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Spider-man 3 (2007)


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How can someone hate that much a inoffensive movie like this? I think "F" is reserved for movies that I can't understand on the most basic level or for badly done movies that goes agaisn't my political ideals.

Edited by Goffe
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SM3 only problem (besides studio interference of course) was too many plots, if you take out GG Jr. or Venom plot, you would have a better film than SM2, that's for sure, anyone saying that it was Raimi's fault is fooling themselves. 75/100

the most emotional shot in the trilogy for me.
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Edited by Goffe Rises
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One of the most disappointing films I've ever watched.  It does start off great though. Up until Harry gets amnesia, it looked very promising. Harry's costume was disappointing, but it didn't bother me until the stupid amnesia part. Sandman's origin was well done, but Sandman's theme reminded me of the score to the live action Scooby Doo films.Venom's theme wasn't great either. I was happy that they finally used Venom since he is one of my favorite villains, but wasn't too happy to see he wasn't portrayed right. This movie has it's moments, but overall, it's disappointing.



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I told this story many times.



It was the Sunday of the weekend of release, and I was pumped up by its epic Fri and Sat grosses...


I was watching Godfather Part 2 at home on AMC and I picked up 3 of my cousins and went to a midday showing of the film and had to sit up front and it was sold out.


When Spiderman went emo and did his dance I was about to walk out of the theater but I could not leave my young cousins.


Anyways was soo pissed at this film.


Easily one of the most disliked major blockbusters of the modern age. 

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If they had edited two parts - The infamous dance, and the TV commentary in the last fight ("this may be the end of spider man, it's hard to believe" etc.) the film would go a couple of notches up in my book.



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This movie has a Venom too much in it - Sandman and Harry (without amnesia) would have been enough. Also change a lot of things with MJ/Gwen story and also change the Sandman back-story and also.... However, it is entertaining, but not as much as the previous two movies. Franco was the good kind of bad (dat two-eyed wink :lol:), but Tobey was all over the place.


So not exactly "so good" 6/10

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I was never big on comic books as a kid but Spiderman was always my absolute favorite. I of course loved the first two films and the hype for the third was just huge. I still remember myself walking out of the theatre and try to explain to my friends (and convince myself) that it wasn't that terrible. But it really was.



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the funny thing is, I rated SM3 much lower the first time I watched it (and I didn't love SM2 as much as I do today), after many rewatchs later, I give it a 75/100

Edited by Goffe Ascending
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I'd give it a 3.5/10. It has a few good things in it but overall a lot of it just comes across as weak and cheesy and with lots of character stupidity. Still better then TASM2 though.

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I told this story many times.



It was the Sunday of the weekend of release, and I was pumped up by its epic Fri and Sat grosses...


I was watching Godfather Part 2 at home on AMC and I picked up 3 of my cousins and went to a midday showing of the film and had to sit up front and it was sold out.


When Spiderman went emo and did his dance I was about to walk out of the theater but I could not leave my young cousins.


Anyways was soo pissed at this film.


Easily one of the most disliked major blockbusters of the modern age. 


on the internet

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A SM film that got a multiplier of 2.2 is awful. ESPECIALLY back in 2007. The frontloaded aspect didn't really hit blockbusters until 2008/2009.


Had it been released today, it would have managed (at best) a multiplier that of the Twilight sequels.

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A SM film that got a multiplier of 2.2 is awful. ESPECIALLY back in 2007. The frontloaded aspect didn't really hit blockbusters until 2008/2009.


Had it been released today, it would have managed (at best) a multiplier that of the Twilight sequels.


Eh, frontloading has been in effect much longer than that (Potter in 2004, Star Wars in 2005, X3 in 2006, etc.). I doubt it's legs would be much different today given how much widespread hype was propelling it.


But yeah, either way, that's an extremely poor multiplier.

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Haven't seen it in years, but I remember generally enjoying most of it when I last saw it, up until the complete and total butchering of Venom/Eddie and the poorly done climax. This film and script really needed an editor in the same way the TASM movies do. 

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Home video sales were pretty bad even compared to the other two threequels from 2007, never mind compared to SM1/SM2. I think the general audience disliked it a lot too, not just the Internet.

Fair enough.
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Eh, frontloading has been in effect much longer than that (Potter in 2004, Star Wars in 2005, X3 in 2006, etc.). I doubt it's legs would be much different today given how much widespread hype was propelling it.


But yeah, either way, that's an extremely poor multiplier.


I think it might have dropped a bit faster. That movie escaped the Twitter age. But its multiplier was already a disaster, so not like it could get much worse. :lol:

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This is one of those big Superhero-movies that some people seems to slighty dislike when it came out. I was not one of them.


I genuinely liked it though. Not the best SM-film i've ever seen.....but it does have it's pros....which i think does outweigh the cons. I think this and another SM-film that got mixed results ,TASM2....are pretty good and enjoyable despite their problems.




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