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Cars 3 | 6.16.2017 | Trailer Page 14

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On 10/3/2016 at 1:49 AM, Exxdee said:

Imdb says it's still in development. Scripting probably. Should be in pre-production I think. I think it's moving World War Z 2 seems similar

You can't rely on imdb for that info. If they haven't started animation by this point, it's not coming out in June.

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1 minute ago, tribefan695 said:

They don't update instantly when a production status changes, but if they say a movie's in production, it probably is in production (or was at one time, at least)


There are toys to sell.


This is coming out in June.  Seriously they could shit out a movie and it'd be better than Cars 2 so who cares.

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43 minutes ago, tribefan695 said:


Why the heck am I now looking forward to this? I know deep in my heart this is going to be at best something forgettably passable and is going to reignite cynicism towards Pixar in force, but dammit, I can't resist their visuals


Yeah, why the heck are you looking forward to this? What's so special about Pixar visuals, anyways?

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I just hope its story is worthy of being told...you never know. Seems to be more like the first film which is a relief. None of the stupid spy shit and international racing. I'm not excited (yet) but instead curious. 

Edited by Arlo245
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23 minutes ago, tribefan695 said:

I don't know, it's something that I'd probably need a degree in digital arts to be able to articulate

In any case, hate away on the bullshit sounding story. Only Lasseter knows why so much talent is devoted to something so wrong headed as this franchise


Well, sometimes talent's got to do what it's got to do.

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10 hours ago, tribefan695 said:

Mater's back to a side character too, which is good.

I think this could be considered a win for Pixar if it gets a reception close to the first's. They'll very likely start marketing Coco soon after and this could be seen as a decent appetizer



Who is the main character? I do not want Lightning to be main charcater either, he is not even now likable and his charcater arch is over.

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11 hours ago, cannastop said:

Yeah, why the heck are you looking forward to this? What's so special about Pixar visuals, anyways?


Pixar movies have some of the most beautiful visuals if not the most beautiful among computer animated movies. CARS II looks way better than almost all non-Pixar computer animated movies.

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On 10/10/2016 at 11:55 PM, tribefan695 said:

They don't update instantly when a production status changes, but if they say a movie's in production, it probably is in production (or was at one time, at least)


I'm glad you said that. If I were to ever purchase a imdb subscription it would be for the production status changes. I always like to know when a film actually starts filming. I'll continue to just rely on wikipedia now that I know imdb's data isn't always accurate and up to date. 

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I have never taken the Cars flicks seriously as they were doomed from the very start. Even during the production of the first flick it got naysayers.


I know the appeal for the small boys and toddlers. Lasseter still has the spirit of a toddler and the talent to keep it. He had been able to catch that during the production of the first film. I understand why they keep making these films, too bad these films have the Pixar-brand.

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