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Everything posted by SchumacherFTW

  1. To be fair, can't the strong hold be atrributed to Black Friday madness?
  2. Didn't think you guys were anywhere close being big on the inbetweeners. Is a small release in ths US looking possible now?
  3. Absolutely cannot wait for season 6 of 30 Rock to start.
  4. Grown Ups. It's by all definition shit, but I love it.
  5. I hold absolutely no stock in what critics say, i'll watch anything. I've seen in excess of 150 movies over the last 2 years, and only 5 have disappointed me (The Last Airbender, Predators, Brighton Rock, Shark Night and Arthur Christmas). Generally because I have little expectation from most stuff, i'm generally entertained. Scoff all you like with the abhorent reviews etc, but I loved The Smurfs this summer. I'm curious to see if many others hold a similar opinion to me.
  6. I still can't help but laugh at my friend who seems to think Thor should be nominated for BP this year.
  7. Thats just them being greedy, like Fox and all their crazy Star Wars clauses.
  8. Seriously? It's getting to the point where a normal kids film would start becoming a weekend only thing.
  9. I thought movies were supposed to drop massively Black Friday to saturday?
  10. The thing ive noticed with AC, is that there is no midweek traction whatsoever. It's strange even for a family film.
  11. If I can find a reachable 2D show of happy feet I'll go, but leave after seeing the Looney Tunes cartoon. Not paying £1.50 for dancing penguins!
  12. You've got to remember how stupid an annoyingly large cross section of our population is though.
  13. I just find it embaressing. I used to live in Essex, and it was nothing like the cess pool they portray it as.
  14. That would be the mighty ANIMAL!!!!!! Ugh, x factor, the second most creatively bankrupt pos on uk tv.
  15. Was the last time a film raked in that much cash from so few theatres the original Paranormal Activity? .....
  16. For me on that list I preferred it to all the films below X-Men, barring Thor and The Smurfs (Sue me, but I had a hell of a lot of fun watching it), as well as Bridesmaids. It was on a par with Eclipse for me.Thats a decent recovery for BD, Muppets are looking good as well. Happy Feet's going to be finished next week if it carries on at this rate isn't it?
  17. All seven Saw's take place over a night each don't they?
  18. I think it could do quite well here, there's still a large amount of good will it seems. That mainly shows its self over christmas when a lot of people I know call muppet xmas carol the best christmas film, and thats from a variety of age groups (I still call Die Hard on that one). That said, good will isn't a guarentee, but it surely can't hurt it.
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