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A Marvel Fanboy

Passengers | Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence | Dec 21, 2016 | Trailer pg 70

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5 hours ago, Giesi said:

At this point, wouldn't it be smarter to move this film? The weekend in december seems to be overcrowded, anyway! Sing, AC, Passengers AND Rogue One's 2nd weekend.....way too much

Yep they should move it.  I was also worried about it when I found out it was being released around Rogue One.  Not a smart choice.  Since I suspect it has to do with legal issues, they can move it to next year and finish the film as well.

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If they can't finish it off well (due to CGI/lawsuit issues) or they can't promote it well by December, I think they should postpone it.


I just hope this isn't about wanting to tinker with it, because I honestly fear Sony might want to meddle in post production like Fox and WB have been known to do. Rothman was in Fox previously, after all.


I just want this movie to get to the screens without being meddled with. I have faith in the filmaker and the stars, I have no faith in the studio.

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They should move it to January anyway. One week after Rogue One (which is also sci-fi) is not a wise choice. Limited on Dec 30th Friday and wide on Jan 13th or 20th if they want award consideration. January is empty apart from some horror movies and award players.

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50 minutes ago, misafeco said:

They should move it to January anyway. One week after Rogue One (which is also sci-fi) is not a wise choice. Limited on Dec 30th Friday and wide on Jan 13th or 20th if they want award consideration. January is empty apart from some horror movies and award players.


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3 hours ago, antovolk said:



3 hours ago, CJohn said:

The reactions if this gets delayed :lol: 


Potential new release dates if it gets moved to 2017? I was gonna say March but that month is PACKED. April 7 doesn't sound too bad. It would have the Easter holidays OS to help it. May 12 (The Great Gatsby release date), May 19 or May 26 don't sound bad either. June 30 in replacement of Uncharted is a possibility too (they have Spider-Man a week after that, tho...). October 6 wouldn't be bad either if the FOX/Marvel movie isn't Deadpool 2. October 13 would also work. Finally, my last option is December 22. 


Bite your tongue!


3 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:



You are an evil, evil man....


3 hours ago, JennaJ said:

If they don't come out with an official release date for the trailer really soon, I'm gonna assume the movie isn't gonna come out this year.


It's getting ridiculous now - less than 5 months from release and still absolutely nothing as far as promo goes. I'm trying to see the official Facebook page and new logo as positive steps, but that's like grasping at straws. It feels like Sony doesn't have a plan.




They've already scheduled two premiers.  One in LA on Dec 14 and one in the UK on I think the 23d.


58 minutes ago, misafeco said:

They should move it to January anyway. One week after Rogue One (which is also sci-fi) is not a wise choice. Limited on Dec 30th Friday and wide on Jan 13th or 20th if they want award consideration. January is empty apart from some horror movies and award players.


I think they should have had it in November to begin with, but I think that ship has sailed.   I think Sony will bring it out on schedule and will have just royally dropped the ball in marketing.


I'm not someone who usually argues it is 'good' for a picture when there is an IP leak, but in this case that sizzle reel leak seems to have been a blessing, given it is the only early advertising there has been...


Unfortunately, the general public never saw it.

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4 minutes ago, trifle said:



The facebook page with the 'coming soon' logo seems to have been deleted.


Saw that. That was the one positive thing that kept me thinking this is just a small delay.


Don't know what to think anymore. Just gonna hope for the best and wait for actual news.

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@JennaJ HOW do you get an embed quote from a tweet?  When I right click I get 'view source' etc but no embed code.  Thanks!


The Thurs trailer is still on hold (that was a more recent tweet) but this says how the mixup happened. FWIW.  Also, she usually does get info which is accurate from her contacts, so....



We're not liars! we shared with you a report sent to our local Sony Distributor. The trailer is supposed to be released this thursday



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9 minutes ago, trifle said:

@JennaJ HOW do you get an embed quote from a tweet?  When I right click I get 'view source' etc but no embed code.  Thanks!



There's three dots (more) next to the retweet, like and reply options below each tweet.

If you click that you get an embed option on the drop down menu. Just copy that code and paste it as text (remember to turn your post into source code first by clicking "Source" on the top left).


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