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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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22 hours ago, Agafin said:

It's going to be really hard for Avatar 2 to top the original, even OS. Avatar 2 has virtually no chance of making $100m+ in Spain or Russia for example. Market conditions and exchange rates are just too unfavourable. That, and the fact that it won't have the open market place like it had in 2009 since January and February are not the dead months they used to be. Imagine if Alice in Wonderland was released in January rather than March. Avatar would've lost a lot of its 3D screens no matter how well it was doing thanks to Disney's contracts. China is really its best chance here. While $300m is all but assured, I'm not sure it can top $400m there unless it gets a Holiday release like The mermaid.


But then again, it's hard to bet against Jim.

Pretty agree. Concerning Spain, box office has dropped a lot since 2009-2010 and ER would hit today the film hugely. The €77m first part did here, today would mean $85m, what means $25m less than it really did (-23%). And I would bet on half of that here for second part. The same applies to the rest of Eurozone.


And let's be honest, Avatar sold what it sold because of curiosity factor. I have many friends who said after seeing the film that they wanted to see it because everybody was seeing it and 3D was amazing. It was a kind of strange event that rarely happens. Unless a real Na'vi can appear in each showtime around the world, I do not think Avatar 2 can sell the same amount of tickets than first part. Not even close. The surprise factor is gone. Cameron can improve the 3D, but at the end that is all, more 3D.


IMHO, this can sell a 50% of the original amount of tickets, what still would be enormous. Then add some increase given expanding markets. Unless China hits again and it grosses, let's say, $800m there, I would say about Jurassic World WW figure, maybe a bit more. But to talk about matching Avatar gross is pure fantasy.

Edited by peludo
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1 hour ago, Mikasa Ackerman said:


That's not what I'm talking about. I'm just reiterating that most people aren't excited. If it's good, that's great, but we don't know that right now do we.


It hasn't had a trailer or preview?! What on earth do you expect. This isn't a franchise yet.

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2 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:


It hasn't had a trailer or preview?! What on earth do you expect. This isn't a franchise yet.


...Yeah I know that. I'm not saying "people aren't excited because it's shit!" or whatever, I'm just commenting on the difference between anticipation for Star Wars and Avatar. Because someone else mentioned it first.


And besides, it might not be a franchise yet, but it's still a movie. And one movie can still get people excited for a sequel, and Avatar didn't seem to do that.

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1 minute ago, Mikasa Ackerman said:

And besides, it might not be a franchise yet, but it's still a movie. And one movie can still get people excited for a sequel, and Avatar didn't seem to do that.

Anecdotes aside I don't understand what you're comparing it too, why level of excitement do you expect a film 30 months away to have?

Avatar is original, not a book or comic book adapation, not part of an already massive franchise.

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5 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

Anecdotes aside I don't understand what you're comparing it too, why level of excitement do you expect a film 30 months away to have?

Avatar is original, not a book or comic book adapation, not part of an already massive franchise.


Someone said something like 'oh if you're going to get all these Star Wars movies then you'll be fine with the numerous Avatar sequels', and my reply was, well, people are asking for one and not the other. You're going into the "why" of it all, but you don't disagree with me I don't think.


As for level of excitement for a movie coming out it 2018, I can only speak for myself. But I'm looking forward to both Ready Player One and Wreck-It Ralph 2 way more than Avatar 2. Also in the next year I can't wait for Incredibles 2. I'm sure most people are the same. Even though it's only one movie and not "part of an already massive franchise".

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22 minutes ago, theultimatebiu said:

I know I should care about the sequel to the highest grossing movie ever.....but.......well......sigh


"Box Office Theory", I guess you probably should care if you're on here!


#Mikasa Ackerman - I understand where you're coming from, you don't know what other people want though!

For instance I can say "People are far more excited for Avatar 2 than Wreck-It Ralph 2 and Indredibles 2 combied". It doesn't mean anything. I've got no source. I'm simple just saying it.

You're doing the same!


Edited by IronJimbo
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6 hours ago, Mikasa Ackerman said:


That's not what I'm talking about. I'm just reiterating that most people aren't excited. If it's good, that's great, but we don't know that right now do we.


We do know it's gonna be good. I mean, James Cameron, duh!

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5 hours ago, Mikasa Ackerman said:


Someone said something like 'oh if you're going to get all these Star Wars movies then you'll be fine with the numerous Avatar sequels', and my reply was, well, people are asking for one and not the other. You're going into the "why" of it all, but you don't disagree with me I don't think.


As for level of excitement for a movie coming out it 2018, I can only speak for myself. But I'm looking forward to both Ready Player One and Wreck-It Ralph 2 way more than Avatar 2. Also in the next year I can't wait for Incredibles 2. I'm sure most people are the same. Even though it's only one movie and not "part of an already massive franchise".


I bet there's tons more people around the world waiting for Avatar 2 than the movies you mentioned.

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6 hours ago, peludo said:

IMHO, this can sell a 50% of the original amount of tickets, what still would be enormous. Then add some increase given expanding markets. Unless China hits again and it grosses, let's say, $800m there, I would say about Jurassic World WW figure, maybe a bit more. But to talk about matching Avatar gross is pure fantasy.


Somewhere between JW and Titanic would be my guess.

Edited by Elessar
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6 hours ago, Mikasa Ackerman said:


Someone said something like 'oh if you're going to get all these Star Wars movies then you'll be fine with the numerous Avatar sequels', and my reply was, well, people are asking for one and not the other. You're going into the "why" of it all, but you don't disagree with me I don't think.


Except you misunderstood my message. Some people act like 3 or 4 sequels to Avatar is too much even if those could be released in a 20 years span from the original. How 4 movies in 20 years could be more insufferable than 5 movies of the same franchise in a meager 3 years span from now regardless of your bias so saying "I don't care about Avatar sequels/I'm a SW fanboy" is irrelevant. 


You know nobody was craving for Avatar back in 2009 either. Result: Top grosser ever worldwide still undefeated to this day even by puny SW7. Do you know what Cameron has in stores to wow audience again? (Saying "nobody wants Avatar sequels" is presumptuous and disingenuous regarding Cameron's ability to up the game, and you can bet he will. Avatar sequels won't be cheap nostalgia cash grabs that's for sure)


(People crave for Han Solo and Yoda prequel spin-offs? Really?)

Edited by dashrendar44
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1 hour ago, cannastop said:

I wonder when they're going to set the December 14th, 2018 release date in stone.


Or when another studio tries to schedule something then. :ph34r:


Argument against a 2018 release date:


We would have seen more movement for a film this size. Another big sci fi film, Ready Player Go, is coming out in 2018 and it is already filming. 


Arguments for...:


Saldana, Worthington, and Weaver ALL have clear schedules. 


My guess: It won't make its Dec 2018 release date. 

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Just now, lilmac said:


Argument against a 2018 release date:


We would have seen more movement for a film this size. Another big sci fi film, Ready Player Go, is coming out in 2018 and it is already filming. 


Arguments for...:


Saldana, Worthington, and Weaver ALL have clear schedules. 


My guess: It won't make its Dec 2018 release date. 

OK, but Ready Player One comes out in March. It's nine months ahead.

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