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Jack Nevada

2014 Academy Awards: The Official Thread (ALL NOMINEES IN THE FIRST POST)

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Id have to put Jack on ignore now b/c of 2 time Oscar nominee on his icon   :wacko:  :P


AiL only 1 nom yeah I saw that coming 

& no prod design or costumes 4 dos




Score & Song noms are great on the other hand  :wub:

Edited by Tauriel
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You know, I never even hated Movieman at his worst as much as I fucking loathe The Futurist. I hate him with every atom of my being. The Futurist is the equivalent of a painful zit inside my asshole.

Edited by Jack Nevada
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You know, I never even hated Movieman at his worst as much as I fucking loathe The Futurist. I hate him with every atom of my being. The Futurist is the equivalent of a painful zit inside my asshole.

Don't necessarily agree, but I'm now getting filthy looks from my class for laughing out loud. Cheers Jack <_<

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I guess American Hustle is really good.

It's not, but it's safe and easy and accessible to Academy voters who think 12 Years a Slave is too 'violent' and Llewyn Davis is too 'unlikable', I mean, I understood the love for SLP, but this? Really?
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The hate for Hustle disturbs me. Philomena... dat Weinstein. I should have seen it coming.


When you have up to 10 BP nominations, films like Philomena will get through.


That said, it's perfectly good for what it is. It's not nearly as fluffy/baity as the marketing suggests.

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unless 12YAS wins best pic i will just pretend this movie year didnt exist 


i would be the happiest person on earth among fellow leo fans and non fans who think he's been long overdue for an oscar but i've also been burned on that subject so not going there !


i really have to see 12YAS so i can make up my mind for good !


i'd even be ok if GRAVITY won because most films listed are a gazillion times better than AH in all categories without even sweating it


i'd love for meryl to win again but ehh i'm ok with whoever wins , i have yet to see blue jasmine (might watch it tonight)


cannot believe the love for AH are they smoking some mushrooms?


anyhoo guess we'll see 

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JLaw is going to face a lot of backlash. It is inevitable. This time last year she was the most under-rated actress in Hollywood. If she wins again this year the general consensus will be that she is the most over-rated now.

She is not Kristen Stewart considering the raves and I mean rave reviews particularly about her in Catching Fire as YA movie whereas Kristen was bland in Twilight based on the reviews by critics, even if it made so much money.  Even recently Kristen Stewart admitted she is scared (involve acting) in the new upcoming movie based on 1984 by George Orwell.  Ironically, Jennifer Lawrence was approached first but turned it down because she didn't feel she should be in the movie.  Jennifer has shown versatility whether its action or dark movie.  Winter's Bone, Silver Linings Playbook, Poker House which when she was 16 had to be acted as a raped victim by a pimp, Like Crazy, Burning Plains, Hunger Games, etc.


And I haven't included tv shows she was involved in.

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You know, I never even hated Movieman at his worst as much as I fucking loathe The Futurist. I hate him with every atom of my being. The Futurist is the equivalent of a painful zit inside my asshole.

C'mon man. You can't let people like that get to you. You ought to just laugh it off.

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Winter's Bone... remember seeing that in theaters in February 2011 when it opened here and thinking "This girl has a future". I couldn't imagine what was going to happen.

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They threw in the 5-10 best picture nominees thing for some suspense about the number but it's been nine fucking movies for three years in a row and if they keep the rule I'm sure it'll be nine next year. Fuck, just make that the official number already.

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I liked American Hustle.  

I liked Philomena

I liked 12YAS


I just don't see why they are being mentioned as the best films of the year.  12YAS, fine, I understand why it's there, but Hustle?  WTF.  I don't get it.


So if 12YAS wins best picture, will Pitt finally get his first Oscar?

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FRom AW, OScar trivia :


Meryl Streep continues being the most nominated thespian in history topping her own record with scoring her 17th nomination.
-for the first time since 1994 all nominees in Best Actress have been nominated before.
-all in all 12 out of the 20 acting nominees are previous nominees.
-7 out of the 20 acting nominees are previous winners.
-so far the five best actress nominees have six oscars between them, just the same number as the five supporting actor nominees of last year.
-Martin Scorsese is now number three of directors being responsible for the most nominated performances (22). Woody Allen climbs to number six (18).
-David O. Russell becomes the first director who has two films nominated in all acting categories.
-Jennifer Lawrence is the youngest actress to score three nominations surpassing the record of Kate Winslet.
-Jonah Hill becomes the youngest actor to score two academy award nominations in supporting actor closely surpassing the record of Sal Mineo.


- Alfonso Cuarón has now been nominated in five different categories (BP, BD, Original, Adapted, Editing), tying with people like Kubrick, John Huston, Kenneth Brannagh and the Coens. The record is six for Walt Disney (one defunct category, though) and Billy Wilder (two defunct categories). John Williams also has five, three of them defunct-ish.

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