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Most overrated films of 2011?

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It's kind of silly to include Tree of Life into an overrated list. That film was bound to be incredibly divisive, and it's not like it was really universally praised to begin with. Some view it as a masterpiece, others think it's awful....it's just the way a film like that's gonna go.

Yeah, but most critics who saw it thought the former.
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DH2 - 96%? Come on. If it wasnt the final film it wouldn't have had a score that high.Drive - its good but it's no masterpiece.XMFC - the kids were just very annoying, and when the stupid butterfly girl flew around chasing that other kid, i cringed so hard in embarrassment.Apes - it had great trailers but the film just seemed quite empty to me. It's not a bad film, but people were so shocked of how good this looked that everyone felt the need to fall in-love with it.MI:4 - dare I say I preferred number 3? If brad birds name wasn't on the wrapper I doubt this would have had a 90%+ RT score. It just seems the reviewers have their heads so far up the Pixar crews arses.

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Pretty much the entire Best Picture field was overrated by the Academy and most critics, save for Hugo (still don't think most people really "got" that movie). Even the Artist is overrated, although it's a good film. As for well liked movies online I'd definitely say the decent but entirely generic R rated comedy Bridesmaids takes the cake (seriously what's so special about it?), and then Apes. I also hate to say it but after a year to really evaluate it DH2 really did not deserve its stratospherically high 96%/8.4 average rating on RT. I still like it and all but it has its issues, more and more of which become apparent with each viewing.

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^ I swear I've seen you post the same thing multiple times now.Yes, we know you don't like DH2 and MI4.

I've never mentioned MI4. I'm just doing what the title asks, posts the movies I find over-rated, is there a problem with that?
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My most over-rated film of the year was 'The Help', I can't believe it was nominated for Best Picture. It was just boring and cliched, Bryce Dallas Howard should have got an Oscar nom over Jessica Chastain though - how she got a nom for that I do not know.

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