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Interstellar (2014)


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One of the most ambitious films ever created. I did not feel like this was a money grab at all. Christopher Nolan clearly had a story he wanted to tell, I really admire that. There are moments it falls short but it suceeds far more than it fails. As a person who has studied a lot of the science shown it was really cool to see it put on the big screen. Obviously some of it was bolony but when is Hollywood ever fully accurate.


Overall this is an amazing and thought-provoking film so I'am giving it an A-

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A rare film whose ambition actually makes up for its glaring flaws. The video and docking and blackhole sequences are all-timers.

Nolan shouldn't write his own films or probably get final cut on them, but the highs on display here are as high as any film I've seen. Probs Zimmer's best score too.

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Everyone knew that the "ghost" was Cooper the whole time right?   That wasn't supposed to be a big reveal or anything I hope, because I saw that coming a mile away light years away.


you saw that coming? really? You just guessed it would be Cooper contacting his daughter through gravity from another dimension?? cough bullshit cough

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The biggest question is who are "they" ?

I read theories on the film and it seems that they is us ( the 5d beings), 3 billion years (give or take) into the future.

Who created the singularities, the wormhole near Saturn, the blackhole and the tesseract where Cooper can transcend space and time and communicate to his daughter the gravity magic quantic formula that ulitimately saves mankind ?


I think they were the future versions of Plan B

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you saw that coming? really? You just guessed it would be Cooper contacting his daughter through gravity from another dimension?? cough bullshit cough


Yeah, I call bullshit on that one, as well. I knew they couldn't forget about the ghost, but I didn't see it coming either.


I don't know who said that Cooper's sacrifice was also obvious to happen. Once again, I have no idea how they got the idea that he would sacrifice himself, but I didn't see it coming.

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A rare film whose ambition actually makes up for its glaring flaws. The video and docking and blackhole sequences are all-timers.

Nolan shouldn't write his own films or probably get final cut on them, but the highs on display here are as high as any film I've seen. Probs Zimmer's best score too.


Dem organs.

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Just watched this in Imax. I must say, I had high hopes for this and for me personally, they were met. I loved the first act. I was worried that the trailers showed that their wasn't much at stake but I believed it during that first act. Michael Cane explained that one for me, maybe she should have shown that in the trailers . The most emotional moment in the film for me was his daughter running out to say her last goodbyes whilst Cooper has already left. I don't have to be a father to relate to both their pains, leaving a loved one like that is heart wrenching.

Now the 2nd I think started well, the space imagery was amazing, unlike gravity, this looked real, it was kind of haunting to look at. I'm not saying gravity didn't look real, but it was glossy, the images were stunning to look at whereas Interstellar view of space was a darker, grittier environment which had the sense of dread.

I actually found this to be more disturbing than Gravity, theres a scene in which one of the crew members is paranoid by the fact its just a thin man made sheet of metal separating him from the vast openness of space. Little thoughts like that were more frightening than anything Gravity had to offer imo. Matt Damons betrayal wasn't as bad as people made out, made perfect sense, he was suppose to be a hero but then wanted out. There were some beautiful visual on that planet, however Ive read too many posts about people praising Nolan for lack of green screen which is complete bushtit, film was full of it lol. Space dock scene was beautifully done, it was genuinely a work of art. There were parts in the middle act though that were a bit messy for me, the quick cutting between Damons character and the grown up murph just didn't work for me, it seems extremely out of place.

The end had me worried for a second, when I first saw the bookshelf I wanted to laugh, I thought it was ridiculous but luckily that was all explained rather quickly before I walked out of the cinema lol, I thought the way everything tied up was genius, the only thing I couldn't understand was why Coopers ghost gave out the co-ordinates of NASA then straight away tried getting murph to make him Stay, I must have missed something there, I couldn't maintain 100% concentration lol.

Overall ill give this an A- for a few clunks in the middle but it was an amazing experience and even though it wasn't the most fun to be had in the cinema this year, I think it is definitely the one that will stick with me the longest.


Edited by jessie
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Yeah, I call bullshit on that one, as well. I knew they couldn't forget about the ghost, but I didn't see it coming either.


