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The Disney Thread | Happy 90th to Donald Duck!

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On 4/7/2023 at 8:24 AM, ChipDerby said:


Not to get too political but LMAO. He's already lost. He's losing his grip on any and all R goodwill because the man doesn't know how to fight culture wars. And no, Government does not always win the war. Not against massive corporations. Who do you think runs the country? We live in a Capitalist world.

And if he tries ot specifally raise Taxes and Fees on Disney that would be throw out of court so fast for viiolating the equal justice clause of the COnstituion it will make you head spread.Bascially government cannot raise taxes or fees to target a individual or a single company unless it is a fine for criminal activity. De Santis does not stand a prayer of having any Disney SPecial fee or tax survive in a court of law.

Edited by dudalb
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On 4/7/2023 at 8:41 AM, TwoMisfits said:


No, I like Disney.  I have D+:).  I just call it like I see it.  


When you live long enough, you see a lot of folks righteously take on government (anyone sit through an IRS audit).  And no matter how righteous, no one tends to win, it's just how government works.  If you win, it's normally b/c they let you or you played REALLY nice with them.


I mean, he who makes the laws and enforces the laws can just change them when they lose...I mean, isn't that the discussion right now.  They found a FL law that lets them blow up the agreement b/c they can use future passed laws to do it.


Government knows how to win.  It's why they are the power. 


Maybe it's my government cynicism...but can you really go wrong being a cynic right now in FL?  

Don't know much about politics and how law works I see...

I also think this government is always going to win BS is just that:BS.

And this whole "Let's not doing anything agains the Government because we can't win" is dangerous: this attitude is how the Hitlers of the world take over. All that is needed for the trumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


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Both Indy 5 and Little Mermaid will make lots of money for Disney.

I will be there opening night for Indy 5 and won't even bother for Little Mermais (I dislike these live action remakes) but both will be lucrative for Disney.

If Indy 5 is as good as it seems to be,it will do very, very well. Don't get the negative attitudd some here have toward it. Even Indy 4, weak a film as it was, made a good profit for everyone involved. How much better would a GOOD Indy film make?

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2 hours ago, dudalb said:

Both Indy 5 and Little Mermaid will make lots of money for Disney.

I will be there opening night for Indy 5 and won't even bother for Little Mermais (I dislike these live action remakes) but both will be lucrative for Disney.

If Indy 5 is as good as it seems to be,it will do very, very well. Don't get the negative attitudd some here have toward it. Even Indy 4, weak a film as it was, made a good profit for everyone involved. How much better would a GOOD Indy film make?

What Indiana Jones has got going for it is that it's going to be Harrison Ford's swansong in the role and that why I want to see it. 


Star Wars is more expansive but I've always preferred Indiana Jones of Lucas'  creations. 

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15 hours ago, dudalb said:

Both Indy 5 and Little Mermaid will make lots of money for Disney.

I will be there opening night for Indy 5 and won't even bother for Little Mermais (I dislike these live action remakes) but both will be lucrative for Disney.

If Indy 5 is as good as it seems to be,it will do very, very well. Don't get the negative attitudd some here have toward it. Even Indy 4, weak a film as it was, made a good profit for everyone involved. How much better would a GOOD Indy film make?


That's not how things work in Hollywood, just look at Transformers and what happened to Bumblebee despite being well reviewed. It is common for sequels to pay for the sins of their predecessors, and I think there's a high chance Indy 5 will pay for the sins of Indy 4 no matter how much better the movie is. Anyone who had watched Indy 4 would came to the conclusion that we didn't need that movie so it's going to be even harder to be excited about a sequel with no Spielberg involved and with an even older Ford.

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1 hour ago, scytheavatar said:


That's not how things work in Hollywood, just look at Transformers and what happened to Bumblebee despite being well reviewed. It is common for sequels to pay for the sins of their predecessors, and I think there's a high chance Indy 5 will pay for the sins of Indy 4 no matter how much better the movie is. Anyone who had watched Indy 4 would came to the conclusion that we didn't need that movie so it's going to be even harder to be excited about a sequel with no Spielberg involved and with an even older Ford.

I think the big difference is that Transformers NEVER had the height of a Raiders or Last Crusade to bouy any good will. All you need is WOM to compare Indy 5 to those two and it'll do fine.

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5 hours ago, RandomCat said:

I think the big difference is that Transformers NEVER had the height of a Raiders or Last Crusade to bouy any good will. All you need is WOM to compare Indy 5 to those two and it'll do fine.

It has also been a long time since Indy 4  and the bad feelings about it have sort of cooled down.

And, with all it's many flaws, Indy 4 still pulled in 790 Million.



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19 minutes ago, excel1 said:

DeSantis doesn't give af about seeing any of this through because he will be running for President in a few months. This is all dumb posturing.

And IMHO from the polls it is not helping him any.

Anyway that a canidate for President of one of the two major parties is running on a platform based on almost nothing but bigotry should be very disturbing.

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37 minutes ago, dudalb said:

And IMHO from the polls it is not helping him any.

Anyway that a canidate for President of one of the two major parties is running on a platform based on almost nothing but bigotry should be very disturbing.


