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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Someone's late to the party. We've already started making bad puns about it. Or at least I have.


(I'm pretty sure 'Bad Puns' is one of the 5 stages of Grief, right guys? I think it comes after 'Bargaining' or something.)

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That was a pretty brutal ending. I thought for sure Oberyn was going to kill the Mountain and then we'd be seeing Pedro Pascal in the opening credits next season.


I'm looking forward to next episode. I predict Stannis and his army pull off a TTT Gandalf/AOTC Yoda style rescue of the Night's Watch.

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That was a pretty brutal ending. I thought for sure Oberyn was going to kill the Mountain and then we'd be seeing Pedro Pascal in the opening credits next season. I'm looking forward to next episode. I predict Stannis and his army pull off a TTT Gandalf/AOTC Yoda style rescue of the Night's Watch.

He did kill the mountain just died in the act
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That was a pretty brutal ending. I thought for sure Oberyn was going to kill the Mountain and then we'd be seeing Pedro Pascal in the opening credits next season.


I'm looking forward to next episode. I predict Stannis and his army pull off a TTT Gandalf/AOTC Yoda style rescue of the Night's Watch.


The 3rd book has two scenes that made readers get pissed and throw the book across the room. Red Wedding was Scene #1, this was Scene #2.


There was a very important scene right before the trial where Oberyn and Tyrion talk about Dorne and their plans once Oberyn wins the trial that goes a long way in creating foreshadowing for the future and it would have given both Tyrion and Oberyn some extra meaty material to chew on. Instead we get the Beetle scene, which while an excellent meta metaphor for GRRM and readers, just ate far too much time for little more than winking at the readers.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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Pretty funny summary of how many felt about the episode structure


When you have an episode called "The Mountain and the Viper," and you go in knowing the promise and the stakes of that title, and then the episode waits until the last five minutes or so to give you the match in question — and waits until only five minutes before that to provide a glimpse of the character we love whose future rides on the match's outcome — it can feel in a way like a championship fight with an extremely long undercard, where the promoter has placed every bum, tomato can and loser in his stable into the lineup because he knows the crowd will suffer through them in order to get to the main event.

Read more at http://www.hitfix.com/whats-alan-watching/review-game-of-thrones-the-mountain-and-the-viper-hello-my-name-is-oberyn-martell-you-killed-my-sister-prepare-to-die#CEBjsZGRoKK8pJz0.99
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^^ I disagree with Sepinwall on many things about Game of Thrones but he's right this time. Many scenes like Grey Worm or Sansa could have been moved to a subsequent episode to give this one a little bit more focus on the duel itself. There was literally no build up (except the Tyrion/Jamie scene) and it all felt a bit rushed and disjointed. They should have made space for at least one Oberyn scene before the duel. This is seriously one of the weakest episodes they have ever put out and I usually don't judge the episodes themselves but when they are put together as badly as this one I can't not notice it...


And I'm sure everyone disagrees because OMFG HIS HEAD! HIS HEAD!

Edited by darkelf
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I have to say i did watch the time and was starting to wonder if the fight was happening this episode , yeah they should have given poor oberyn a few more minutes , maybe they'll do a flashback showing a conversation with him and tyrion before the fight 

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I have to say i did watch the time and was starting to wonder if the fight was happening this episode , yeah they should have given poor oberyn a few more minutes , maybe they'll do a flashback showing a conversation with him and tyrion before the fight 



GoT doesn't do flashbacks, maybe using conversation to retell something. Unlikely though.

Edited by darkelf
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