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Weekend Estimates: Gravity - 55.5M; CWACM - $21.5M ;RR - 7.6M;

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Clooney spirit guide telling her about the landing rocket.

That just felt very contrived and written out of convenience. Not enough of a quibble to prevent enjoyment of the movie, but it just felt weird since it is pretty clear that 

it is either a dream, or she is in heaven since her character survived explosive decompression.


Oh. See, I took that as

her subconscious talking to her. Low oxygen levels make people loopy, so (in retrospect) her hallucination wasn't surprising... as it was information she should/would already know.

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I wouldn't be too excited just now. It might end up like Prisoners. A great Drama/Thriller that's going to drop normally.


I'll just say this. Ask anyone (here or elsewhere) who's seen it (1) they plan to see it again and (2) if they're going to recommend to friends that they *have* to see it in theaters. I think the vast majority will answer "yes" to both.

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I wouldn't be too excited just now. It might end up like Prisoners. A great Drama/Thriller that's going to drop normally.


Not sure how you can compare. Prisoners was great but it's a film about child abduction and it intentionally robs the audience of an emotional catharsis in the end. That combination is the reason for its relatively mediocre legs. 

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Wait for Saturday numbers at least before talking about $300 million. I think the hype will make this movie frontloaded and this will end up doing much better in bigger markets,

I'm not seeing a lot of hype for this movie, other than incredible reviews.

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when a movie is good, shorter runtime = more screening = bigger box office

when a movie is bad, longer runtime = less screening = smaller box office


So not a joke


Checks the biggest DOM all time... Avatar was 2H 40M.

Checks biggest opening of all time... The avengers was 2H 22M.


I don't think that the runtime is the problem.

Edited by Tower
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