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Weekend Numbers Oct 18-21

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aww nooo Chloe :(


but yay Cucumber is bombing :bop:


lol what a weekend he's in 2 films

Hopefully 21YaS ia doing OK tho 


snowing outside & there was a thunderstorm earlier

clear sign that Thor is coming! :lol:

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Lionsgate/Summit’s been there and done that Escape Plan (opening in 2,883 theaters) pairs Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the kind of film their fans used to flock to. Um, those fans have vanished now that both action heroes are more likely to break a hip than open a movie.



Oh Nikki we've missed your biting wit.   :rofl:  :rofl:

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I love how Nikki tells us that Carrie was a completely unnecessary remake. Like Nikki knows which remakes are a good idea and which ones arent. She also knows which ones are necessary of course after they come out of course. If Carrie had opened to 30 mill shed probably be telling us how bold and smart MGM was for making the film.

Edited by Halloweenbaumer
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Carrie was OK, but you're basically just getting the DePalma movie without his visual flair.


I don't think Chloe Moretz is box-office poison yet, but she obviously does not resonate with teenage girls.  And from what I've heard from someone who knows her, she desperately wants to be a big star.  She should drop her wanna-be-a-star-himself brother/manager, imo.  He's a real oddball, and has been a bad influence and turned someone who used to be a nice, pretty normal kid, into a self-important, snobby brat.


She's a good actress and Hollywood really likes her, but how long can she get big roles if the films flop?

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Carrie was OK, but you're basically just getting the DePalma movie without his visual flair.


I don't think Chloe Moretz is box-office poison yet, but she obviously does not resonate with teenage girls.  And from what I've heard from someone who knows her, she desperately wants to be a big star.  She should drop her wanna-be-a-star-himself brother/manager, imo.  He's a real oddball, and has been a bad influence and turned someone who used to be a nice, pretty normal kid, into a self-important, snobby brat.


She's a good actress and Hollywood really likes her, but how long can she get big roles if the films flop?


Just out of curiosity, can u name the last actor or actress that was a box office draw at the age of 15?

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I don't think Hollywood is looking for Chloe to be a draw, they are just looking to get an actress to fill the roles that need to be filled for people her age group.

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