I don't know who said that Cooper's sacrifice was also obvious to happen. Once again, I have no idea how they got the idea that he would sacrifice himself, but I didn't see it coming.

It clicked for me that's where we were heading when he released from Endurance and started to fall into the Black Hole. It is interesting to note on the second watch that Murphy's first words in the film are "I thought you were my ghost".

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Just watched this in Imax. I must say, I had high hopes for this and for me personally, they were met. I loved the first act. I was worried that the trailers showed that their wasn't much at stake but I believed it during that first act. Michael Cane explained that one for me, maybe she should have shown that in the trailers . The most emotional moment in the film for me was his daughter running out to say her last goodbyes whilst Cooper has already left. I don't have to be a father to relate to both their pains, leaving a loved one like that is heart wrenching.

Now the 2nd I think started well, the space imagery was amazing, unlike gravity, this looked real, it was kind of haunting to look at. I'm not saying gravity didn't look real, but it was glossy, the images were stunning to look at whereas Interstellar view of space was a darker, grittier environment which had the sense of dread.

I actually found this to be more disturbing than Gravity, theres a scene in which one of the crew members is paranoid by the fact its just a thin man made sheet of metal separating him from the vast openness of space. Little thoughts like that were more frightening than anything Gravity had to offer imo. Matt Damons betrayal wasn't as bad as people made out, made perfect sense, he was suppose to be a hero but then wanted out. There were some beautiful visual on that planet, however Ive read too many posts about people praising Nolan for lack of green screen which is complete bushtit, film was full of it lol. Space dock scene was beautifully done, it was genuinely a work of art. There were parts in the middle act though that were a bit messy for me, the quick cutting between Damons character and the grown up murph just didn't work for me, it seems extremely out of place.

The end had me worried for a second, when I first saw the bookshelf I wanted to laugh, I thought it was ridiculous but luckily that was all explained rather quickly before I walked out of the cinema lol, I thought the way everything tied up was genius, the only thing I could understand was why Coopers ghost gave out the co-ordinates of NASA then straight away tried getting murph to make him Stay, I must have missed something there, I couldn't maintain 100% concentration lol.

Overall ill give this an A- for a few clunks in the middle but it was an amazing experience and even though it wasn't the most fun to be had in the cinema this year, I think it is definitely the one that will stick with me the longest.


Cooper initially didn't realise what was happening so he did things out of order. He seemed to come to the most emotionally heated moment and that's whem he said "STAY". He then worked out what was happening and that's when he gave the NASA coordinates. He then started to transmit the quantum data into the watch. Edited by DeeCee
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I had some problems with it, like Murphy knowing that it was her dad and maybe Matt Damon was a bit pointless and the beginning was a bit long and it's clearly just fantasy. But I don't even care. I loved it. Once they're at Saturn and then going through the wormhole it's just so damn good. It's much more emotional and human than a regular Nolan film. A.

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I really enjoyed the slow set up if im being honest. For me, everything up to their first landing was perfect. Ive heard a lot of complaints about there not being much to do whilst on the planets but this isn't Avatar, this is probably the most likely scenario if we ever reached a planet like these, not much would happen, im just thankful he added tidal waves and avatars floating icy mountains for sheer awe.

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I really enjoyed the slow set up if im being honest. For me, everything up to their first landing was perfect. Ive heard a lot of complaints about there not being much to do whilst on the planets but this isn't Avatar, this is probably the most likely scenario if we ever reached a planet like these, not much would happen, im just thankful he added tidal waves and avatars floating icy mountains for sheer awe.



I love that you loved it. 

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I really enjoyed this movie a lot. There were some things I didn't quite understand about it though and perhaps I need to see it a second time like some of you. Maybe I just missed it but my questions were:


1) What happened to the Earth to cause all the problems? I get that the crops were killed by a blight, but what caused all the dust? Was it a lack of rain?


2) Plan B involved a bunch of frozen embryos. Who was expected to carry all those embryos? Dr. Brand? Why didn't they send more women on the mission?


3) Did they leave all the embryos unattended on the ship when they went to Mann's planet?


