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AVENGERS Official Wknd Estimates: 191M - Disney

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Yes. The whole POINT is that Harry doesn't try and fight, he sacrifices himself to save his friends. Did Jesus have an epic showdown with the Romans before he sacrificed himself?

point or not, you build up an fight(7 movies, wich lead to an enormous build up and hype) to have it end like that is just ... i guess for someone who is GA when it comes to potter it was disappointing

Yes. Harry spends five minutes explaining to Voldemort why his people are all getting their butts kicked and why he's once again impervious to Voldemort's magic. He then dares Voldemort to give up and live and accept he is wrong rather than die trying to kill Harry. Voldemort calls the bluff and his killing curse rebounds and kills him instantly.


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I feel like people are finding excuse for AOU under performing. The Derby and NHL/NBA playoff happen every year during May. Nobody brings those up during  the last couple of years. 


I don't think that there are any excuses for it under-performing. Disney chose what weekend to open the movie on. They have to deal with whatever competition there is from other movies or other forms of entertainment.

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Remember when BOM couldn't get over Voldemore doing


Like 5 times in the trailer?

I don't remember it here, but I remember the YouTube comments making a big deal about it. Literally every top comment referred to it.

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I remember seeing a Potter movie that had a giant snake in it. Thats gotta be one of the first 4 because those are the only ones I've seen a million years ago.

It's the second one, also the worst Potter.
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I really like the Potter books..

but I think the movies could be much better.. I don´t like  the directors, I just like Cuaron

but Chris Collumbus, Mike Newell, David Yates?

they´re not very good

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The snake has aged very well except for that shot.

When the basilisk first appears, it looks AMAZING.

and Yates will direct the Fantastic beasts movie..

oooh David Heyman, what a stupid choice..

So don't watch it.

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The snake has aged very well except for that shot.

When the basilisk first appears, it looks AMAZING.

So don't watch it.

oooh don´t be so angry..

of course I will watch the movie, I´m really curious about the script made by Rowling

but I don´t have high expectations, because of Yates 

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that looks like one of those SyFy Channel movies.


I just remember bits and specs of those 4 movies, couldn't really tell you anything about them.  I just googled harry potter snake gif lol


My recollection of Harry Potter 1-4 goes like this:  1 has a giant snake, there is one with a giant Chess game and a guy with 2 faces under a turban I think one of those faces was Voldemart, one has a wolf man and some ghosts that sorta look like ripoffs of the Nazgul from LOTR, and one has a dragon.  And I remember there being games involving flying broomsticks.  Which one was which?

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Hear hear!


Unfortunately, it's another marketing technique for their business. If it broke a "record", people would think "wow, it is a good movie, we must go see it".


I would love to have data of tickets sold for each movies. Actual tickets sold. Let's see who is the real king of the box office.


Completely agree. It was interesting today. Heard a radio report about the box office. The announcer said TA2 made $187m in the most "ho-hum" manner and didn't even mention it was the second biggest opening ever. Had it come in above TA1's weekend, I'm sure they would have said something about it. Despite the fact Disney is laughing all the way to the bank, I am sure they wish they had that extra free publicity from a record opener.

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