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Weekend Estimates (Muppets $29.5M)

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No,no,np,NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why, why this movie won`t die? Any hope mainstream public totlaly ignore it? Please, stike a stake into this boring shit already. ADM has done great. :angry:

Sony Pictures Classics' "A Dangerous Method" opened on four screens. After taking in $59,690 on Wednesday and Thursday, the film took in another $181,852 over the weekend. That resulted in a potent $45,463 average over the 3-day weekend and a $240,944 total since opening Wednesday.The film, which stars Michael Fassbender as Jung and Viggo Mortensen as Freud, topped the $36,472 Cronenberg's "Eastern Promises" averaged in its 2007 debut (though, mind you, that was on 15 screens) and the $36,856 "A History of Violence" averaged in 2005 (on 14 screens). Those films ended up with $17.2 million and $31.5 million final grosses, respectively. For "A Dangerous Method" to approach either of those final grosses would clearly make Sony Classics very happy.

http://www.indiewire.com/article/holiday-box-office-update-marilyn-makes-her-debut-descendents-continues-to-shineThsi isn`t right. This totlaly 100% isn`t right.
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We can effectively say that BD1 has lost all chances for $295m, let alone $300m. I'm really happy for The Descendants, though, it's an incredible film on every level. How is that number for My Week With Marilyn? I think it's decent enough...besides, my Emma is in it!

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I am too, but my expectations were purely fueled by my own hype for the movie. 42m means that it got its budget back in five days. It's also more tickets than Muppets in Space sold in its entire run (thank god).

Exactly. :lol:Legs should be strong as well with those reviews and the 'A' Cinemascore, plus the holiday legs of course. It does make me think even more conservatively for Tintin though, given the CG animation genre's stumbles this year. To be honest, looking at the numbers this weekend, I'm rather nervous about lies ahead in December. Holmes 2 and MI4 need to do well, but even they can't carry the month by themselves.
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Lol at Happy Feet 2

No. They laid off 600 workers in Australia because this thing flopped. And those people were not responsible for flopping because they worked on animation and animation was never a problem here. Producer who greenlit this shit, scribe to wrote the shitty script aare people whose head should have rolled, not those guys.
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You take this way too seriously

I don`t want AD fucks to win and I don`t want histrionics to get nominated again. KK should win for jumping under the train next year which would make her the second Star Wars actress who won Best Actress. Edited by fishnets
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I don`t want AD fucks to win and I don`t want histrionics to get nominated again. KK should win for jumping under the train next year which would make her the second Star Wars actress who won Best Actress.

I think the likelihood of Keira Knightley being nominated for an award for this is almost non-existent. Decent box office or no.
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