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Sunday/Wknd #'s, MU 23-24/82, WWZ 17-18/66, MoS 11.7-12.3/41.2, TITE 13, NYSM 7.8 BOM, RTH

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further sunday update,looking like most films will be pretty much on par with sun estimates  there might be slight variations, so like MU -21% -22, MOS -24 -25 (so yes should be around it 12.2) WWz -19 -20

Thanks :)
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Well, a lot of people would argue that Cars, and especially Cars 2, kind of tarnishes their otherwise spotless record. I've never seen either film, so I can't really speak to their quality, or lack thereof.



well cars 1 and 2 are definitely not their strongest entries like (insert title here as there are too many too mention lol) but i personally think they are solid films that belong in the pixar library. You a fan of animated films ssjrem?? if so you should get around to watching them as i think you would enjoy them :) 

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Im not a fan of Eisenberg & was one of the minority who thought he didnt deserve an Oscar nom for TSN

but he's good here

& he's good @ playing himself :P

+ this haircut makes him more attractive so

thanks teenage girls who give the movie money b/c of that :wub:


only had time to watch the beginning

his teddy bear!! :rotfl: Mr.Bean much :lol:

hey dont get me wrong he is really good in certain roles- but could he ever do something else besides the wise cracking guy he is in SN or any of his other films----NO. He is who he is.  Im just saying, yes, he could be a pretentious brat (btw i hate that word- pretentious) but he comes off like that even in his interviewsTh


I agree with anyone who has This is the End at the top of their summer films. It was a bit too long and played the dick card perhaps too many times, but it was still the most I've laughed at the theater since the first hangover.

This Is The End is absolute comedy glory imo---danny mcbride is so damn funny hahah-movies really good

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WWZ:  8.5/10

MOS:  7/10

This is the End:  9/10

NYSM:  9/10

FF6:  7/10

Internship: 7/10 (first half 5/10, second half 9/10)

Purge: 7/10

STID:  5/10

IM3:  6.5/10

After Earth:  5/10

TH3:  3/10

Gtasby:  2/10

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