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Gravity (2013)  

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Oh I generally agree. On the one part that bumped me, I think Brin's suggestion (have the ISS rotating slightly so centripetal force is slinging them away) is actually a really good one, and wouldn't have changed anything. It's more of a visual change than anything else.

I thought she was moving in an arc when she grabbed him(she was swinging after getting stopped by the parachute lines). Considering that she was literally hanging on by a string, I figured they would have to be moving and centrifugal force was involved. Otherwise the scene just doesn't make sense.

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It's a good film with stunning visuals, but to be honest it's overhyped and what little emotion it had I found to be contrived.Good, not great, and nowhere near a masterpiece.Boom.


I just think you need to invest in a bed without a wrong side. :P

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I think people who see it post-OW are more likely to have the "overhyped" reaction. As with everything. I remember friends saying The Ring "wasn't even scary" when they saw it a month after everyone else. LOL, sure.


Yeah, that might be true. The Conjuring wasn't scary at all for me. I remember even laughing a few times.

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I have officially seen this three times. I rarely see a film that many times in theaters. If they re-release it around Oscar time, I might even see it a fourth time, to get that experience again on the big screen. The special effects in this film are incredible. 

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"Either way it will be one hell of a ride."I saw Gravity last Friday in IMAX 3D and was so blown away by it, that it took me 30 minutes to come back down to Earth after watching it. I waited to post a review until after the second time I saw it which was today also in IMAX. This movie is what the opening podcast scene in Avatar promised so many years ago before it turned into a CGI videogame.Originally, I knew the hype was huge going in, so I expected something that lived up to it but walked out even more stunned. This is easily the most immersive movie I have ever seen and I can't count the amount of times that I wondered how they pulled a particular effect off. The cinematography and audio is fucking incredible. Growing up in Florida I'm used to motion simulators and the only thing missing in this compared to those is the seats don't move with the camera. Beyond that, this truly is a 90 minute ride when it wants to be and you better strap in especially if you are prone to motion sickness. I have no idea how anyone could have found it boring. You really feel like you are in space because of how flawless the camera moves from first person view and back throughout the film as you glide with it.It's the little things that also make the visuals so impressive. In every scene in space there is always something floating or happening to make it feel like you are right there even when there's not much going on. The camera goes out of focus at certain moments and you feel Ryans hopelessness staring through her helmet. Early in the movie there's audio in the movie coming from Houston that could sound like someones talking on their cell phone in the distance but it's really coming from the speaker. They way voices alternate between speakers and change in loudness is a trick pulled right from Disney, Universal and I've never seen anything like it in an actual movie.The main visual scenes have been raved about already so I have nothing else to say other then I completely agree. The visuals tell a story. The constant ropes flailing are a work of art and a beauty to behold. It's almost like they are there own characters. The scene where Ryan glides through the russian space station after the fetal position is a breathtaking rush. I loved how the camera goes away from her view and focuses on other things as she passes. And of course the second time the debree hits. That is the first time in a 3D movie that I was closing my eyes when something was flying from the screen. Not once did the CGI ever look unconvincing or like a video game throughout the entire thing.I've seen people complain about the story but I like how simple it was. It was a survival tale about a women who learns to live again after the death of her child. Sandra Bullock really nailed the role. If you were up there all alone, talking to yourself would totally make sense. As would singing to keep focus when a huge cloud of debree could take your life at any moment. And the barking scene that so many people on IMDB complained about was really powerful. She actually breaks down immediately after she does that before a baby is even heard. I saw many post she started crying because of hearing that. When she hears the baby she decides she wants to die and be with her daughter until the brilliant subconcious scene.Overall I loved it. Worth every penny on both IMAX tickets and I'm not sure when something else will come around again like it. I think that when someone buys a ticket to Gravity that the attendant shouldn't say enjoy the show, but rather enjoy the ride. I would highly recommend this to anyone and am stoked to see the box office reception it is getting.A

Edited by somebody85
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A perfectly made movie tbh. I felt so anxious during so much of the movie that I thought my heart would beat right out of my body. I was thinking about giving the movie an A because there were quite a few moments when I wanted to reach into the screen and shake Ryan. However it retrospect that was just because of how immersed I was in the movie. I was up there with her and there are so few movies that can draw you in completely. Amazing visuals, amazing EVERYTHING. Imax 3D was made for movies like this. Oscar season is well and truly open.


But let me say that Hollywood should never play with my Clooney feels. For half a second I actually believed he had survived. Damn it all to hell.

Edited by glassfairy
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fucken hell, what is it with you and audiences? her acceptance of death was the best part of the film.


Eh, after seeing it twice, it does kind of feel like the film screeches to a halt at that point. I know why it's in there and that her internal struggles couldn't be resolved without it, but I still wish Cuaron could've found a way to address it that didn't interrupt the pacing of the film (and force in a rather cheesy beyond-the-grave appearance by Clooney's character). 


