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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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The Jessica Alba Effect.


I really am tired of that IMHO not correct description. They might have less chemnistry as wished for, but she was not the sole / main / whatever reason for all the negative parts of FF including BO like that or similar posts seem to imply



Lot people thought Ant-Man would gross more than Thor and Captain America.


I've seen such kind of posts too, but mostly either by ... enthusiastic fans or people that gotten carried away with the possibility of $$$$ or were people who guessed e.g. before GotG way to deep and now where a bit like: thise time higher or all MCUs grow or... The reasoning often seemed not leveled


Ant-Man's dom results seem to reach considerable more than I expected after reading BO.com's long-range est. of $147m.

I had it a bit higher, but not much (~ CA 1 +/- whatever).

Why? I think AoU got too much artifically blown up 'disappoint-something' hype, and as it is a big-hitter the next one to 3 movies will have to suffer a bit for it..

Before AoU and seeing the IMHO not that good trailers... advertising material I thought it might have a chance of CA 1 to Thor 2 for dom.

Advertising is IMHO they should work on. A lot.


So when is BO.com considerable wrong?

if the quality is not as expected = WOM really better or worse, a scandal / shooting / something big had happened around the realease, or ... some surprise movies, that seem to click with the Zeitgeist, hit a nerve....

Beside that, they seem to be (mostly) not so bad.

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"Early estimates show the 20th Century Fox release struggling to hit $30 million for the weekend, which is well below the anticipated mid-$40 million mark."

"The last major superhero release to premiere under $35 million was Sony’s “The Green Hornet” in 2011 ($33.5 million)."

"Last weekend’s champ, “Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation,” which is close behind “Fantastic Four” with an estimated $27 million weekend."

Gift - 8.5m

Ricki and the Flash - 8m

Shawn the Sheep - 6m


Edited by a2k
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No I didn't. Just expecting something like 20/60 for that atm. I think the target demo that grew up in that era will absolutely support it, but anyone else? Not convinced.

Just wait until next weekend. It'll double your OW and come close to doubling your DOM.

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shit this is just bad.  it really is a testament to how social media can be your lifeline or the death of you.  I think it was a mistake by Trank to post that tweet but I also understand that he's been raked over the coals by the studio and probably felt the need to defend himself.  but when you pull that shit the day before your film comes out this is going to happen.  I cannot believe we're going to have a well known superhero film opening in the 25-30 million range.  i thought that wouldn't happen for at least the next 5 years, regardless of quality.

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The Gift going for a 10M weekend according to DHD. Good reviews giving that push.

I used to think reviews and internet reception pre-release didn't mean much for a movie's OW, but it seems like we have officially come into the age where it can have a noticeable impact.

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can't tell if trusting the guy with sinister in his name, or the guy with doom in his name is dumber. for the new movie probably the latter because HE TRIED TO BURN HIS FUCKING LAB

"Listen to Doctor Doom over here"

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"Listen to Doctor Doom over here"

I like how they couldn't really find a good enough explanation for him to be there like this convo in the movie


"I wanna hire victor von doom"

"last time he tried to destroy your research and lab and shit"

"yeah, but I'm pretty sure he won't this time"


like what? he gives like no reason. does reg e cathey just like to live on the edge? make his experiments more dramatic? fuck.

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No I didn't. Just expecting something like 20/60 for that atm. I think the target demo that grew up in that era will absolutely support it, but anyone else? Not convinced.


It's 100% impossible for it to open lower than Fantastic Four. With that being said,





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I could see the studio blaming Trank for pulling the film this far below tracking by sending out that tweet yesterday instead of sometime next week when the damage was already done.


I mean, Fox was reasonably predicting 40 mil and this may go 40% south of that. They're gonna look for reasons beyond "we totally totally screwed up every non-casting decision with this movie."

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