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4 Day Weekend Box Office Perdictions: Mama (30.5m); Broken City (9.7m); Last Stand (6.6m) Nikki

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Can anyone post Algren meltdown quotes? Please?

Only $3m for The Last Stand? Ugh, that's not good. I suppose $30m is the high end.

I've had it with American audiences. They have complete and utter shit taste in movies and the most unloyal fans in the world. You watch, in Europe and Asia, The Last Stand will perform admirably.


I'm not angry at the movie making $3m on opening day. I want it to be a success so we get more of this type of movie, but I'm more just happy that this movie exists. Screw people if they don't want to see it, it's really their loss.


This is for Friday?

The Last Stand ... $2m?? What the hell, it said $3m before. Well this is terrible. Absolute worse case scenario. So this is going to be Arnie's least attended movie ever and probably his least grossing movie ever too (unadjusted!).

But, this does bode well for the 'Bullet to the Head vs. The Last Stand' thread. BTTH might actually win that now.


(Someone said The Last Stand bombing was expected) Funny that I don't see your prediction (in other threads) of this outcome.

And it has nothing to do with Arnold. It's the timing and release date is all.


(The same person said he predicted that TLS + Bullet to the Head would make less than 50M combined)

Precise prediction. Posted Image

You must be proud.


6. A HAUNTED HOUSE 2160 · $8,000,000 · $3,704 ·

10. THE LAST STAND $6,000,000 · $2,060 · $6,000,000

That just makes really sad reading. Fucking Yanks. Posted Image


I hope producers don't associate this underperformance with Arnie's ability to draw a crowd. Which, in turn, may affect The Legend of Conan and other projects he has lined up. I'll be happy if it affects Triplets from happening, though.


(Someone said that The Last Stand and Haunted House have totally different audiences)

I'm pretty sure that both audiences are American, though.


(Other person said Haunted House was skewing more young than The Last Stand)

Youngsters aren't allowed out too late. But adults are allowed to stay out late without having to ask permission from mummy. Posted Image Ergo...The Last Stand should be killing A Haunted House (which is in its 2nd weekend). Fucking Yanks and their stupid movie taste.


Good hold for Promised Land considering it lost 91.9% of its theaters.

And someone also posted this there: "Looks like the only people who saw the Last Stand were Arnold's bastard children"


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I liked Algren for a while before I started taking allergic reactions to people who act hard on the internet. He's another one of those insufferable (insecure) people who only likes butch man movies for butch manly man men. Incidentally and hilariously, most of those movies being immensely homoerotic.

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Pathetic that the 4-day estimation still stands at 30m, it will do close to 35m. Mama only dropped 31% on Sunday. MOst films dropped mid 30%, except ZDT and Broken City over 40%.

Sunday Drops predicted yesterday were in 20 something for top 10 except for Mama( @ 36%). So everything is going down except Mama.
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To be fair to 'The Last Stand', i didn't have a clue it was out this week, i thought it was next week, the film looks like a small low budget film and it has Johnny Knoxville in it, JOHNNY FUCKING KNOXVILLE! :rolleyes: , i'm a fan of action movies but no way am i seeing this film because he's in it, i wonder how many other people feel the same. Also the film simply doesn't look like a 'must see' film, even for fans, it looks like a film that you can wait unitl the dvd comes out.I wouldn't judge Arnold on this film, he needed a 'Terminator 5' or True Lies 2, Predator etc to be his comeback film, they would of been hits and given Arnie a base to work with.I also think Arnold should of waited another 3 or 4 months before they started filming, he looks old and out of shape in the film, if you compare him to his recent interviews on Leno etc than Arnie looks big, square jawed and atleast 10 years younger than in this film which he filmed as soon as he came out of office pretty much.I'm sure studios won't give up on Arnie yet and i'm also sure 'The Tomb' with Stallone will do very decent business and Conan will still go ahead at the end of the year. :)

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Revised estimates from WB:Gangster Squad: $8.65 m (3) / $10.305 m (4)The Hobbit: $6.185 m (3) / $7.715 m (4)Argo: $2.265 m (3) / $2.735 m (4)Revised estimates from Disney:Lincoln: $5.451 m (3) / $6.805 m (4)Wreck-It Ralph: $1.304 m (3) / $1.871 m (4)

Edited by JarJarBinks
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