But aside from that, it is a very entertaining film that deserves all of the praise it's getting. I'll give it an A- bordering on an A.

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In the end, outside of some gorgeous camera shots this film just isn't very memorable. Bullock's story arc meant nothing to me, and the child death just came across as a plot device to make you care when you otherwise wouldn't have.IMO.

Edited by mattmav45
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The kid died because of gravity (she fell). Sandra lives because she gets back into the gravity of Earth's atmosphere, instead of drifting off into space. Does it succeed? But the screenplay was going for something there. Considering that the studio was suggesting to Cuaron that Sandra have a love interest at Mission Control and a missile strike and for there to be flashbacks and a ticking clock with the rescue mission and showing the helicopter retrieving her... Well, maybe some people would've found that more exciting than just a two-character film. Though I do wonder just how many of them are the same people who complained that Castaway got boring once Tom Hanks was away from the island and thought he had more chemistry with Wilson than Helen Hunt.

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 Considering that the studio was suggesting to Cuaron that Sandra have a love interest at Mission Control and a missile strike and for there to be flashbacks and a ticking clock with the rescue mission and showing the helicopter retrieving her... Well, maybe some people would've found that more exciting than just a two-character film. Though I do wonder just how many of them are the same people who complained that Castaway got boring once Tom Hanks was away from the island and thought he had more chemistry with Wilson than Helen Hunt.

Wait, what? Haven't seen Gravity yet, but I'm pretty sure (I know myself) I will like that two character story without additional 'stuff' studio wanted, but I also complain that Cast Away became a little boring after he gets away, and yes - chemistry with Wilson was great, with Helen - not so much.

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My Review

Thousands of miles above the Earth's surface, adrift through orbit, "Gravity" feeds on the oft' unthought of fear of the vast dangers of space. With many movies you'll see a trailer or hype that a film can't live up to, that's the exact opposite of this space epic. Not only does this film steal your breath in jaw-dropping visuals and suspenseful it captivates you to completely emotionally cheer on this woman you have barely known, and dwells subtly (but with complete focus and clarity) on *MINOR THEMATIC SPOILER* the theme of rebirth, starting anew. *MINOR THEMATIC SPOILER ENDED* 

The direction in this film is absolutely outstanding, and you can see it with every single shot, with a screenplay that ties everything together with complete and utter detail (there is only one small segment which I thought was realistically questionable, although I'll need a second viewing to make a final judgement), it sucks you into orbit within the first 30 seconds of the movie and it doesn't let you go until the credits roll out. You can tell everything within the film was finely crafted with Cuaron's subtle touch, even the way sound is shown through the movie creates a powerful, realistic style. I'm not going to dwell to far into anything because I don't want to spoil anything but let me just say that it is breathtaking shot, after breathtaking shot, after breathtaking shot, it is impeccably beautiful. 

There were only two actual performances in the movie (Bullock and Clooney), but by golly are they great. Clooney provides great support throughout various points of the movie while Bullock firmly carries her weight throughout, she fully captivates her character and ultimately helps to elevate the theme Cuaron is portraying with the film. While, I cannot say if Bullock has the Oscar or not yet, I can definitely confirm that she will be nominated for this (and I can also pretty much guarantee nominations for Best Picture, Director, Cinematography, Visual Effects, Original Score, Screenplay, and other various awards as well). 

Speaking of original score, Steven Price does a phenomenal job at the musical score for this film. The soundtrack comes in at all the right moments, he plays the silence at all the right moments, and the compositions are probably the most memorable work I have heard this year, with fantastic range. Steven Price is definitely a composer to look out for. 

Overall, despite the fact that I really want to talk about a lot of the shots and gravity behind them, I won't (for this review at least) for the mere fact that it is a review and the average person has not seen it yet. Creating an ingenious depiction of collapsing and returning to your feet through rebirth, Gravity is the must-see movie of the year where everything balances out perfectly. 10/10

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Oh. My. Goodness.This is what cinema is all about nowadays. The ability to capture the audiences attention from start to finish, with a story that leaves you on the edge of your seat, gripping the arm rest the entire time thanks to the uncertainty of what could happen next. All of this combined with absolutely stunning CGI & 3D, which had everyone talking after the movie, and certainly could only do wonders for the bad wrap 3D gets.The last 5-10 minutes are simply amazing, and that is the only way I can describe it.Best movie I have seen in a long, long time.10.0/10.0

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In the end, outside of some gorgeous camera shots this film just isn't very memorable. Bullock's story arc meant nothing to me, and the child death just came across as a plot device to make you care when you otherwise wouldn't have.IMO.


I have a companion ! 


we're 2 man crowd now  :D

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