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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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I'm hoping that The Two Towers and Return of the King will be left off this list since Baumer recently admitted that they're good films and upped his ratings of them to 8/10. You have seen the light of Gandalf the White and been cleansed for those sins, right Baumer? Or is Sauron's corruption still flowing through your veins? Hmm. :unsure:

Edited by MovieMan89
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I agree with baumer about INTERSTELLAR.


Well of course you do you son of a bitch.


There's no need to continue promoting your club under the guise of trashing the film. We conceded defeat on that one, even if we made a decent go at it.

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Well of course you do you son of a bitch.


There's no need to continue promoting your club under the guise of trashing the film. We conceded defeat on that one, even if we made a decent go at it.


Pink, on Friday I started listening to the Interstellar score during my commute..... and then I decided I'd rather listen to Desplat's Budapest Hotel.

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to me it feels like Interstellar can almost be regarded as a documentary.  It is like a survey of ideas and a sociological cautionary tale on where we could be headed.  I love Nolan for doing this, but i do see it as sort of a documentary-drama.     Hunger Games felt soo redundant to me but after Catching Fire and now Mockingjay with Katniss saying "if i burn, you burn with me."  =)

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Till now I have no problems with his reasonings.


I think e.g. Requiem for a Dream is a good movie, but not as 'cult-demanding' as some seem to see the movie.


There are 2 reasons it is on my list for better movies:


it's the only movies with tons of cuts in it, where I think it is done in an ~ artistic way, means it does not annoy me like the other movies where they seem to love to do that (including the IMHO cheap way they use it for fight scenes).


IMHO Requiem should be shown (but not as the only one!) in all schools to children/young teens, as I think it might really help some to not get lured in by drugs including the seemingless harmless ones (or that the ones the mother takes / older people too are in danger of getting addicts / not really living their lives anymore...).

I doubt they would realise the a bit one-sided details shown there.

But I am guessing parents would get hissy fits about the sexual parts or whyever it got such an 'old' age restriction in the US.


So one reason I respect the movie... has to do with art, the other with personal opinion out of an area that is important to me. Doesn't make the movie 'the best ever'


My husband is a really big Godfather(s) fan, but even he thinks they do not belong on a top 10 best films of all time list. He might put some older French film noir before them and some other European and Japanese.... and some other English language originated movies before them.


It's seldom that we (hubby and me) agree on something film related, that happens to be one of the cases we do agree on.

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17) Silence of the Lambs:  Maybe I'm bitter that this swept the Oscars in 1991 when clearly JFK was one of the best movies of all time and it should have won a ton.  Maybe I just think it's absurd that Anthony Hopkins was on screen for three and half minutes and he was considered the lead actor and not supporting.  He really didn't have much more screen time than Judi Dench in another film coming up on this list, and yet he won best actor.  JFK should have won best picture, director, supp actor and a bunch of others.  Be that as it may, the problem with Silence of the Lambs is that beyond Hopkin's terrific performance, it's just a bunch of psycho-babble that covers up a weak and ridiculous plot.  Check it:    There's a serial killer on the loose.  an investigator is desperate to find him so she enlists the help of another serial killer who has been behind bars for years.  Not sure what kind of help a jailed man can give someone but this is where she heads.  Although the actual serial killer could be anywhere, Lecter uses his super power serial killer powers to help Clarice find him.  But, wait there's more.  He likes to play games with Clarice so instead of just giving her his address, which he should know because he has super powers, he decides to use his super powers to read her mind and find out everything about her life.  So as she tells him more about her traumatic childhood where she heard lambs being slaughtered, he becomes more willing to tell her all about the serial killer.  She comes around again and again and begs for more hints.  It's like Lecter is Christian Grey and Foster is Anastasia Steele.  Lecter lives a complicated life, but Clarice wants him to show her.  Are you ready for this, he asks her, and as she begins to get excited, instead of handcuffs and a blindfold, Lecter woos her with tails of fava beans and Chianti.  Silence of the Lambs has one of the most absurd plots ever put to film and yet it won all four major oscars in 1991.  Halloween and Friday the 13th have more believable plots.  





