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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Fuck I'm so annoyed.... Oh and I'm so glad cersei is out now. Even though she deserved the torture, I really hope she kills all those assholes who captured her. I mean honestly, who the fuck are they to hold my girl Margery.

And lol @ them thinking she'll go back for a trial. She was plotting her revenge during the whole confession lol.

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^Yea this is what I'm talking about might want to find a way to make it clear Jon's not dead guys. It's funny: the Red Wedding accelerated the show into the stratosphere because of how balls to the all insane it was, but FTW could derail it. That and the rape scene might be just enough to turn enough people off that it hurts the show and cuts down the budget. Dear lord, I hope not- I'm one of the few book readers who really enjoyed this season and will defend it.

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Oh, I know that for sure. I've made that same exact argument to Sun's Son and other pessimists like 20 times in the past two weeks. But Jon's death is significant because to casual viewers he was THE protagonist of this series and it symbolizes something so bleak that if something good doesn't come soon people will turn away. Maybe I'm overreacting a bit, but the Unsullied on my Twitter and Facebook feed have gone cuckoo for motherfuckin Cocoa Puffs. They're swearing the show off unless he comes back.


Also a possibility that I'm up past my bedtime and my mind is failing me. The night is dark and full of terrors etc.

Edited by cmasterclay
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I wasn't as shocked by the Jon Snow death because some toolbag on some website said something about it beforehand but could almost have been trolling so I ignored it right until the final moment where they were gathered in a huddle.




But the effect was not there.


So, for me, I can't believe Stannis died. Wtf. I mean, yeah, I know he became a major toolbag, but what on Earth was the whole point of his storyline? Melisandre was the driving force behind everything and she just bailed...because? If she's a conwoman, how did everything else happen before? It's a shitty plotline. 


The other reason is that I hate the Boltons and, fine, the Starks miscalculated and were killed, but Stannis should have killed them off. Why the Boltons have any support at all is beyond me, but they had more men than Stannis, who even likes them? I know half his men left, but the Boltons are a joke. I hope they are killed off quickly because their "rule" is a farce. All the Kings are dead and two clowns in the North still retain power? It reeks off unbelievability even on a show like this. 


Too bad about that sadistic nymphomaniac. She was hot. 

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The other reason is that I hate the Boltons and, fine, the Starks miscalculated and were killed, but Stannis should have killed them off. Why the Boltons have any support at all is beyond me, but they had more men than Stannis, who even likes them? I know half his men left, but the Boltons are a joke. I hope they are killed off quickly because their "rule" is a farce. All the Kings are dead and two clowns in the North still retain power? It reeks off unbelievability even on a show like this. 



In the fifth book an entire subplot builds about the dissatisfaction of the Northern Lords with the Boltons and we learn that one of the most powerful of them is leader of a huge conspiracy to overthrow them at the right moment (this subplot is home to the 2nd best moment of the entire book and turns a character other characters thought was a fat buffoon into one of the biggest badasses out there). And the subplot ties into Rickon's location.


Obviously none of that shows up in the show.




As for Jon, if Kit Harrington cuts his hair, shaves his beard, and films other material this fall/winter, then I might be convinced he may not be coming back.

Edited by Numbers of Westeros
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