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Predator | 14th September, 2018 | Shane Black to Co-Write and Direct

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3 hours ago, Valonqar said:

How is chatting up someone on the Internet "most traumatizing and horrifying felony"? Clearly not as horrifying and traumatizing as maiming and murder. Sexual offenses have many degrees and in this case the guy was chatting up a minor on the internet so lets not pretend that's the same as gang rape that leaves a victim with internal bleeding, organ rupture and lifetime paranoia. Also, degree of crime is confined only to what was done, in this case Internet chat, not to assumptions what could have been. So this guy chatted up a 14 years old girl and served his time for that. He didn't attack her physically nor it is fair to judge him on something that didn't happen but one fears it could have. 


This way of thinking is exactly why James Gunn was fired. In MeToo climate, which I'm sure MeToo didn't want to create but things always escalate and ruin the cause, minor offenses are overblown to the point of being treated like major offenses. You joke about pedophilia = you are a pedophile cause why else you would joke about it? You must have abused children in secret. Boom, one gets labelled a pedo and people proceed to discuss him on that term. make no mistake, Gunn didn't get fired because of Chernovich or whatever his name but because current climate allows that kind of spin and quickly rallies up people who'd believe it. You chat up a minor on the Internet and serve time for it, you are treated like a serial rapist and pedo who actually committed sexual abuse of minors judging by the sound of fury heaped at that guy. Sure, he's an offender but degrees are actually important. You can't say that chatting up is up there with an actual rape so why acting like it is? I just don't understand people's need for exaggerating. That doesn't help anyone, in fact, as in Gunn case, it can hurt wrong people. 

Ok, I'll admit that I was unaware of the kind of sex offense that was in question (I had only known about Olivia Munn chatting up about being around a sex offender in the Predator cast), as my idea of sex offense went directly towards sexual assault, above all else. Especially when you're targeting minors. I'm sorry, but if you don't see how something that is absolutely life changing and life scarring as one of the most traumatizing and horrifying felonies, then I don't know what to tell you. And even if it's just 'inappropriately chatting up a 14 year old on the internet', it's still predatory behaviour, period. Sure, technically speaking, he never physically engaged with her, so it makes more sense that he could be given forgiveness.... but the fact is: he did it, and he could do it - or worse - to someone else in the future. You correctly point that he can't be blamed/judged for something that he didn't do, but logically speaking, what are the chances he wasn't going to do worse? We'll never know because he was stopped on time before he could go forth. He's always gonna have that dark stigma attached to him, and it never won't be a risk to assume that someone can be fully rehabilitated, no matter how good they may seem. I've done research and works on predators.... the truth is that it's more than just a choice they make, but an animalistic instinct that only far and few between can hold back. A particularly interesting story that I read about a pedophile who is also an anti-pedophilia activist (who said he had urges in the past, but never actually did any criminal activities) taught me that pedophiles see their desires as nothing more than a sexual orientation, like I see myself as straight and you see yourself as straight/gay/whatever you are, despite many of them knowing it's a wrongdoing. I don't wanna say "once a predator, always a predator", but this isn't the kind of urge that you just fix with a few years in prison. So yeah, to be fair, this particular case doesn't warrant the same kind of wrath as other sex offense cases, but at the same, Olivia Munn or whomever else are in their right to speak up about being uncomfortable around someone like him.


Also, James Gunn was fired because he made dumb, inappropriate jokes in the past, which might or might not have been a hotheaded decision. That's not the same as actually acting like an offender, nor is it being one or defending one. It's just.... shitty dark humor that probably shouldn't have been posted in the internet, or at the very least not without it being in an absolutely clear context of "dark comedy" (and even then, it's poor dark comedy anyway).

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4 hours ago, RichWS said:

This weekend, I apparently broke the news to a group of friends that there's a new Predator movie coming this week. It was met with a collective "Really? Why?"

Even before the scandal I doubted this film would do well because outside the franchise fanboys there was not much interest. The scandal might just be another nail in the coffin.

Only good thing to happen to this film is the the Les Moonvies scandal is sort of hogging the Sexual Predtators (no pun intended) news.

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51 minutes ago, MrGlass2 said:

They say there is no such thing as bad publicity... Predator really wants to test that theory.



Anybody who is a professional in the filed of Public Relatations will tell you the "no such thing as bad publicity" saying is a  huge load of crap.

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Boyd Holbrook:


“I want to start by apologizing for this statement coming late in the current conversation. I do not take any of what has gone on lightly, and I want to speak from the most honest and genuine place possible,” said Holbrook in a statement obtained by Deadline. “I have stated before, and I will state it again, I am proud of Olivia for the way that she handled a difficult and alarming situation, and I am grateful that Fox took the information seriously and took action swiftly.”



“It is true that I pulled out of a small amount of press on Saturday, as this type of social commentary is new to me and given the nature of the originating crime, I felt further discussion could cause unwanted trauma and pain, neither of which I wanted to incite to the anonymous young woman,” he explained. “I now realize that my understanding of the situation was not the full picture and the last thing I want is for Olivia to ever feel abandoned or alone. We are in the midst of a very crucial and important time and it is imperative that we keep listening.”



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It was always on low 60s, dropping to 40 is not surprising and has nothing to do with the scandal. Just last week The Nun was close to 50 for a while and is now at 27%. They should just wait a bit longer to write a consensus. Predator is only at 52 reviews, was probably at half of that when they wrote it. Some movies go on to have close to 400 reviews on RT.

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On 9/10/2018 at 5:12 PM, AndyK said:

Yep, instead of all agreeing "yep we had a problem but its sorted now...lets talk about the movie", we now have a situation where 3 people have probably ended their careers and the production is going to lose 10's of millions of dollars.


Good job everybody!

Who is the third person?

Edited by Serpico Jones
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