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16) The Hobbits:  No, Lord of the Rings will not be making an appearance on this list.  Even before I upped my grades, I always understood why those films were so revered.  Even I enjoyed them quite a bit, I just had a few problems with TTT and ROTK.  But never did I not understand the appeal of them.  The Hobbit's on the other hand, are truly horrible films in every way.  And the only reason they are not higher on this list is because I kind of understand why some like them and it's obviously because of their connection to LOTR.  Hobbit, from an artistic point, not business wise, but artistically, they never should have been made into three films.  They stretched a 300 page book into 9-10 hours of filler.  But beyond that, the problems with the films are never ending.  Here's some of them:


The dinner scene goes on for an eternity and it is highlighted by how much the hobbits like to drink and eat

The hobbits are not likable.  They are mean and selfish and annoying.

There is no peril in the first two films.  Every time one of them is in danger, someone or something will come to its rescue.

Bilbo, never handled a sword before now, can fight like Innogo Montoya out for revenge for killing his father.

An elf falling for a dwarf.  Sorry, she's hot, he's not.

The special effects in both movies are horrible in spots, especially the barrel rolling scene and the Legolas rock climbing scene in the third.  For the budgets these films have, how can the effects in some scenes look worse than films from the 50's?

One of the biggest (unpleasant) surprises is the cinematographic style. I'm not talking about the bright colors or the digital images, but the (lack of physical) camera use. Whereas LOTR has stunning "real" camera movements and an extremely accomplished "handicraft" feel, AUJ often feels like a video game. The camera is flying and whirling so limitlessly that it just doesn't feel like an authentic movie anymore. This is particularly apparent during the Orc chase and above all the absurd Goblin Town escape. The CGI is perfect, but too much is just too much.


I could go on and on but I have other films to get to.  Hobbits are just plain silly and poorly made films.  But just for fun, watch the entire barrel scene, look how ridiculous it looks.  And also watch the scene where Tauriel should have died, when she is looking over at what's his name, and the Orc takes a swing....AT HER ARM, instead of putting a fucking axe in her head.  


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Oh, Harry Potter is definitely coming.


You can dislike THG, but comparing it to Battle Royale is so stupid. THG's themes are infinitely more overarching. But I digress.


Potter will likely be in the top 5. I can't wait!

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Haven't seen Hobbit 3 yet. There are 2 detaila I do not concur


1. the 'hot-ness' detail of (I am bad with names in RL too) Killi or Filli.


I do not think about any people in terms of hot, but he does look pleasant enough.

I do also think he appeals to her more out of him showing emotions, being open to details she loves, like his tell about the fire-moon....


Seems to be more about he is the first who accepts her as she is, neither looking down on her nor holding her on arms length and so on. I guess she isn't used to anyone  who tries to opening up - even if it is clear that it is not without a reason to do so.

Not a fan of romance in movies in general, but I do can see the possibility of developing interest. Not for me, I'm no cradle-robber.

I am not the only female I know who never gave a sh... about how potential partners look like btw. That includes my teenager / YA time, as in similar to the age Tauriel seems to have reached.


2. I do not think characters have to be not mean or so in a movie. It is even a bit refreshing to have characters NOT being nice / appealing in behaviour in general. But I agree, the scenes showing that were a bit... long. I guess anybody knew this already at that time.


Cinematography... after watching all the extras on the extended discs I am very much NOT wondering anymore / any longer about who the hack did film at least some of the scenes.

P. J. running with that ~ digital screen in an empty room.... ~ waving it ... - moving in essential on one plane of height / existence....  is NOT what I understand under cinematography.


My impression after watchhing the extras is like they did only a few extra days of shooting to fill up some gaps / moods in the acts to get the movies enough film length for 3 parts.

I also think at least in part 2 some digital effects might have been simply not finished, see how they went over the date for the music too .... Forgot if it was the same with part 1 too.

Sometimes it is more interesting what was not told or on what they were contentrating on for the extras than on the actual words / probably first impression someone might have gained without looking into them deeper.



Edit: it's usually not a good sign, if I am more interested into / happy with the extras than the movie....

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weird, as the list goes on I am agreeing with more of it :P


not all of the list, but definitely more than the the lower ones

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The usual suspects

Make this list.


Aliens is my number 8 film of all time.

A variation of the Avengers might make it 

The Usual Suspects is top 25 for me.

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Aliens is my number 8 film of all time.

A variation of the Avengers might make it 

The Usual Suspects is top 25 for me.

So GOTG is going to make the list. That should be fun.


And by fun, I mean painful for all involved.

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