up to the Candieland shootout and the final 30 minutes are somewhat of a drag and keeps the movie from achieving greatness. Christoph Waltz is phenomenal and every scene with him in the movie just sizzles. Jamie Foxx is average. DiCaprio is fine but not his usual great self. Samuel L Jackson is quite good as the "Uncle Tom" black guy with an attitude.

The score is not as good as the ones adopted for Kill Bill movies. Nice tribute to the original "Django" Franco Nero, who evens asks the current Django to spell his name. Posted Image

Tarantino's cameo is literally a blast. Posted Image

First 130 minutes are great and the last 30 minutes are uncharacteristically dull. Still a very enjoyable movie.

Rating: A-

Edited by jb007
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A very good movie, nice cinematography and sound with (of course) many nods to this and that from film history, it's postmodern cinema, but fun. Still, not as good as Inglourious Basterds, for a couple of reasons:

- Django is carried by Waltz and (later) diCaprio - the film definitely runs out of steam the moment they're offed (both at the same time, to top the waste). The titular character is too weak (and I don't even think it's Foxx's fault; all the good bits are given to Candy and Schultz)

- The ladies are pale. IB had two strong female characters. Now, the Western isn't a genre where women shine as a rule but there would have been possibilities to paint the ones that are in a little more brightly.

- Little tension. Compare the scenes at Candyland to the scenes in the basement bar in IB ...

On the plus side: Waltz, DiCaprio, Jackson, even Don Johnson was a joy to behold. Witty dialogues. Good camerawork. Definitely rewatchable (will see this at least once more) and nice with an enthusiastic crowd!

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Boy, do I feel stupid. What I saw here was actually a pretty good movie. As this is coming from someone who has been actively shitting on Django for the last few months, its embarrassing. So what did we learn here: dont start shitting on movies before seeing them. Unless they are by Adam Sandler, of course.

I have issues with Django. Jamie Foxx is boring as fuck as the 'lead character' Django. I'm sorry, but this guy was like Adrien Brody in King Kong, thats how weak (and weakly written) he was. I agree with Empire's review, his voice and his demeanor were too soft and mellow for this role. I also think that both the last 30 minutes and the first 30 minutes weren't that good, especially the last 30 minutes, where I was going "JUST END ALREADY". I think the movie loses all urgency and momentum after Schultz and Candie are killed. The shootout, the Tarantino cameo and the fucking horse tricks I just didn't care for. Another flaw: Kerry Washington's character. Jesus christ what a paper thin character. They barely gave her anything to say or do, she mostly just looked shocked and trembled. Overall I think this is an uneven film.


There was more good than bad in Django. First of all when it picks up after a weak start, I was hooked. I was constantly excited to see what happens next. It is very entertaining, and It truly feels epic in its scope and its length, which goes by surprisingly quick. Also the acting from Samuel L. Jackson and DiCaprio I cant praise enough. Waltz was good too but Leo deserved the nomination. I might see this again, but I think I'll watch the middle part, because thats where the really good stuff is

I give Django a 4/5

BTW, people in my audience were laughing at the Mandingo fight scene, which I thought was sad and horrifying. :mellow:

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Boy, do I feel stupid. What I saw here was actually a pretty good movie. As this is coming from someone who has been actively shitting on Django for the last few months, its embarrassing. So what did we learn here: dont start shitting on movies before seeing them. Unless they are by Adam Sandler, of course.

I have issues with Django. Jamie Foxx is boring as fuck as the 'lead character' Django. I'm sorry, but this guy was like Adrien Brody in King Kong, thats how weak (and weakly written) he was. I agree with Empire's review, his voice and his demeanor were too soft and mellow for this role. I also think that both the last 30 minutes and the first 30 minutes weren't that good, especially the last 30 minutes, where I was going "JUST END ALREADY". I think the movie loses all urgency and momentum after Schultz and Candie are killed. The shootout, the Tarantino cameo and the fucking horse tricks I just didn't care for. Another flaw: Kerry Washington's character. Jesus christ what a paper thin character. They barely gave her anything to say or do, she mostly just looked shocked and trembled. Overall I think this is an uneven film.


There was more good than bad in Django. First of all when it picks up after a weak start, I was hooked. I was constantly excited to see what happens next. It is very entertaining, and It truly feels epic in its scope and its length, which goes by surprisingly quick. Also the acting from Samuel L. Jackson and DiCaprio I cant praise enough. Waltz was good too but Leo deserved the nomination. I might see this again, but I think I'll watch the middle part, because thats where the really good stuff is

I give Django a 4/5

BTW, people in my audience were laughing at the Mandingo fight scene, which I thought was sad and horrifying. :mellow:

I disagree about Foxx I thought he was very good but i agree you definitely feel the length.
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Laughing? I could barely keep my eyes open in that scene. I thought one would end up decapitating the other.

I know man, it was the nastiest scene of the movie, but people in the audience were laughing! I was like "WTF are you assholes laughing at?!"
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I also thought Foxx was very good throughout and the last thirty minutes were necessary because that's when he really comes into his own as the hero. If it wasn't for that he'd basically be Schultz's sidekick through the whole thing.


I don't know why people keep on saying how those last 30 minutes are worthless or dragged on forever. I mean how can you stop the movie just after Candie's death when your title hero has done nothing crucial to save his love life except being a sidekick tossed around by a white savior. I would have been extremely disappointed if Schultz's demise was the end of the movie, the movie would have been titled The wild wild southern adventures of King Schultz and his valet Django.

Edited by dashrendar44
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Jamie Foxx is one of the most talented guys in Hollywood. He was really cool. My only regret that we didn't see a great showdown in the end with Ace Woody. That would have put Django right into Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs territory for me. Now it's "only" on par with Basterds, not too shabby company.

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I hope that actors who bailed out of Ace Woody part are kicking themselves now that DU is a blockbuster. This movie had quite a few drop-outs - Costner, Russell, SBC, JGL, Lapaglia. Dunno why but it turned out remarkable.

Edited by fishnets
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JGL and LaPaglia were supposed to play 2 of the 3 Australians aDIM.SBC was considered for the role of Scotty, which was part of a subplot that was entirely removed from the shooting script because of the casting issues (Jonah Hill was originally cast as Scotty).Russell and Costner were supposed to play Ace Woody but after both of those attempts failed Tarantino merged the character with Billy Crash (Goggins) and as a result cut out the biggest attributes of Woody (though he kept part of his taunting scene with naked Django). I agree Alfred that the film was missing a "standoff" between two credible opponents (the original script had a 6 vs.1 standoff with Django outdrawing all 6 opponents). Though the revised ending allowed for the cool homage to the final line of TGtBatU.

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