4) Why did they did not consider the wave issue before going to Miller's planet and landing in water? Obviously a planet affected by a gravitational pull like that would have huge waves. And did they not see the waves from the ship?


5) Wouldn't it have been obvious that Mann's planet was frozen from space? Ice can be seen on Earth from space.


6) If Cooper can travel to where Brand is, why can't he travel back to his original time?

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Blade 4 is not likely happening and Thundercats is uncertain given that the recent TV series was a failure (well Cartoon Network intentionally set it up to be a failure, by intentionally sabotaging it's scheduling and using b.s. toy excuse as a reason for cancelling it, when they never made toys to begin with). A Thundercats movie has been in development for years now, I'm surprised it hasn't been made yet to be honest.

Why no Blade 4 Poke?? Doesnt Snipes want to do it? I think Thundercats will happen, no way

it doesnt have the magic potential to be as big or bigger than Turtles if done right on the big screen.

The technology, regalness of the characters.. OMG And can you imagine how grand

the Sword of Omens will be on the big screen.


Going to see Intersellar either this weekend or Monday. :)

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6) If Cooper can travel to where Brand is, why can't he travel back to his original time?


Because he lost a lot of time on the first planet, together with Brand. While the two of them remained the same age, earth lost many years. Basically, when he went back to her, he wouldn't enter that gravitation pull again and wouldn't lose time due to relativity. They would be the same age and all that, but the first planet is what made him unable to travel to his initial time.

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This movie... I have so many things I want to say about it and I feel like I won't be able to put them all down. It was more than a movie, it was a mind-bending, trascendent experience. You can have your laugh, but it feels like life changing for me. I'll explain in a bit, but first, let's get through technicalities.


I liked the first act more than I thought I would from the reviews. It was a perfect setting, atmospheric, gritty. The acting was obviously top notch, even the little girl from Twilight. 


The second act was edge of the seat great and the soundtrack helped a lot. Zimmer made an excellent work. The black hole scene... it is the most stunning thing I've ever seen in cinema. I literary stopped breathing. I read some comms about the fact that the way the universe was depicted is colorless and vapid; I couldn't disagree more; it's realism and grittiness were what made everything feel so relatable). 


The third act is the one that had the biggest impact on me. The way it flows, bringing you to the conclusion that we are so small in this universe, just for proving you afterwards how wrong you are (and then, at the end, merging these two ideas together). It boggles the mind. 


My IMAX show was packed and the audience really seemed to enjoy it. They laughed at every joke (and a big thing about this is that despite the realistic, somehow hopless atmosphere of the movie, the humor did not feel forced, like it is in so many other movies). Also, after the credits started rolling and the lights lit, it about half a minute where people just starred at the screen, in complete silence, and then everyone started talking at once. I never heard a director's name so many times after a movie. The girl I went with didn't see any trailers for Interestellar and had no idea what it was about. The film was introduced by Christopher Nolan, at which she asked me who's the guy. I told her he's the director of Inception. After it was over, I was surprised when she told me than she didn't think it would be possible to love Interstellar more than Inception, but she did. And she's no moviebuff. And people where so passionate talking about it.


Now, for my part, it made me realize that I'm 20 and, despite the general way of thinking that you couldn't make anything big at this age, I know that 1/3-1/4 of my life is already gone and looking to the future, I see more clear than ever that even if everything I plan works out, if would still be for nothing, because we are so small in our universe. That's the beautiful part of watching movies: the fact that, at some point you'll see something like Interstellar, something that shades light upon your way of thinking and understanding the world. It definitely made me wanna do everything in my power so I accomplish something in my life. Not just a social status (that I perceived to be so important till recently), but something to be remembered for. And not just talking about it, but acting, because I see how short our existence is.


I'm gonna stop because I think I've already made some people laugh, but I simply cannot comprehend how someone could see this movie as pretentious or bad. Maybe I'll be perceived as a Nolanite (even though I haven't seen anything outside of TDK trilogy and Inception), but this is as close to perfection as filmmaking can be. I may not of had Inception's action, but it's scope, it's grandeur passed that movie in every possible way.


Interstellar was for sure the best experience I had in theatre for a few years now and definitely Top 3 all-time material for me.



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