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2014 Best Picture Prediction thread!

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Birdman, it should get at least 8 (BP, BD, Screenplay, 3 acting noms, Cinematography, Editing). Can't see Selma or The Imitation Game match that. 

doesnt mean birdman > boyhood, selma.

selma, boyhood are better movies.

Edited by Halba
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nominations will be - in order of contention


1. boyhood

2. selma*

3. birdman

4. the imitation game

5. grand budapest hotel

6. the theory of everything

7. whiplash

8. foxcatcher

9. gone girl

10. nightcrawler


alternates: mr turner, a most violent year


i am picking * = selma to win.

Edited by Halba
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nominations will be - in order of contention


1. boyhood

2. selma*

3. birdman

4. the imitation game

5. grand budapest hotel

6. the theory of everything

7. whiplash

8. foxcatcher

9. gone girl

10. nightcrawler


alternates: mr turner, a most violent year


i am picking * = selma to win.

Sorry, I don't see Into the Woods missing. Meryl Streep will assure a BP nod :P  It'll get in over Foxcatcher or Nightcrawler, I think. 

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After the big 8, there seems to be lots of things working against any other movie getting a BP nom. Foxcatcher has lost too much steam and I think too many people are finding it forgettable. Unbroken has the Globes snubs+poor reviews and given its director it needed much stronger ones to have a chance. Into the Woods is a Disney Rob Marshall musical so 3 strikes its out (yeah I know Marshall won big a decade or so ago but they haven't wanted to touch him with a ten foot pole ever since). A Most Violent Year and Inherent Vice are likely only getting 1 other nom, if even that, so a Picture nom would be odd. American Sniper hasn't gotten much of any awards attention and it's not very likely to get any noms so a BP nom would be even odder. Nightcrawler is too unusual for them and too much of an indie dark horse, especially since they already have that spot filled with Whiplash. Wild probably has the best shot since it could get 2 acting noms and a screenplay one and it's coming off a director with big awards momentum from last year, but BP still seems like a stretch for it. So yeah, sticking with just 8 this year. Maybe only 7 if Gone Girl does keep losing its momentum.

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After the big 8, there seems to be lots of things working against any other movie getting a BP nom. Foxcatcher has lost too much steam and I think too many people are finding it forgettable. Unbroken has the Globes snubs+poor reviews and given its director it needed much stronger ones to have a chance. Into the Woods is a Disney Rob Marshall musical so 3 strikes its out (yeah I know Marshall won big a decade or so ago but they haven't wanted to touch him with a ten foot pole ever since). A Most Violent Year and Inherent Vice are likely only getting 1 other nom, if even that, so a Picture nom would be odd. American Sniper hasn't gotten much of any awards attention and it's not very likely to get any noms so a BP nom would be even odder. Nightcrawler is too unusual for them and too much of an indie dark horse, especially since they already have that spot filled with Whiplash. Wild probably has the best shot since it could get 2 acting noms and a screenplay one and it's coming off a director with big awards momentum from last year, but BP still seems like a stretch for it. So yeah, sticking with just 8 this year. Maybe only 7 if Gone Girl does keep losing its momentum.

I don't see just 8. Since there isn't really a BP frontrunner yet (some say Boyhood, some say Birdman, some say Selma, some say Imitation Game) - I could see 9-10 films getting 5-10% of the first-place votes. 7 definitely not, since there's nothing in 2014 that's truly dominant with the awards.

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I don't see just 8. Since there isn't really a BP frontrunner yet (some say Boyhood, some say Birdman, some say Selma, some say Imitation Game) - I could see 9-10 films getting 5-10% of the first-place votes. 7 definitely not, since there's nothing in 2014 that's truly dominant with the awards.


That's why we could see a few surprising omissions / inclusions


I'm still waiting for PGA and DGA

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That's why we could see a few surprising omissions / inclusions


I'm still waiting for PGA and DGA

The only surprising inclusion for me would be LEGO Movie or Interstellar. Any other film was either a lock, dark-horse or longshot. No one is giving either of those two a chance. 


I could see surprise omissions, but surprise inclusions? Not likely. The Oscars are generally predictable. 

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What a mess. After PGA I'm thinking the line-up will be:


American Sniper



Gone Girl

The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Imitation Game


The Theory of Everything



With Nightcrawler and Foxcatcher being the only movies that find a place (taking out one of American Sniper, Whiplash, or, given its weakness so far, Selma). Everything else is officially not even in the race anymore at this point.

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Selma is not going to be left off for Best Picture for not only less well reviewed films for less socially resonant ones.  This is a template Oscar kind of film that's critically lauded unlike say Unbroken and by far the best reviewed Bio Pic on the slate.  This is a matter of screener availability and the Academy got theirs.

Edited by TalismanRing
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Excluding Pixar films, Beauty and the Beast and Mary Poppins are the only 2 Disney films to ever be nominated for BP. So that's a big reason in itself why Woods is highly unlikely to get in, especially without the rave reception and massive success the aforementioned two movies recieved.

Edited by MovieMan89
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