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Do not be a hater. This going to be around for 25 years. This beat Gun Smoke as the longest running live action TV show and that is a lock.

It doesn't need to last more than 5-10 seasons to become a monstrous hit like nothing we've seen on television before. I firmly believe that Marvel and Whedon are down to change how to create a cohesive cinematic World. This will be insane, and I don't see how it could go any ore way around. If Arrow can be a hit, this has everything to have a massive following bigger than TWD, GoT and anything else out there. Also, it can spin off movies and serve to test ground with characters like Luke Cage and others.
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Maybe Coulson has a clone or a hidden twin brother. :ph34r:


But yeah if SHIELD can bring back any of them from the dead, that borrows any kind of suspense and sense of danger/stakes. "Oh no!!! x died in the episode!!" No biggie, SHIELD gonna resuscitate him/her the next episode with a magical device.



Edited by dashrendar44
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Fuck realism, we are talking about comic book movies here. Scratch that, a comic book movie UNIVERSE.

So if Captain America dies in Captain America 2 to save a group people  and comes back to life in Avengers 2 that is okay. Seems lame to me why not kill Loki he can brought to life at any time. There no point of him being in jail in Asgard. 

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So if Captain America dies in Captain America 2 to save a group people  and comes back to life in Avengers 2 that is okay. Seems lame to me why not kill Loki he can brought to life at any time. There no point of him being in jail in Asgard.

Gods don't die. Batman survived an atomic explosion in TDKR. Most of the big characters in comics have died and come back in comics, Superman, Batman, Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man and a lot others included.
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It sounds like he is coming back to life. Maybe the abomination, Stain, whiplash, and red Skull can come back to life in Avengers 2. 


Neither Abomination nor Red Skull died.

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Maybe Coulson has a clone or a hidden twin brother. :ph34r:





Doubt it will be a clone or a twin. Much more likely to be a LMD. Or revealed that Coulson has always been an android all along.

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Wow, so fluffy. So I guess its safe to say that Thanos wont kill anyone in TA2, huh?


Not sure whats "fluffy" about it. Did you think either of those characters died while watching the movies they were in? Abom was choked into unconciousness (he was still breathing after he was beaten) and Red Skull got teleported by the cube. Stane and Whiplash are dead, though.

Edited by Orestes
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I don't get the popularity of Coulson, I really don't.

I didn't at first.   It was similar to Boba Fett in the Star Wars movies for me.  I never quite understand the fascination with that guy either.


But eventually, Coulson started to grow on me over the course of several movies.  By the time he was fawning over Capt America in TA, I was a fan.


No, it's based on facts and only Marvel fanboys or TA lovers want to deny it.

TDK sold more tickets in IMAX? not true, both TA and TDK grossed 60m on IMAX

TA sold more kid tickets? very small difference, TA "The audience was split evenly between those above and below 25 years-of-age" Boxofficemojo, I didn't find any info about TDK (or even TDKR) age split, but BB's audience was "54 percent were over the age of 25" font: boxofficemojo.com

and of course the 3D.

there, facts of why TDK sold more tickets.

I don't recall TDK fans being very interested in "number of tickets sold" when it was passing movies on the all time list that sold more tickets.   B) 


I don't think there is much to argue about between TA and TDK:


TA-  $1,511,757,910

TDK- $1,004,558,444


You really have to do some creative math to close that gap!   :D



Am I the only one that doesn't think SHIELD will be a massive hit on TV? I think it'll be a solid success for ABC, but I bet it won't be able to pull more viewers than TBBT. No one watched TA for SHIELD and no one I know left the theater talking about SHIELD. It's smart for them to throw glimpses of TA in that promo, but I see viewership dropping after the first episode once people realize they're not in it. The promo IMO didn't look like anything special and looked just like every other action show on TV. The 24 promos seemed more thrilling. Look at Beverly Hills Cop. A loved franchise and CBS just passed on the pilot, even with Eddie Murphys involvement. I give 3 seasons, at best.

You may be right.   I do know Heroes was a huge hit its first season and only fell off because they sorta went off the rails in the narrative.   That trailer was giving me a "people with powers" vibe...if they can do what Heroes started to do well and not screw it up, they could have something.


It's easy to say "don't screw up" right?   :lol:    I wonder how much Whedon is involved...him having a big hand in it might make me more optimistic.


It's one thing if he died off-screen, or fell and we never saw him hit the ground. But to show him die, impaled through the chest no less, and then claim he's fine is a big "fuck you" to the audience. I don't particularly care, because I'm not interested in the show, but it's a weak choice all round.

Eh...never bothers me when characters come back to life.   I'm a comic book reader though...so I'm used to it.   There are actually people who think Cyclops died in X3....I gotta giggle at that one.  He actually died offscreen...that's a big red flag for ANY movie...much less a comic book movie.   There was something about Coulson's death that left it open for me.   I almost need to see an autopsy followed by a funeral in a comic book movie to buy it.  (Even then it's iffy)   Did he really die...or just pass out?


Coulson first appeared in a movie which featured a main character who overcame massive chest wounds as well...Tony something...      He survived in a cave with a car battery attached to his chest....worked for me! :D


In the comics, even Superman has died and come back.   And just last summer, we had Batman come back from the dead too in TDKR.    We all knew Batman wasn't really going to die, right?   Did that make it "meaningless"?   I've watched movies my entire life and most of the time characters don't die when they are in danger and I know it going in.   That's never been a problem before so it won't bother me now.   Of course I know Iron Man, Thor, Cap, and Hulk are not going to die in TA2....does that mean all the danger they will undoubtedly be in won't be any good for me to watch?   Should I skip Man of Steel because I know right now that Supes is not in any real danger of dying?   Just try and stop me from buying that ticket!   :P


I also don't get the idea that Coulson being alive "ruins The Avengers".   If they thought he was dead...that's enough.   He doesn't really have to be dead for that to work on them.    If it was a trick by Fury...hey...it worked, didn't it?

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Well I finally saw my week with marylin , I have to say michelle williams did a crazy good job portraying her, at no moment was I not thinking its not marylin , entire cast was brilliant together! I'd write a review but I'm too afraid I'll get lost in RTM via phone ! Lol goodnight, hope IM3 numbers adjust up

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You may be right.   I do know Heroes was a huge hit its first season and only fell off because they sorta went off the rails in the narrative.   That trailer was giving me a "people with powers" vibe...if they can do what Heroes started to do well and not screw it up, they could have something.


It's easy to say "don't screw up" right?   :lol:    I wonder how much Whedon is involved...him having a big hand in it might make me more optimistic.


Ugh, Heroes. I knew that show was heading in a bad direction when they wimped out on killing Syler during the season 1 finale.

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Not sure whats "fluffy" about it. Did you think either of those characters died while watching the movies they were in? Abom was choked into unconciousness (he was still breathing after he was beaten) and Red Skull got teleported by the cube. Stane and Whiplash are dead, though.


Haha sorry. No I meant fluffy as in too comic booky. I loved TA and its one of my favorites, but it felt "fluffy" at times. The opening was gritty, but the end battle was too "safe". Aliens were seizing NYC, 1.5 million people in Manhattan, and there was barely even any implied death. I brought up the idea of IM being killed off for TA2, but of course everyone jumped on me. Some people suggested killing Falcon or Hawkeye or Fury, but I don't want to see Marvel do another cop-out kill, like with Coulson's. If RDJ or whoever doesn't want to come back, why not? I just hope for TA2, Thanos brings everyone to their limits. What's the point of having a character of his magnitude, and he not kill anyone, or anyone important?

Edited by jandrew
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