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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny | June 30 2023 | Very mixed reviews out of Cannes

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2 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

This felt like it was over 3 hours long. Whole movie is like that one chase clip where it's awkwardly edited and feels like they didn't shoot enough coverage (there are so few wide shots in this). Liked the ending though, but felt redundant.


The one Fleabag moment got a chuckle out of me. Almost expected Waller-Bridge to look at the camera.

way too many car chases in the film. Yes, there have been a couple in every Jones movie, but there were a lot more inthis one. Frankly, It I wanted wall to wall car chases I would gone and seen the recent Fast and Furious movie.

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I agre the franchsie is probably dead in the water, as far as recasting a younger Indy goes, but that is no cause for rejoicing. The pure hatred for this film is something else, and there is more involved then it weaknesses as a film.

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7 hours ago, dudalb said:

I agre the franchsie is probably dead in the water, as far as recasting a younger Indy goes, but that is no cause for rejoicing. The pure hatred for this film is something else, and there is more involved then it weaknesses as a film.


Knowing Hollywood a reboot with a younger Indy is coming sooner or latter. Whether you want it or not. Uncharted already proved there's a market for these types of movies, is the market big enough for an Indy Reboot to gross 1B? Hell no. But of course a rebooted Indy doesn't need a 300M budget, correct? 

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I saw it twice already and sorry, but I liked it. I trust Ford with where he went with the character. Whoever thought that he would be as agile and action ready as he was during the original trilogy should have never went to see the movie in the first place. It was clear that this was his swan song as Indy, and Indy's swan song too.

Harrison Ford did a great job, his acting scenes, you know which I'm talking about, were amazing. You could feel raw emotion. I was not expecting him to jump around like he did at the earlier films and it wouldn't have looked believable if he did.

Again sorry, but I liked FWB in this. She was maybe a little too hard on Indy at the begining, but she had a character arc and their last exchange during that battle was moving and poignant. Plus, she is totally believable in this kind of role and that makes me happy about her writing Lara Croft.

The weakest part was the pacing and the duration, but I didn't mind much as I was spending time with my most favorite movie hero ever...

Lastly, the amount of hate is startling and it does not come from the film itself. It's a weird combination of anti-Disney, anti-feminism, anti- Kathleen Kennedy (some videos on YouTube almost incite violence against her) from disappointed man babies who lashed out, maybe carrying over their frustration over the Star Wars sequel situation. It's impossible for me to comprehend how they can be so hateful, so I think we should approach it from a political/sociological perspective.

The movie will flop/lose a lot of money and I'm ok with it because I don't want to see anyone else as Indiana Jones.

Edited by Xavier
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A great and enjoyable thrill ride that is bit overlong and has to force some things due to mistakes of previous films. Random thoughts:

-LOVED the opening bits of prime Indiana Jones against Nazis under attack. I know it will be controversial but if technology allows actors/characters to stay in their primes forever... damn Is it cool to see it when it works. I mean if we could get big-budgets CONNERY BOND again!   I thought this was shockingly well done, the only obvious CGI was Indiana running on top of the train  

-Wallers-Bridge does her best impression of 'Anne Hathaway's Selina Kyle' and is quite good. It must be a sign of the times where seemingly every major film is connected to other films resulting in relationships such as Helena and Indiana in this film feeling forced, but that is what it is. Same thing with Top Gun last year where Cruise and Connelly feel under developed. It's funny to think how these type of 'one fil/2-3 scene relationship establishers' used to be so common and accepted but today that makes them feel rushed and underdeveloped. But it is what it is. Why would she care at all about Indiana Jones when he hasn't been a part of his life for 25 years?

-Yes, it is mostly his face, but Mads Mickelson is just born to play a villain. 

-The 2nd act of the film is bizarrely both action packed and yet really drags. Just 1 too many set pieces here. We get NYC action set piece > Morocco set pieces > ocean set piece > Sicily set piece...one of them definitely could been eliminated, even though it was cool to see Antonio Banderas on the high screen again. 

-The last film really put them in a tough spot. But I always HATE when FILM A starts with PREMISE 1 and then ends with character on good terms, and then FILM B wants to use PREMISE 1 again so those good terms must be undone off screen. So after reconciling with his son and wife in CRYSTAL SKULL,


'family man Indiana' had his son killed and wife abandon him after Crystal Skull so he could...reconcile with his 'god daughter' and wife in the film?

This type of redundancy is bad. 

-The usual plot conveniences are especially obvious here....


the 12 year old can fit a plane?!?



Of all of the things they could have done with time travel, they go back to random fight in Sicily?

IDK, I thought that aspect of the plot could have been intro'd sooner and better. 

