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Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)  

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Delightfully weird.

I was actually a big fan of Hardy's Mad Max. Sure he mumbled and croaked a few lines, but I thought he was a worthy successor to the still superior Gibson. Furiosa of course stole the show. Easily Max's equal in terms of prowess if not better in some respects.

And dat final sequence. whew.png

Was on the edge of the seat my whole time


Should have 45 minutes longer. Like, how did Max get all those guns and stuff when the truck was stuck in the mud? Needed a scene explaining that.

If you see it again, when he leaves to "retaliate first", he takes a canister of gas and several explosive devices (the same kind as the ones he planted in the truck tracks to blow up the first two vehicles of the pursuing armada). So he used that to blow up the tank somehow, and took all the weapons from the Bullet Farmer (he and his men were loaded to the gills, obviously).

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If you see it again, when he leaves to "retaliate first", he takes a canister of gas and several explosive devices (the same kind as the ones he planted in the truck tracks to blow up the first two vehicles of the pursuing armada). So he used that to blow up the tank somehow, and took all the weapons from the Bullet Farmer (he and his men were loaded to the gills, obviously).


Damn it Tele, I was joking, you gave me 10x more info than needed. :lol:


What did Mrs. Tele think?

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Mrs Tele enjoyed it a lot though it wasn't really her type of movie and it was "really violent". She thought Charlize was great and she liked the Vuvalini and she's already a big Tom Hardy fan.

she came for the lips, not the action.

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Really good and easily the best movie of the year so far. However, not as great as some made it out to be as it isn't a masterpiece some are saying it is. :ph34r:

Still I would give it an.......


The score and cinematography are both out of this world though.

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Mrs Tele enjoyed it a lot though it wasn't really her type of movie and it was "really violent". She thought Charlize was great and she liked the Vuvalini and she's already a big Tom Hardy fan.


I'm guessing you didn't take Tele Jr. to see it. :P

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Went to see it again and it was even more awe-inspiring. And as far as this summer live-action tentpoles go, I'm now comfortable skipping everything that's left except maybe Mission Impossible (the money shot of which also happens to be a practical effect). 


Thinking I'll probably see it again on Wednesday which will surely be the last day it gets shown in IMAX here. 

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Not bad. I had never seen a MM movie going in so I had no idea what to expect, but i really enjoyed myself! I wouldnt consider it a masterpiece, but it really was entertaining from start to finish. What more can you ask for at the movies?



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I really really do appreciate the minimal dialogue and actual storytelling through cinema. I really can't deal with all the exposition-based dialogue that seems to have become the norm recently coughTOMORROWLANDcough

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Finally saw it. I have very little to add that hasn't been said elsewhere. Obvs loved it - purest adrenaline rush I've had at the cinema in years. And the world building is immense....I am now wikipediaing anything and everything to do with this film and the world it depicts. That, to me, is the sign of a great and memorable film.

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Loved it.

Although few minor issues - obvious ADR on Max, that disgusting* CGI shot with guitar and wheel near the end, and construction of the movie. First 1/3 is so intensive, right till the end of Storm, that everything else in that movie can't compare. But should I complain? hell no. It's really a minor issue. second part of the movie, well last 2/3 of it was incredibly great, with great pace and tension. But, well, it wasn't as good as the best first third of the movie I have ever saw, which is Mad Max Fury Road. 

*It was really good CGI. But still - in that movie it was really stick out in a bad way.

So. First 1/3 of movie - grade 11/10
Rest of it - 9.5/10
Overall - 10/10. I can't really think about other action movie which was even near to that grade (in my opinion, of course).

Loved the vulvani and how respectadle Miller treated old women, loved characters, loved how less dialogue it has, loved action scenes, choreography, world building, characterisation, music, cinematography, and so on...

'What a lovely day' scene almost made me cry with joy. Phenomenally fantastic.

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