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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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James Cameron is a difficult one to predict, yes Titanic and Avatar made huge numbers, but I mean... It is 'only' two movies of his whole filmography, and Cameron did capture a zeitgeist at those times which I don't necessarily feel he can this time. I don't think Cameron should be bet against, but equally I don't think it should be expected that he'll have another huge success on the level of Titanic and Avatar. Even my best friend, who loved Avatar, isn't excited for a sequel (though I know that's not necessarily what all Avatar fans think).

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9 hours ago, cubsfan said:


Hell no.  One director's movie you never have to worry about making money is Cameron.  It'll be epic as hell and a must see theater experience.  


Avatar 2 is a lock for a billion.  In China alone it'll rack up huge amounts of money.  

How huge do you think in China? I can't see it going past $500m.

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I honestly wouldn't be shocked if he is developing 3D without glasses. would explain why he is taking so long. I dom't think it is that far off. in fact there already is some. sounds like it needs some updating but once it is it could be a game changer imo.



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On 8/12/2016 at 4:47 PM, MovieMan89 said:

Um, actually you kinda do owe people something when you say you're making a movie back in 2010 and set the date as 2014/2015. Fans have every right to be annoyed we might not see the first sequel until we're in a new decade. If you wanna take your sweet ass time, stop announcing dates. Hell, don't announce the film at all. These movies shouldn't have even been announced officially until very very recently. 


On 8/12/2016 at 5:59 PM, RichWS said:


It's been four years since Frank Ocean's album. Do I think he owes me the next? NOOOOOOOOOOO.


Shit, try being a Tool fan.  




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14 hours ago, cannastop said:

Cameron hasn't made them jack shit in the past 7 years. Why should they pay attention?


Correct.  This isn't 2009 where the Marvel Universe barely existed, Lucasfilm was years away from being sold and DC Universe wasn't up and running.  Studios like Disney are churning out consistent, well reviewed and received product on a quarterly basis that is making billions.  


It will have been 9 years at least since Cameron and Avatar helped introduce 3D to cinemas.  In that 9 years the perception on 3D from consumers and theater owners is that overall it is wildly inconsistent and not worth the money.  Given the conversion was mostly done thinking Avatar would launch a new revenue stream that would only grow and to see the opposite happen is going to make them hesitant unless he has developed something truly game changing.  


Like I said though, I will never fully doubt Cameron.  He has come up with something game changing in nearly every film he has done.  The practical effects in Terminator and Aliens, then ground breaking digital effects in The Abyss and fully realized for Terminator 2.  Makes a romance on a boat story into an iconic practical and digital effects cinematic experience that becomes the biggest grossing movie of all time.  Follows that up even bigger with groundbreaking 3D that actually works about cheesy blue aliens on another planet and cartoon villains searching for the silliest named element in history.  


Given the amount of development time and secrecy that Avatar 2 has, then I have got to think he is either on the verge of the next ground breaking innovation or he is stuck and doesn't know how to go forward.  



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Cameron is so high-profile about various tech breakthroughs that people forget at his core, he's a very strong storyteller. In that regard, he's never dropped the ball. And that's why people embrace his movies. I don't really see any reason to doubt why this time would be different.

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4 hours ago, EmpireCity said:

Like I said though, I will never fully doubt Cameron.  He has come up with something game changing in nearly every film he has done.  The practical effects in Terminator and Aliens, then ground breaking digital effects in The Abyss and fully realized for Terminator 2.  Makes a romance on a boat story into an iconic practical and digital effects cinematic experience that becomes the biggest grossing movie of all time.  Follows that up even bigger with groundbreaking 3D that actually works about cheesy blue aliens on another planet and cartoon villains searching for the silliest named element in history.

The reason I'm doubting James Cameron is because it's Avatar 2, and not a new franchise. This is just going to be The Hobbit all over again.


Also, I'm resentful of anything that would raise movie ticket prices even higher, all for the sake of a gimmick.

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3 hours ago, Captain Craig said:

Is there any way to get attendance numbers on that Cirque DeSolei Avatar production that is traveling? 

Comparison to other Cirque attendance, good, better, empty seats, sold out? 

It's just hard to gauge interest on an Avatar 2. My gut says few care. 


Cirque has a lot of different shows currently running, Toruk is still on the road and booked until next year so I have to assume it's doing well enough. If it was bleeding red ink all over the place I'm sure they would pull the plug on it. 

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7 hours ago, EmpireCity said:

Given the amount of development time and secrecy that Avatar 2 has, then I have got to think he is either on the verge of the next ground breaking innovation or he is stuck and doesn't know how to go forward.  



I partially agree with the stuck part, he's been asked numerous times about the scripts over the last 3 years or so and it's always "we're about a month away" from being done, I think they're having trouble coming up with something that is reasonably fresh/exciting while trying their very best not to repeat the same old tropes over and over. Then you have the issues with the development of Pandora, new creatures/environments/tribes and finally the tech issues (high frame rate, underwater motion capture - WETA) and he also mentioned that he wants more real world environment shots blended into the movie (similar to the last Planet of the Apes and probably a few steps beyond). I'm almost positive that they would test/review/analyze everything to the nth degree before they really get going on this and reach the point of no return (when the cash $$$$ really starts to flow out the door). It's a huge undertaking involving a lot of people and it's a significant capital expenditure for 20th Century Fox/Lightstorm and other investors, if the first sequel is a dud then the whole thing falls apart (I can't see that happening, if anything I expect it will make Avatar look limp in comparison). I hope the Manhattan project reference that he used isn't some form of inside joke....kudos to everyone so far for being so tight lipped on this project especially in this day and age. 



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3 hours ago, cannastop said:

The reason I'm doubting James Cameron is because it's Avatar 2, and not a new franchise.


Cameron has a great track record with sequels. ;)


In terms of the lengthy time, I think there's two points to keep in mind: one, they're breaking four stories (or at least three). That's a huge undertaking. Secondly, taking the time to get a script right before starting production is exactly what we should want every single damn tentpole to do. It takes whatever time it takes.

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18 hours ago, CJohn said:

I am unsure on why we keep relentlessly discussing a movie that is never gonna happen. 


I hope you remember writing this when it's the highest grossing film of all time!


Also have you guys seen the Alita news?



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On 28.8.2016 at 4:19 PM, NuTella Lover of Sky Beams said:

Then again, I think the AVATAR sequels could feature no new tech innovations and still be big hits. Cameron knows how to make entertaining movies.


Preach it. It's like you said, people seem to forget. His movies ain't classics because of the special effects. Of course the spectacle helps bringing in bums in seats but it's the storytelling that makes people come back.

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21 hours ago, CJohn said:

I am unsure on why we keep relentlessly discussing a movie that is never gonna happen. 


You know it's going to happen.


Maybe it used to be funny. By now, reading statements like the above has become as tiresome as the wait for the sequels. ;)

Edited by Elessar
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That’s what he’s done, he creates problems in which he then needs to invent a technology and a new way to do it, and I believe that’s part of the quite perverse joy for him in this is creating these seemingly insurmountable problems, and then bringing aboard people who can be helpful and say, 'This is what we’ve got to do.' So it’s a massive effort, but I have every expectation because I’m pretty intimately aware of what’s going. It’s going to be an absolute joy to behold.” -Stephen Lang on Jim and the Avatar sequels.

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