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Old review from my screening awhile back with a few new details story related.


So I went to attend an early Godzilla screening. The screening was about half full, all adults.


It was delayed by about 45 minutes, because of problems with the projector supposedly, so we all sat around impatiently playing on our smartphones till suddenly the logo came up out of nowhere.


To start off, the CGI. This is the type of movie you need to see in theater, on big screen. Those Youtube clips and trailers you've been seeing do not do justice at all (I think they were using old footage). The amount of detail on Godzilla was insane (I heard it took months to do the scales apparently) and the other ummm... monsters were also fantastic looking. The visuals looked great for the entire film, I'll definitely rewatch in IMAX, because this was freaking made for the biggest screen. See it on theater if you ever plan on seeing the movie, because I suspect TVs and small computer monitors won't be enough. 


The screening was in 2D, so I can't really comment on the 3D. 


The soundtrack by Desplat for the movie is pretty good, especially when the Big G makes his appearances. In a way the soundtrack sounded like the human race was contemplating what to do or panicking. I don't remember the OST using the old theme song for the Japanese Godzillas sorry.


The dialogue was good, but now for performances.


Cranston was obviously great as usual. He is pretty convincing lets just say, I don't want to spoil a certain part where he is glorious in his acting. Oslen and Taylor Johnson were surprisingly decent after hearing complaints. Watanabe was okay, not amazing. The guy who played the admiral, Strathairn was decent enough. If you look at the events from their point of view, lets just say its pretty fascinating and terrifying. 


The scale of the movie was amazing. You got a real sense of chaos. Sites of destruction everywhere, where Big G visited. There was CGI over some destroyed areas, but they also used tons of extras and made plenty of destroyed sites, that looked real enough, though maybe it was great CGI. Those poor soldiers unable to do squat. 


Godzilla when he fights, its fucking amazing. A lot of the fighting is indeed animal like more then the human style fighting in the old Japanese Godzillas, but Godzilla in this one has a few tricks up his sleeve (like the arm twisting he did). His roar is also amazing. I swear it shook the theater whenever he roared.


Was there a perfect amount of Godzilla? Hell yes. I was worried to some extent by the early complaints on twitter there wasn't enough, but they were exaggerating or were expecting a 2 hour monster bash. The human factor is usually the key, but Godzilla in the end, is what makes this movie. Its a joy to see him on big screen, in CGI form, back with the western audiences, not like that Zilla. Godzilla also does atomic breath don't worry and his spines also turn color.


Criticisms, I do wish they showed more Godzilla anyway. The did a effective job of showing him off and now I want a damn sequel.


I can see why some people would be annoyed at the clichness of the characters, but this did not bother me personally.


Good job Edwards. I personally think he nailed the movie and Godzilla. Now I want to see a sequel with Gigan. Imagine a sequel with those fights. How they would implement it would be a mystery. Or maybe a destroy all monsters.



Edited by BoxOfficeZ
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Old review from my screening awhile back with a few new details story related.


So I went to attend an early Godzilla screening. The screening was about half full, all adults.


It was delayed by about 45 minutes, because of problems with the projector supposedly, so we all sat around impatiently playing on our smartphones till suddenly the logo came up out of nowhere.


To start off, the CGI. This is the type of movie you need to see in theater, on big screen. Those Youtube clips and trailers you've been seeing do not do justice at all (I think they were using old footage). The amount of detail on Godzilla was insane (I heard it took months to do the scales apparently) and the other ummm... monsters were also fantastic looking. The visuals looked great for the entire film, I'll definitely rewatch in IMAX, because this was freaking made for the biggest screen. See it on theater if you ever plan on seeing the movie, because I suspect TVs and small computer monitors won't be enough. 


The screening was in 2D, so I can't really comment on the 3D. 


The soundtrack by Desplat for the movie is pretty good, especially when the Big G makes his appearances. In a way the soundtrack sounded like the human race was contemplating what to do or panicking. I don't remember the OST using the old theme song for the Japanese Godzillas sorry.


The dialogue was good, but now for performances.


