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Predator | 14th September, 2018 | Shane Black to Co-Write and Direct

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Fuck you guys, Iron Man 3 was awesome.


Anyway, if Black's on board, I'm pretty interested. I do somewhat question the need for a reboot, but Rodriguez's Predators kinda limited the story options for a sequel so I can understand it. 

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Love Predator, Love Shane Black, Love Iron Man 3, Love this idea. Im fucking psyched


If they retell the story of the first movie then they will have to replace Arnold with someone else but regardless of what you think of him, Arnold isn't a replaceable actor. They can make a kickass Predator movie without rehashing the story of the first one. Robert Rodriguez's Predators isn't a very strong movie but it isn't bad either so it can be done.

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If they retell the story of the first movie then they will have to replace Arnold with someone else but regardless of what you think of him, Arnold isn't a replaceable actor. They can make a kickass Predator movie without rehashing the story of the first one. Robert Rodriguez's Predators isn't a very strong movie but it isn't bad either so it can be done.

Cool but who cares at the end of the day, if I don't like it then I won't let that ruin my day. And Arnie can be replaceable imo because he's a terrible actor. Just because you think he's irreplaceable it doesn't mean I have to agree. Edited by jessie
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As for the reboot, if it sucks I still have the original.


Just wish they would come up with a cool idea for the series instead of just starting over.  However, it could turn out to be good

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Why reboot it ? Predator universe is pretty well-established. Why not make something new and exciting in that Universe ?


Yeah, that's the truth, man. Predator is pretty much perfect and holds up incredibly well. There's absolutely no point in remaking it.

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I'm pretty sure it won't be a complete remake. For starters with Black directing and writing it will be set on Christmas so we 'll have Predators in snow. :D

I think it will probably be in the same universe as the first but it won't continue the Predators storyline and it's going to take a different road. I really like Black's style and i hope for a Schwarzenegger cameo.

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Reboots are fine, but how do you cast Dutch, Blaine, Billy and Mac?  I mean, seriously, those were some pretty individualized characters.  Get me the Rock to play Dutch, then I might be interested.

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The movie is a sequel.


Steven Weintraub @colliderfrosty 2m

Exclusive: Shane Black Says His PREDATOR Film Is a Sequel, Not a Reboot http://tinyurl.com/q4banqe  pic.twitter.com/aUxGKjYteB



While the initial report said that Black’s new Predator film would be a reboot, Black tells us that he and Dekker see the project as definitely not a reboot, “As far as Fred and I are concerned anyway,” Black said, adding “Why start over, when you’ve all this rich mythology yet to mine?”  Black said he doesn’t like reboots generally, but can “really get behind inventive sequels”, noting that he likes “the idea of expanding and exploring the existing Predator mythology, rather than hitting the restart button.”


Rebooting a classic like the first movie makes no sense when you can easily make a good movie in the already-established universe.

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