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King Arthur: Legend of the Sword | Guy Ritchie | May 12, 2017 | Charlie Hunnam

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Different strokes for different folks there. I thought ATJ in Godzilla was absolutely dire to the point where he damaged a movie I otherwise really enjoyed, but most people I've read on here seem to think he was merely underwritten and forgettable. When it comes to Hollywood's attempts to inorganically create the next Joe Schmoe handsome white guy stars, opinions differ. 


Pretty sure most people trashed the hell out of ATJ in Godzilla? Abysmal.


Hunnam was bad in PacRim, too

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Pretty sure most people trashed the hell out of ATJ in Godzilla? Abysmal.


Hunnam was bad in PacRim, too

Huh. Maybe at the time, but in our constant retrospective musings on movies, it seems Edwards' choices as director (which I liked), the underwritting of human characters, and the choice not to have multiple monster battles (which I liked) all seem to get the hate. Whereas with PacRim, most people who dog the movie seem to dog Hunnam, along with the semi-inexplicable nitpicking about all the fights being at night. But idk. Hunnam and Kitsch at least bring a sort of rugged believable intensity to their roles, and they've done great work on TV. ATJ, Worthington, Liam Hemsworth, and Courtney are just as bland as it gets. But its all splitting hairs, I suppose.


Next on the bashing line: Joel Kinnaman. Just watch. It's gonna happen. 

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Haven't seen Kinnaman in anything, but it doesn't feel like he's being inflicted upon movie going audiences the way some of those others were/are. Of course, if that were to change, and if he's a Blandy McBlanderson, then yeah, it'll happen.

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These two are my favorite.


PHOTOGRAPHER: "I know this is EW but let's go for the seductive Vanity Fair look! Charlie--that's your name, right? Charlie, I understand this feels dumb but I'm trying to not work for EW anymore. I'm going for the big leagues now. Help me out."


EDIT: POST #13,000. Only took me over a year to get from 12 to 13.

Edited by RichWS
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Which is funny because he's British, no? Maybe getting to use his normal accent will help, cause otherwise I agree with ddddeeee, he's Worthington levels of bland.

I don't think he is great, but he is better than Worthington. He has at least proven he can act on Sons of Anarchy.
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The Chris Pratt backlash has got to happen sometime soon.

He was bad (and miscast) in JW


He was also the only tolerable thing in the whole movie (the actor, not his character), but that only goes to show what unimaginable stinker Jurassic Turld was.

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