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Everything posted by James

  1. My favourite horror author is John Saul. He's fuckin brillant. Even so, my fav horror book is 'Nightmare for Rent' by Serge Brussolo (his 'Krucifix' is also awesome, but these are the only two books I like from him).
  2. Probably my favourite space movie ever (at least till JA wil hit). A
  3. It will be huge, will do great numbers in China, but it's not in 3D. All of the recent Hollywood blockbusters were released almost exclusively in 3D there and that's one big reason they did what they did. Anyway, 450M should be the floor. Seems more interesting than Gravity.
  4. Good for Lucy, good for Purge, good for everything. It's awesome!
  5. Well, BO wise Potter is ahead ($7.7B with 8 movies vs $6.3B with 9), though with Disney soon having 3 MCU movies a year that'll probably change (even with Fantastic Beast trilogy coming). If we're talking world building, Star Trek and Stargate are well ahead of MCU. Their universes are incredible. I've only completely watched Stargate and with several movies and 17 seasons (plus an animated series), all connected, it's much more complex than the Marvel universe, even with it's Tv series.
  6. 1. Harry Potter: DH2 (2011) 2. Donnie Darko (2001 - IDK if this counts, but anyway) 3. Dorian Gray (2009) 4. Total Recall (2012) 5. Transformers 2 (2009) 6. The Hobbit: DOS (2013) 7. Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008) 8. My Soul To Take (2010) 9. 2012 (2009) 10. POTC: AWE (2007) + Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) (tie) I've seen this in one of your other posts. It's DESOLATION, for Pete's sake (dissolution = conclusion, cessation, end)
  7. Very good for Lucy. That's a better drop than Salt or Bourne Legacy. Isn't it supposed to have bad WOM or is it too soon for it to kick in?
  8. So a Tim Burton movie with Jolie? I don't see how it could get better than that.
  9. So a Tim Burton movie with Jolie? I don't see how it could get better than that.
  10. I didn't say that. I was talking about The Hobbit. Fot FBAWTFT I see a 250-255M total. I wrote that above
  11. 95M/255. At least for now. DH1 wasn't in 3D. But people seem to forget that the first Hobbit still made 300M. Yeah, it had 3D and inflation, but that still is a good gross, even compared to LOTR. And the LOTR fanbase is not even nearly as rabid as the HP one They will show up. HP is one of the very few big franchises which probably is based more on it's pure fanbase than GA and that can be seen in the constancy of it's DOM total (except for the last movie).
  12. I think everyone is underestimating Fantastic Beasts. It will be hyped as hell and it will be in 3D, unlike the first 7 Potter movies. And all of those made around 300M. Yeah, it will drop, but with IMAX/3D, years of inflation and one of the most loyal and steady fanbases in movie history, I don't see it doing less than 250M.
  13. Saw this the other day with some friends. The acting was pretty bad but the movie was soooo good. Seriously though, I haven't laughed that hard at movie in a long time. So... A-
  14. So good and unexpected for Lucy But isn't that Sunday drop (20% or so) too small?
  15. I liked Peter Jackson's version quite a bit. 2016 is turning out to be just as great as 2015 moviewise.
  16. Awesome for Lucy. Has a big chance of hitting 100M now, even with bad WOM And solid for Purge 2... well, solid when comparing to the first one, but still
  17. Hmmm... Lucy looks awesome, Hercules looks awful, yet still they get similar numbers. I hope Lucy wins.
  18. The books are good, but doesn't this premise sounds a bit too much like the one in Scooby-Doo: Monsters Unleashed?
  19. Such a great movie. Great director and great acting. Jake Gyllenhaal's best after Donnie Darko. A
  20. Wow, good for Purge. It may be too soon, buy this could be a sign it's WOM is not as bad as the last one's.
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