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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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It sounds like it's going to be a much less action-oriented.

Um... you can tell that from what exactly? You seem to have amazing deduction skills.It would surprise me if the sequels won't decrease, no matter what the movie's about. Edited by Elessar
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A lot of emphasis has been placed on the underwater angle.

That's just because media keeps regurgitating the little they know. The producer stated a while back that the water sections will be akin to the flying mountains sections in the original in terms of how much focus they'll get, which means not much. It's not like half of the movie will be underwater, not even close i'd assume.As for this interview, where is it? The link points me to an article referencing that interview, which could be the author making lots of conjectures. I'd prefer reading Cameron's own words. Anyway, something "making him think" doesn't neccessarily mean he's actually changing his approach, he might rethink again. And to be honest, i don't really care as long as what's on screen is good, action or no action.
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I don't either, I'm just saying it may not have as much 4-quad appeal as the first one did.

Anyway, here's the interview


"About that greater arc, how far along are you on Avatar 2?

We’re in the early days right now. I’ve got tons of notes. The way I work is I write hundreds of pages of notes. It’s like writing a novel, except I don’t worry too much about the narrative. It’s all about the technology, the culture, the psychology, the character development. I’ve got to create the stage for the story to play out on, and then later I’ll connect the dots and figure out how the story works. I’ve always had a story arc in mind for the sequel, but then I took a trip to South America after Avatar came out and that has altered the story line somewhat.

What happened in South America?

I was doing a fund-raiser for these people called the Achuar. [The Achuar are an Amazonian community who want to keep oil companies from drilling near their homelands.] This fund-raiser was trying to get public attention. A bunch of Achuar were bused in to watch Avatar at an IMAX theater in 3D. These are people who had never been in a movie theater. They’re wearing feathers and paint. And they put on the glasses and watch Avatar, the first movie they’ve ever seen. And when they came out, the BBC interviewed them. This one woman, a tribal elder, says, “In this movie, they solved their problems by fighting. We are not afraid to fight, but we have decided to try to solve our problems through dialogue. So this movie needs a better message."

Edited by tribefan695
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At the rate this development cycle is lasting, it could lose an asinine number of ticket sales and still cross $500 million pretty easily (so long as people still show up for 3D in 3-4 years).Either way, barring a major shift in ticket prices or some outside economic factor(s), I don't see it having the same monstrous appeal as the first one did simply because the first one set an incredibly high standard. Much like Star Wars and Jurassic Park, a drop just seems inevitable. The question is how much. That being said, I really feel like there's potential here to deliver an even better film than the first (similar to how Empire is seen now against the original Star Wars).

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Either way, barring a major shift in ticket prices or some outside economic factor(s), I don't see it having the same monstrous appeal as the first one did simply because the first one set an incredibly high standard. Much like Star Wars and Jurassic Park, a drop just seems inevitable. The question is how much.

That is my point exactly. There is a reason why the sequels to all the box-office phenoms drop in admissions almost always. It's because films like Avatar and JP go beyond the usual movie-going crowd, they bring in people who don't usually go to films. And that crowd won't necessarily go to theaters for the sequel. They will just wait for DVD.And another very important factor which we have to look at is the overall drop in yearly admissions. People are getting less and less inclined to go to the theaters. The sequels of Jurassic Park and Star Wars came at a time when the yearly admissions were increasing and still they dropped significantly from their predecessors. Avatar 2 will come in 2014-2015 when the admissions will go down even lower.For example,JP admissions: 86.25M (6.93% of 1993's yearly admissions)JP2 admissions: 49.9M (3.60% of 1997's yearly admissions)Avatar admissions (taking $9 as avg.): 84.5M (5.98% of 2009's yearly admissions)Now if we assume that Avatar 2 has the same admissions drop as JP2, it will get around 49M admissions, which should give it around $500m gross.But if we go by share of yearly admissions and assuming that Avatar 2 has the same drop as JP2, it will get around 3.1% of 2014-15's admissions. Now at the rate yearly admissions are dropping, I won't be surprised if it falls close to 1100M by then. Even if I am generous and use 1200M admissions, Avatar 2 will have only 37M admissions, for a total less than $400m!Now I am not saying it will gross less than $400m, but this certainly will be a factor and $500M is in no way a lock.
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Your reasoning is good Fake but it is pretty meaningless. I agree 500m is no where near locked. Jurassic Park made as much money as it did because it had something new and groundbreaking in it: Dinosaurs. Avatar made as much money as it did because if 3D and the groundbreaking technical aspect of it..... But the sequel will be more or less the same just like JP2 was pretty much the same as JP.So... Avatar 2 will probably decrease by more then 25% imo. Even 50m admissions would still keep the studio happy tho.

Edited by CEDAR
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