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Weekend Estimates: GotG 17.6m | TMNT 16.8m | If I Stay 16.4m | WGST 9.0m | Sin City 6.5m

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TWC has had trouble with everything they released this year. Even Begin Again, a sure-fire crowd-pleaser, had a poor release strategy (going wide way too soon).

Begin Again should've had a pretty slow roll out. The limited opening wasn't big enough to guarantee a nationwide expansion in just 2 weeks.
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*Waits for a WWW thread about Sin City 2 with horrible explanation*

I feel like a What Went Wrong thread would be really redundant in this situation. It's not hard to see why it flopped so badly (they waited too long, to the point where no one cared anymore).

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Tracking has been a joke pretty much all year.  It really looks like any one of us, with no alleged behind-the-scenes info whatsoever, could've come up with OW guesses for the last 25-30 weeks and been just about as accurate as the "professional" tracking sites.  It's becoming obvious to me that there really isn't any way to accurately predict BO these days (if there ever was).  It does make this site more interesting, though, as even the most wacky predictions have a chance at being right (GOTG over MOS?!?, even this Marvel nut wouldn't have bet a plug nickel on that back in July!).


SIN CITY's horrible $6.5 mil number should be stunning, but I'm not at all surprised - I knew no one who was eager to see it.  What was stunning was the $15-20-million tracking numbers I was seeing for it all week, especially considering the weak BO we've seen most of the summer.


I think it is e.g. some change of the accuracy in connection with facebook, for a time it was one good indicator, but facebook cumulates the likes, so e.g. book fans and part 1... fans all add up to one big number


Twitter counts alone are also not good enough, it's also the daily stability over a longer time, positive:negative ratio and so on


People's WOM also has now new and faster ways to spread...


People react less in simple to get access to manner plus the market in complete is changing for some other reasons as well => the old calculation models do not work the same way as before.


In addition, WOM isn't calculate-able as long as no GA has seen the movie


If I take a look at the released titles I can see why they have difficulties

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SIN(M) City 3

Coming too Late

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3000? Nah, too early. Sin City 2 need more time to get a cult following :P


Guardians might actually take first next week.

I hope As Above/So Below makes at least 15M. The trailer looks good.

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