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Most Overrated Movies of 2014

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Sometimes the truth hurts


No it just proves my original point that the highest grossing movies of the year will always be deemed as the most 'overrated' lol


It earned that much for one simple reason, it was immensely enjoyable. If it earned just 100m, everyone would be calling it the most underrated movie of the year lol.

Edited by jessie
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No it just proves my original point that the highest grossing movies of the year will always be deemed as the most 'overrated' lol


It earned that much for one simple reason, it was immensely enjoyable. If it earned just 100m, everyone would be calling it the most underrated movie of the year lol.


No - I call Frozen, Avengers and GotG overrated because I actually believe they are not that great. All three of them. Couldn't care less for their BO numbers.

Edited by ShouldIBeHere
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No it just proves my original point that the highest grossing movies of the year will always be deemed as the most 'overrated' lol


It earned that much for one simple reason, it was immensely enjoyable. If it earned just 100m, everyone would be calling it the most underrated movie of the year lol.

I disagree. The reason The Avengers gets criticized for being "overrated," isn't its gross, but because of its high RT score (over 90%) and high IMDB score (8.2/10, #188 on Top 250 list) that people feel it doesn't deserve. The Box Office has little to do with it. Transformers 2, 3, and 4 all made like over $1B. A lot of people dislike those films, but few would call them overrated. That's because the reception for those films isn't that good (at least not on places like RT and IMDB).

Also, the very definition of a film that's overrated is one that most of the public deemed immensely enjoyable, but that you don't. So if The Avengers made its money only because it was immensely enjoyable, but you don't like it, then it makes sense to call it overrated.


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I disagree. The reason The Avengers gets criticized for being "overrated," isn't its gross, but because of its high RT score (over 90%) and high IMDB score (8.2/10, #188 on Top 250 list) that people feel it doesn't deserve. The Box Office has little to do with it. Transformers 2, 3, and 4 all made like over $1B. A lot of people dislike those films, but few would call them overrated. That's because the reception for those films isn't that good (at least not on places like RT and IMDB).

Also, the very definition of a film that's overrated is one that most of the public deemed immensely enjoyable, but that you don't. So if The Avengers made its money only because it was immensely enjoyable, but you don't like it, then it makes sense to call it overrated.

Transformers isn't a great example because a lot of people on this forum are naive to think they are actually disliked because the internet says so. Transformers 1 was deemed overrated after its release despite its rotten score.

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Transformers isn't a great example because a lot of people on this forum are naive to think they are actually disliked because the internet says so. Transformers 1 was deemed overrated after its release despite its rotten score.

The reason for that was TF1 was actually well liked by audiences (I myself like the film, although I haven't seen it in years). It is tough to tell why TF2, TF3, and TF4 made so much money when the reactions have been so negative online. Of course, it could be that people actually find them good. But a lot of people, including myself, would argue that those films make audiences feel safe. No matter how bad you are, they always give you what you expect: big action and spectacle; therefore, people watch them more.

But it's besides the point. TF2, TF3, and TF4 are still not considered overrated by anyone on the internet, because based on the metrics that we can use to judge reception (RT + IMDB) those films were not well received.


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But a lot of people, including myself, would argue that those films make audiences feel safe. No matter how bad you are, they always give you what you expect: big action and spectacle; therefore, people watch them more.

I don't like the Transformers movies either, but I don't know if it's THAT simple. Battleship was basically a Transformers/Bay clone, and yet it flopped. So there must be something people liked about the Transformers movies specifically, even if we don't like them.

And I have said before that there has to be a sizable portion of the moviegoing public who showed up for the braindead Transformers movies and enjoyed them, and yet also showed up for the much more intelligent and "challenging" Dark Knight and enjoyed that just as much.

But this isn't a Transformers thread. The original point, Avengers' high RT/IMDB scores, I can't comment on. I do agree that there is too much IMDB 10-bombing when a film comes out that captures the Internet-cultural zeitgeist (just as there is 1-bombing of whatever current target of scorn from those same people - remember when Disaster Movie was the lowest-rated movie on the site?) But I don't use IMDB scores as a gauge of quality or even of mainstream public opinion, just of what IMDB users think are the best films.

Edited by TServo2049
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