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Sun#s pg 230...Wknd Est: DOFP: 91M, Godzilla - 31.4M, Blended - 14.2M , NB - 13.9M [NO SPOILERS]

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Its also funny how people always wanna thrown around the word "overrated" when they dont agree on the success. "I dont the get the hype with Gravity, its overrated." Just because you didnt like it doesnt mean the majority doesnt. That RT score, Flixster score, awards win, and gross and multiplier dont lie.If Frozen had made $200 million dom and $600m worldwide and Let it Fo never hit the top 100, NO ONE would let that word come out of their mouths, even though their feelings for Frozen are the same, but NOW that its #1 in everything and taking the world by storm, now people have a problem, and since they have a problem, its overrated. Okay. Calling Frozen overrated is not fair, again youre not thinking like kids and adults who see movies for entertainment value instead of critically. Girls feels like they can relate to Anna and Elsa, the songs are catchy, and Olaf is lovable, thats all you need. They played Frozen in the square at my college outdoors and hundreds of people were there, I didnt see any kids, it was all adults and college students. They were going nuts. And when it was over, nobody went, "man Olaf needed more screen time, his character was 1D", they said "this is why I love this movie." Get over it, Frozen is a phenom, and just because youre jealous of it or dont understsnd it means its overrated. Its just annoying because I see this all the time. Now Godzilla is fading and nobody says anything, but if Godzilla was over performing and headed to $300M, people would be quick to start throwing out "overrated!" Man hush that noise.

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I'm beginning to suspect that Jandrew rather likes Frozen.

I do. Check my blog I have a few nice posts about it, but what I hate is people here throwing out overrated because of a movies success that they dont agree with. Its okay to trash Godzilla now since its tanking, but if it was doing the opposite, "overrated! Overrated!" How about no.
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I do. Check my blog I have a few nice posts about it, but what I hate is people here throwing out overrated because of a movies success that they dont agree with. Its okay to trash Godzilla now since its tanking, but if it was doing the opposite, "overrated! Overrated!" How about no.


I too hate the dreaded 'overrated' word. Its only purpose is to shut down discussion.

Edited by Hatebox
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Crappy Godzilla legs can't make me sad, I just graduated. :)

Congrats to you!  And Godzilla's legs are great!  Strong, powerful, meant for swimming as well as walking.  Who cares if the Japanese thinks he's fat!

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So because Frozen is popular now, people are hating it. There's nothing new, happens to every popular films.

It's been popular for 6 months...and people aren't hating on it, many just think it's overrated.
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So I finished The Host. 7.5/10. Hilarious that people seriously think that this film could work as a Godzilla film. Besides that it's overall pretty good but good lord is it slow. ((BTW G-2014 is better then it.  :ph34r:))


LOL How many times have you posted this in the last 24hrs?   :lol:

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