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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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Would it be "racist" if Marvel cast a white actor for Black Panther? I wonder if you and other loud minority type posters who congregate these forums would be hating and attacking then? Would you be fine with such a casting choice? Are you implying you don't care at all about what fans think? Fans who largely helped make these comic movies a reality?


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How does that change the story in any way? Can you please tell me why adopted siblings are different from biological siblings.


It changes the personal dynamic between them, and very often between other family members. Do you honestly need a real-world explanation of how adopted siblings different from biological siblings in their daily lives? You can look it up. There's tons of data and research on this.


It also, by definition, is a big change from the source material.

Edited by Null
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Moderation note: This thread is towing the line right now. And TD2 gifs won't help either.

Cool down everybody.

You are too scared this weekend :lol: I am not gonna let 10 pages of TD S2 gifs happen :lol: 

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Btw, it is obvious why this bombed: poor marketing campaign, poor reviews, bad buzz, movie is a stunning piece of shit. It is pretty much the same set of reasons every time a big movie bombs.

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Do you honestly need a real-world explanation of how adopted siblings different from biological siblings in their daily lives? You can look it up. There's tons of data and research on this.


Yes please provide us data that generalizes something as complex as human relationships

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And TD2 gifs won't help either.

TD2 gifs are my anti-drug.

Yes please provide us data that generalizes something as complex as human relationships

We could go deep into this but we're still arguing about the casting in a FF movie Edited by Alpha
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The casting of Michael B. Jordan meant that Johnny Storm could NOT be a biological brother to Susan Storm. That's not racist. That's just scientific fact. Therefore they had to change one of the fundamental story aspects of The Fantastic Four and make them adopted brother and sister.


This is where I have to take issue with ya...


Changing one of the fundamental character biology is not a problem...if the movie handles it well.


The problems here stem from the fact that (once people have finally seen it) the released film is simply a mess creatively and narratively, and doesn't properly integrate any understandable relationships...therefore the "fact" of changing the backstory of the characters "comes off" as "PC" and haphazard when it could have been something much more organic, understandable, relevant, realizable, even...gasp...meaningful.   No one wants to make a bad movie...but FOX has done a good job of making people think they surely tried.

Edited by Macleod
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More concerned with the casual racism which will be starting in comments soon.

Those will get thread banned as soon as shit happens. No big deal. 

Edited by CJohn
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MARVEL 1st of all, wouldn't have Cast Jordan as Johnny Storm.. They would've stayed faithful to both casting and storyline cause it's their story and characters.. If anything Jordan would've been a bystander on the street passing by one of the characters during mid action.. The hipster crybaby crowd is all up in arms if you don't agree with him being cast is absurd.. Deal with it..


But... I don't get it. Why is it "wrong" for Fox to cast a black actor to play a character that is usually white, but its fine for Marvel to cast a black actor to play Fury (who to my knowledge is white in the comics).

I don't want anyone to misread me :) I'm trying to say it doesn't matter either way, black or white, an actor is an actor.

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MARVEL 1st of all, wouldn't have Cast Jordan as Johnny Storm.. They would've stayed faithful to both casting and storyline cause it's their story and characters.. If anything Jordan would've been a bystander on the street passing by one of the characters during mid action.. The hipster crybaby crowd is all up in arms if you don't agree with him being cast is absurd.. Deal with it..



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Would it be "racist" if Marvel cast a white actor for Black Panther? I wonder if you and other loud minority type posters who congregate these forums would be hating and attacking then? Would you be fine with such a casting choice? Are you implying you don't care at all about what fans think? Fans who largely helped make these comic movies a reality?

Why is so hard for people to understand the difference here? 95% of main character movie roles are for white people. It's even more true for comic book movies, since comics were written in the past. In "good old days" no one thought non-whites were important enough to need representation in film or comics. So everybody is white, except a few tokens here and there.

So yes, people would complain about a white Black Panther or a white Storm. That takes away all diversity. But making one white character black does nothing to harm whites. It doesn't take away all white representation in the film.

And it's not like the most important part of the story is Johnny and Sue sharing chromosomes.

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Why is so hard for people to understand the difference here? 95% of main character movie roles are for white people. It's even more true for comic book movies, since comics were written in the past. In "good old days" no one thought non-whites were important enough to need representation in film or comics. So everybody is white, except a few tokens here and there.

So yes, people would complain about a white Black Panther or a white Storm. That takes away all diversity. But making one white character black does nothing to harm whites. It doesn't take away all white representation in the film.

And it's not like the most important part of the story is Johnny and Sue sharing chromosomes.


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