That said, overall really liked this film. Mangold did a great job. This is the film that we should have received in 2008, except without needing to explain a dead son and with Marion handled more appropriately. 

Rock solid B+

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19 hours ago, dudalb said:

Myabe, the the failure of Mutt was as much an writing issue as an issue with Shia. He was a badly written charecter.

This is  a problem Ihave with many people here. when a charecter fails, they blame the actor but often what the writer off the hook when the writer might be more to blame then the actor.  Jesse Eisenberg took a lot of heat for Lex Luthor in BvS. I did not care for  Lex in BvS at all, but I blame the writers  and Snyder more then Jesse. He just gave Snyder what Snyder wanted for Lex.

Best thing to do with a failed charecter in a franchise is minimize him (The Jar Jar solution;you know Lucas inteded Jar Jar to be a major charecter in the prequels, but had the sense to realize Jar Jar was not liked, and made him into a  bit player)  or write him off completly.

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Thought I think the way they dealt with Mutt, killing him offscreen in VIetnam, was a bit  cliched and trite.



No doubt. The inverse is true too. Many iconic performances had the benefit of FANTASTIC writing that is often overlooked 



What is lame intros instant is how forced the entire exchange between helena and indy is. Indy clearly just says what happened so the audience knows, not because he is so close with Helens (he hasn't seen here since she was 12). Its supposed to be a connection scene but it just feels way out of left field.


I am glad they made thIS because it is much better end note than CRYSTAL SKULL but everything with Shia LaBuff notes the tough spot this film was put in. 

Edited by excel1
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21 hours ago, KC7 said:


It's because of what he's heard, whatever that is. He's said multiple times he hasn't seen the movie and refuses to (or let his family see it) because of the trailer and the reports he's heard about mean old Phoebe Waller-Bridge being disrespectful to Indiana Jones and making him look weak.


Several of the people bashing the movie in this thread have been proudly proclaiming they haven't seen it and are going by trailers and what they've heard. It's strange they ever liked Indiana Jones in the first place, or maybe they hated Marion all along, because Helena is very much in the same vein of the tough, independent 1930s movie dame that inspired Marion. Marion, of course, was introduced in Raiders drinking men under the table and punching Indy in the face. Helena punches Indy in the face--not even out of anger, but desperation--and it's a crime against humanity.

That may very well be true but probably context matters a lot for some people. At the end of the day, it is quite different if a young man is punched in the face or an 80-year-old...

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3 hours ago, excel1 said:

Enjoyable but prolonged and redundant film, could have lost one of there middle set pieces 

For once we agree.

Also a couple of other major flaws...


Helena's 180 degree turn from the Dark Side to the Light Side was not really set up very well,


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1 hour ago, TEE said:

That may very well be true but probably context matters a lot for some people. At the end of the day, it is quite different if a young man is punched in the face or an 80-year-old...

Ford is 80, but Indy the charecter is a bit younger.

Point is somebody was  trying to make some political point about a movie that he has not even seen. Why should I pay any attention to him?

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1 hour ago, Bob Train said:

Vieweranon should not be taken seriously anymore, between this and Flash


eh he gave flash a 7/10 which lines up with pretty much every other metric aside from the only one that matters (box office)

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I can’t vouch for Indiana Jones VFX but having just rewatched Captain Marvel and the first two episodes of Secret Invasion, I gotta say I’m still astonished how they pulled it off young Nick Fury. It’s literally younger than Pulp Fiction’s Sam L. Jackson and it looks flawless, truly impressed with those, not so much with Mandalorian’s Luke though. I could literally use a whole film with deaged Nick Fury and if it’s as good as it looks on those, I would only be able to tell that wasn’t actual young Sam L. Jackson because I know how the tech works, that was the most impressed I was with deaging VFX so far.

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1 hour ago, ZattMurdock said:


I can’t vouch for Indiana Jones VFX but having just rewatched Captain Marvel and the first two episodes of Secret Invasion, I gotta say I’m still astonished how they pulled it off young Nick Fury. It’s literally younger than Pulp Fiction’s Sam L. Jackson and it looks flawless, truly impressed with those, not so much with Mandalorian’s Luke though. I could literally use a whole film with deaged Nick Fury and if it’s as good as it looks on those, I would only be able to tell that wasn’t actual young Sam L. Jackson because I know how the tech works, that was the most impressed I was with deaging VFX so far.

I thought the de-aging work in Dial was some of the best I’ve ever seen. Did not notice it at all.

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ending the movie  




with PWB punching Indy and then heading into the rushed denouement


was a terrible mistake. The movie would be a lot better received I think if they hadn't shit the bed with the ending

Edited by John Marston
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