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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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Internet nerds will probably talk about fantastic four for longer than ant-man tbh. ones a pretty decent movie somewhere in the middle of the mcu that probs won't be especially essential in the long run, but fantastic four is going in the annals of total cinematic fuck-upery. it's the kinda movie I'm proud I saw on opening day.

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Aehm, I do compare it to the impact his movie Blade Runner had then and so on.As already mentioned in this thread, I have seen it and earlier movies as an adult, hence I can remeber the then reactions rather good (I had lots of partly rather heated discussions then about e.g. his work) Reactions of viewers, then ratings by critics... and such. A lot of people didn't ~ understand his movie(s) fully at the time of their release

Yet Alien adjusts to over 250M...

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Well I wondered just how quickly social networking could kill this movie. I think we have our answer.

Under $30 million weekend is incredible. Totally deserved. Right now I am rooting for Mission: Impossible to retain the top spot.

Rth...any news on Rogue Nation's Friday number?

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The only music biopic to do over 75m is Walk the Line, and that was with loads of Oscar buzz. So it would be wise to keep expectations in check for a movie like Compton.

It'll be more in the line of 8 Mile then walk the line. I don't want rehash my long post in the SOC Club of why it'll be big, but in short: Reason 1: No films aimed at African American audiences Reason 2: NWA was huge back in the day and we've seen how nostalgia sells (not to mention the newest album is selling like crazy) and finally Reason 3: Racial tension between minorities and the police force at the same time a movie comes out that details that discrimination and one of its most popular songs has the lyrics "Fuck the Police".

If that doesn't point to 100m I don't know what would.

Edited by Mattrek Loves Del Toro
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It'll be more in the line of 8 Mile then walk the line. I don't want rehash my long post in the SOC Club of why it'll be big, but in short: Reason 1: No films aimed at African American audiences Reason 2: NWA was huge back in the day and we've seen how nostalgia sells (not to mention the newest album is selling like crazy) and finally Reason 3: Racial tension between minorities and the police force at the same time a movie comes out that details that discrimination and one of its most popular songs has the lyrics "Fuck the Police".

If that doesn't point to 100m I don't know what would.

I guess. Although Notorious in '09 should have had a lot of the same going for it and finished sub 40m. Granted, SOC seems to be getting much better reviews, hence why i think it can do 60+. 100+ I'll have to see happen.

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Should be The Good Dinosaur's range. I think Everest could definitely fall in that range if it's well received. Pan and The Hateful Eight are maybes. Spectre a maybe as well if it gets bad WOM.

Everest? Making 200m? Absolutely zero chance, or should I say sub-zero?

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To me Potter is this:


A young boy has really fat guardians, they hate  him and treat him like shit.  He goes to a school for wizards, meets some really nice friends, both with red hair, and some real assholes, one who looks like a brain child of Hitler.  Harry is despised by Hans Gruber and meets a cool wizard who is the cousin of Gandalf.  While at the school, he finds a cloak that makes him invisible, plays hockey on brook sticks, and his red headed female friend grows up to be really hot.  He spends years being afraid of some dude who cannot manifest himself yet everyone is afraid of him and then finally Harry, without much of a problem kills him.  It would be like if Luke killed Vader in Empire.  And none of the other SW were made.


That's Potter.


But you can make such a summary for all franchises be it LoTR, SW, transformers, Rambo. Probably as someone who has read the HP books a lot, I see it differently. I understand that to non-readers it would feel that way. In Goblet of Fire when Voldemort touches Harry on the forehead and he screams, folks in my theater how hadn't read the books were laughing.

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No matter who we blame for the final movie, this is a huge weekend lesson for studios.

You cannot release a major event as compromised as this anymore and get away with a big opening weekend before the word gets out.

I've mentioned Green Lantern before as a comparison. If that had come out in 2015 it would be opening with around the same number as F4. Maybe a little more.

No matter what people think of RT, a shit score matters.


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But you can make such a summary for all franchises be it LoTR, SW, transformers, Rambo. Probably as someone who has read the HP books a lot, I see it differently. I understand that to non-readers it would feel that way. In Goblet of Fire when Voldemort touches Harry on the forehead and he screams, folks in my theater how hadn't read the books were laughing.


Yea I know.  I just like to give the Potter loonies a hard time.

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This movie is like Jaws would have ended with the guy getting his leg bit off in the estuary.

Or if Raiders of the Lost Ark would have ended with Indy and Marian in the well of the souls.

Or if Friday the 13th the final chapter would have ended with Rob getting killed in the basement

Or if Superman 2 would have ended when Clark gets beat up at the diner when he is no longer Superman

Or if Harry Potter only had three chapters instead of 85 (actually that would have been better)

Or if Fellowship of the Ring ends when Gandalf dies.



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I guess. Although Notorious in '09 should have had a lot of the same going for it and finished sub 40m. Granted, SOC seems to be getting much better reviews, hence why i think it can do 60+. 100+ I'll have to see happen.


I don't think Notorious had the potential to be relevant to the current political/social climate. #blacklivesmatters is all over the news and the film will resonate with a  audience that has been for the most part ignored all summer.

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Everest? Making 200m? Absolutely zero chance, or should I say sub-zero?

It's got a better chance than The Martian. The marketing has been a major effort in the vein of a tent-pole film and has done a good job aiming to several demos. It's advertised as a straight forward true event survival story of the most publicly infatuated mountain in the world. And they're marketing t as something you should see in theaters for the scope. Also we will be pretty deprived of any big new releases by then. It should be time for one. It still needs to have great WOM though to get to 200, never going to get there just off of OW.

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