DeSantis will be fine in the GOP primaries. He will come off the as the drama-free adult in the room in a 1 on 1 with modern Trump just as Biden did. Really hoping were get to see Chris Christie on a debate stage with trump. No clue how Ron would fare in a general election but no way he is as bad as Trump would be. 😂


Shocking twist: Biden opts out and Bob Iger runs for President and squares off against Ron! 🤯

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51 minutes ago, excel1 said:


DeSantis will be fine in the GOP primaries. He will come off the as the drama-free adult in the room in a 1 on 1 with modern Trump just as Biden did. Really hoping were get to see Chris Christie on a debate stage with trump. No clue how Ron would fare in a general election but no way he is as bad as Trump would be. 😂


Shocking twist: Biden opts out and Bob Iger runs for President and squares off against Ron! 🤯

Problem is, Ron seems like an Adult compared to Trump. Add a third person, and he looks like a toddler thanks to his tantrums in Florida.

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DeSatan's vow of vengeance against Disney (seriously, the declaration of "you haven't seen anything yet" of every defeated movie villain ever? Going with a strategy that never works out even for fictional characters seems like a bold and hilariously stupid one if you ask me) instead of, you know, growing up and moving on from a childish feud with a children's corporation (that happens to be arguably the biggest moneymaker in the entire state he governs!) will almost certainly be just as poorly planned and destined to end with his humiliation as the first one. Bumping this post if/when it happens again.

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14 hours ago, filmlover said:

DeSatan's vow of vengeance against Disney (seriously, the declaration of "you haven't seen anything yet" of every defeated movie villain ever? Going with a strategy that never works out even for fictional characters seems like a bold and hilariously stupid one if you ask me) instead of, you know, growing up and moving on from a childish feud with a children's corporation (that happens to be arguably the biggest moneymaker in the entire state he governs!) will almost certainly be just as poorly planned and destined to end with his humiliation as the first one. Bumping this post if/when it happens again.

Ron De Santis is every bit as evil as Trump, he just is not quite as openly insane. But, yeah he has made a number of stupid mistakes.

I see the De Santis who campaign is based on bigotry seems to to right over the head of a lot of poster here. Of course many of them pay no attention to politics most of the time.

I find that some here treat 2024 election like some fanboy game to be scary.

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I don't see how they can proceed with the likes of Secret Wars if even Guardians 3 opens below $100M. I really don't. It'll be Josstice League all over again if it does. I know I've fleetingly brought up ending this saga early with Kang Dynasty and starting over with a soft reboot with the X-Men and Fantastic Four as an armchair analysis... But maybe that honestly might be the best course of action here. You don't have enough brand goodwill to pull off Secret Wars right now. That movie needs to be put off until audiences start seeing Marvel movies as events again after a decade or so of this proposed new direction. I also think they should go back to 2 movies per year and one Agents of SHIELD-style series airing yearly which more generally encompasses the entire Marvel universe.

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8 minutes ago, GOGODanca said:

I'd love to be a fly in zaslavs room if gotg3 does open below 100m


If that were to happen, most likely things will proceed with Superman and the DCU like it did before, only now there will be a lot more pressure on everyone to make Superman: Legacy work and succeed. At most he'll probably go to Gunn and be like "Hey we'll still use your Superman script but maybe someone else should direct while you focus on getting the DCU in order."


Removing him outright or god forbid cancelling his and Safran's plans is a PR nightmare waiting to happen. WB can't afford that rn, particularly with DC.

Edited by AMC Theaters Enjoyer
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Marvel is big fucked if true. I agree they should Civil War it and premiere it very early to at least salvage SOME of the damage caused by Quantmania. The reviews during the final week of presales will probably determine whether or not it will be a disaster or just a disappointment.

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Also, if not even a known quantity like the Guardians 3 can muster enough hype for a $100M opening, then I'm utterly dreading the numbers for the likes of The Marvels and Thunderbolts. I can honestly see both of them opening below the first Shazam at this point. Welcome to the Wild West boys. Nothing is off the table in this new lawless world.

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Reading "fluff" (lack of a better term) pieces about the movie, and seeing some comic book and related sites, the little "promotion" pieces (cbr had one talking about how actors for Drax, Nebula ect) were using the talking points of "real emotional stuff" and "when you see those parts, those aren't us acting, those were emotional responses that wasn't faked" ect. My experience has tended to be (for any movie regardless of genre, studio, ect), that when I see these pieces about the "feel good"/"emotional experiences"/"really deep character development"-they often tend to be more prevalent when movies are maybe pre-opening to softer sales, "Our movie is really really good come watch this!" type of thing, instead of movie selling itself. Have to think from promotion standpoint if Marketing is really getting these out there as they may be worried at this opening. 


Its still a ways off and lots of time, but even from the limited Canada stuff Im seeing compared to Antman, its off to a slow start.


Honestly I see this movie making 5-600 million (based on current numbers) which seems to be the rough area recently. Im not sure Disney is popping out a 1 Billion box office for MCU if this this "lag" continues (and to put in context, 90 percent of studios, esp without tentpoles, would do criminal things to get 5-600 million BO)

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