Cranston was obviously great as usual. He is pretty convincing lets just say, I don't want to spoil a certain part where he is glorious in his acting. Oslen and Taylor Johnson were surprisingly great. Watanabe was okay, not amazing. The guy who played the admiral, Strathairn was decent enough. If you look at the events from their point of view, lets just say its pretty fascinating and terrifying. 


The scale of the movie was amazing. You got a real sense of chaos. Sites of destruction everywhere, where Big G visited. There was CGI over some destroyed areas, but they also used tons of extras and made plenty of destroyed sites, that looked real enough, though maybe it was great CGI. Those poor soldiers unable to do squat. 


Godzilla when he fights, its fucking amazing. A lot of the fighting is indeed animal like more then the human style fighting in the old Japanese Godzillas, but Godzilla in this one has a few tricks up his sleeve (like the arm twisting he did). His roar is also amazing. I swear it shook the theater whenever he roared.


Was there a perfect amount of Godzilla? Hell yes. I was worried to some extent by the early complaints on twitter there wasn't enough, but they were exaggerating or were expecting a 2 hour monster bash. The human factor is usually the key, but Godzilla in the end, is what makes this movie. Its a joy to see him on big screen, in CGI form, back with the western audiences, not like that Zilla. Godzilla also does atomic breath don't worry and his spines also turn color.


Criticisms, I do wish they showed more Godzilla anyway. The did a effective job of showing him off and now I want a damn sequel.


I can see why some people would be annoyed at the clichness of the characters, but this did not bother me personally.


Good job Edwards. I personally think he nailed the movie and Godzilla. Now I want to see a sequel with Gigan. Imagine a sequel with those fights. How they would implemenet it would be a mystery.



Wow Awesome my friend I cant wait to see this at EPX this weekend or Monday or so I may have some assignments that prevent

me from seeing  it on the OW :(.. Hopefully not :D

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I went to an early screening also, and although it wasn't bad, it wasn't amazing either. 


The story wasn't complicated to follow, I don't know what most critics are complaining about. 


The movie starts with the explosion in 1954. Fast forward to about 1989, and you see signs of the MUTO monsters, and the scene in Japan at the plant where Bryan Cranstons wife dies. Fast forward to present time, and the MUTO is revealed, and escapes. Guess they were preserving it to study it's biology. Bryan Cranston dies. 


At least me and like 2 other people around me literally went, 'What The Fuck?!' 


The cities that this all takes place in, is somewhere in Japan, Las Vegas, and it ends in San Francisco. I'm thinking, wow, a monster movie where New York doesn't get fucked up, lol. 


The first fight scene pissed me off. Just when Godzilla and the Male were about to fight, the fuckin doors close on it? It then showed the fight scene on the news, it was pretty funny. 


The final fight scene could have been way better. Because everything that pretty much lead up to it, was Godzilla roaring 3 times. I get it, his roar is fuckin awesome, let's see him fuck some shit up already!


Anyway, when they actually fought, Godzilla was getting fucked up at first, double teamed by the male and female. When the male fought Godzilla, he died pretty quick when Godzilla whipped his tail and slammed him on the building. Like really? That's how he died?


When he fought the female, it was okay. The way he killed her though was fuckin awesome.


The Atomic breathe will NOT disappoint. 


The ending was okay, and you see him swim away, and it ends. There is nothing after the credits, so don't waste your time sitting in the theaters.


Pretty much, I expected more. Too much human element, not enough Godzilla fuckin shit up. And when it did show Godzilla, you get 3 roars, and two okay fight scenes. 


Maybe cause my screening was in 3D, and I hate 3D movies, and that could've been why I didn't enjoy it much.


I know I'm definitely going to watch it again this coming weekend.


I give it an 8/10. 





Ps. Hopefully it earns enough to get a sequel. A part of me has a feeling that it won't cross $200m, but I really want it to. Internationally, it should be good. Should make $600m worldwide, at the minimum. 

