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Early Wed Numbers: Tammy 6.18 (incl 1.3 previews), Trans4 7.7, DUFE: 2.8 ETE 2.6...pg 21

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CH vs DOM - KO!


    CH   DOM

OW 99.8m   100.038m

Mon 19.7m  10.504m

Tue 17.7m  10.410m

Wed   14.9m  7.732m

Total  152.2m 128.685m


It's not even close. The OW went to DOM but that too because of the fudge. Else it's a clean sweep for CH.

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Into The Storm did everything to mimic Twister except one thing....it forgot to give us a cast we recognize. Big fucking mistake. They spend all this money on terrific effects and they cant pony up for a 2014 version of Bill Paxton Helen Hunt and Cary Elwes. Shame.Trailer looks awesome but no cast makes it less appealing.

What "in story" reason do they give for such crazy weather patterns emerging anyway? 

I think I may know, cause it's liberal Hollywood, but curious. 

It screamed rental to me, not even the effects could get me into that film. 

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Thanks y'all! :D I hope to make it out to a theater today... probably gonna see Trans4mers because I don't like rewatching movies on my B-day.


(Unrelated: I'm shocked to hear Gopher is 19 and Spaghetti is younger than me. Thought both were older than that.)


Gopher is the oldest 19-year old on the planet.



Happy birthday BTW

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X-Men with estimate


Wednesday: 0.29

Thursday: +52% - 0.44

Friday: +39% - 0.61

Saturday: +48% - 0.91

Sunday: -32% - 0.61



2.13/2.86 - 227.37 total

$2048/location for 3day


Mon-Th = 1.13 = 228.50 total


next weekend: 1.46M, $1825/location, 229.96 total


Mon-Th = 0.76 = 230.72


should squeeze past X3: THE LAST STAND

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Thanks y'all! :D I hope to make it out to a theater today... probably gonna see Trans4mers because I don't like rewatching movies on my B-day.


(Unrelated: I'm shocked to hear Gopher is 19 and Spaghetti is younger than me. Thought both were older than that.)

Happy birthday!

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Wow! This great cinematography! From Contact, 1997

Posted Image

You dont see a lot of shots like this now a days.

It's CGI, watched the behind-the-scenes and they said shooting this in real life is impossible because of reflections etc

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It's CGI, watched the behind-the-scenes and they said shooting this in real life is impossible because of reflections etc

Doesnt matter, still a unique shot, thats what i was going for. You think its something, then at the last second its something else.
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Wow! This great cinematography! From Contact, 1997

Posted Image

You dont see a lot of shots like this now a days.



It's CGI, watched the behind-the-scenes and they said shooting this in real life is impossible because of reflections etc


That much is obvious, but it's still a fantastic shot.  One of my favorites of all time.  

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