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Most Overrated Movies of 2014

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I think box office wise Interstellar is getting WAY overhyped by some people, I personally think 250m is a good target for it to aim for, yet I am seeing lots of 300m+ predictions (they aren't going to happen).


For overpraised?  I have no idea what will be overpraised.

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Seriously, some people think it can make more than 300 million domestic.

Lol I rem when alot of folks thought Transformers couldnt reach that margin either Fancy.

Godzilla is even well known more than Transformers..It could definitely happen..


Has to have a killer in visuals and quality and keep the impressive marketing up.

By the way Godzilla has over 20,000, 000 views from all the trailers...Thats more than some of the films

that have made 300mil (wink)

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Lol I rem when alot of folks thought Transformers couldnt reach that margin either Fancy.

Godzilla is even well known more than Transformers..It could definitely happen..


Has to have a killer in visuals and quality and keep the impressive marketing up.

By the way Godzilla has over 20,000, 000 views from all the trailers...Thats more than some of the films

that have made 300mil (wink)


Godzilla may be well known (enough to get two "American" cartoons made based off him), but these days he seems to have a broad audience in the U.S. (specifically geeks).


I'm not saying there isn't potential, I'm just saying some people are kinda overblowing the potential.


BTW I'm a huge Godzilla / Kaiju fan.

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I think box office wise Interstellar is getting WAY overhyped by some people, I personally think 250m is a good target for it to aim for, yet I am seeing lots of 300m+ predictions (they aren't going to happen).


For overpraised?  I have no idea what will be overpraised.


How can you say it's not going to happen when Inception had a harder to sell concept and would have hit the mark with todays ticket prices?? Not to forget that Nolan's a bigger draw now than he was 3 years ago. Im not saying it will happen, but to rule out the possibility is just dumb.

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How can you say it's not going to happen when Inception had a harder to sell concept and would have hit the mark with todays ticket prices?? Not to forget that Nolan's a bigger draw now than he was 3 years ago. Im not saying it will happen, but to rule out the possibility is just dumb.



Panda and I know about the script.  I think it will be overhyped too BUT I'm not going to rule out the possibility.

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