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Just watched it in a near-full theater!To put it simply, this is a very good summer blockbuster and an excellent Godzilla film.Pros:-Cranston!-Once the first act nears it's end, the film becomes an almost non-stop thrill ride. Seriously, great pacing IMO.-Godzilla and the MUTOs are beautiful. Just beautiful. Their movements and behaviors spoke volumes about the work put into giving these CG creations life. Practically every moment of Godzilla's screen time makes an impact, and the MUTOS get a good amount of screen time. Quite surprised at that honestly.-I was thinking, based on reading other reviews, that Cranston was the only good actor in this film. Actually, the rest of the cast actually is solid on their own terms. (I was only disappointed in Sally Hawkins)-That tension. The teases and build up worked great for me! -The visuals and cinematography are worthy of seeing in the best theater possible.Cons:-More Cranston and Godzilla wouldn't have hurt at all!-Human drama in the second and third acts weren't exactly things to be proud of. -Finale could have been a bit longer, but I was very pleased with what we got.Solid A-/A from me :)And for crowd reactions:You could actually hear people gasp and go "Wow" at the money shots!

Especially the Godzilla reveal and the nuclear fire attacks!


I could actually hear some sounds of shock/surprise in an important dramatic moment involving Cranston.Friends' reactions:"Boring." (She loved TASM 2 and absolutely disliked the Winter Soldier)"7/10"-He watched '98 Godzilla I think?"Godzilla is my new favorite superhero."-First Godzilla film for this guy."Godzilla is so cuuuuuuteee!"-Girl who liked this better than '98 film.My other friends couldn't stop talking about

Godzilla's finishing move on the MUTO

when the film was finished. That moment will seriously get people talking. My dad, also big on superhero/genre movies, gave this a 9/10. From my dad and friends, no complaints at all about too little Godzilla/monsters. No complaints too with the

fight teases

though a friend was surprised the second time it happened on screen.

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I think it was great the way they teased the fights. It left you wanting more and then delivered with the big smackdown at the end. I did think Ken Watanabe didn't say Godzilla enough.

Edited by DeeCee
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What movie did u guys watch? Great and Godzilla dont belong in the same sentence. I hated this movie. Its a giant mess

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I thoroughly enjoyed it but I think the weakest link is ATJ.  Both his performance and the contrived way he is involved throughout the movie.

Definitely the weak link. Part of the reason this is a B movie, not an A. I can't remember the last time a film had a more wooden lead.
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It's not horrible. It's just boring. The movie dies with Cranston, which is a shame because the scale and physicality of the monsters is very believable and I think the whole thing is smartly directed. The script is good at building the action beats and mostly nothing else.


The whole "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" angle almost saved the film for me and they spent literally a minute on it. Imagine if they introduced that idea earlier. Create a dichotomy between the people who think Godzilla is a terrifying menace who's killing thousands and those who think he's protecting the humans. Instead there's no suspense after the first act with any human character. 


Also, anyone who was saying Charlie Hunnam killed Pacific Rim better prepare themselves for Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

Edited by Gopher
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It's not a perfect movie (As Gopher said, some of the overtones could have been discussed more in the movie, the military stuff either needs to be cut down or the movie needs to be longer), but the prologue and final acts are strong enough that it's simply an strong movie on many regards. Edwards' direction is sharp, focusing on the human drama and eschewing mindless action, which was the right approach to the movie, and quite frankly, deserves some respect just for that. I felt like most of the movie worked, and the entire last hour had me breathless.


Even when the movie has its lows, it's very much worth it for the highs it has.



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The main flaw I found with the film is that it is conflicted about who its protagonist is. The opening act makes you think it's going to be a Cranston/Watanabe Science Bros. Team-Up, but then that gets dropped in favor of ATJ's very long and complex trip back to San Francisco with him just happening to show up at almost every major military plot point. ATJ isn't bad, he's just kinda bland. The second half of the movie demotes Watanabe to occasional exposition man and giving half-cocked stares of pensive wonder and fear.


It's a very entertaining movie with a kickass final act, but it needed some better juggling of its characters.



Imagine if Elizabeth Olsen and ATJ had their characters reversed. That alone would cause a noticeable bump in quality.

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