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Yaaaay 2005!

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I've never even heard of Four Lions :ph34r:

RENT IT ASAP! You won't regret it.To pique your interest, it's a film about a small group of utterly inept amateur terrorist wannabes in England.Seriously, it's such a funny movie, masterful dark humor.I also advocate for people getting onto the train for The Ghost Writer. Edited by 4815162342
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Thanks for continuing to let my idea flourish. ;)1. Exit Through The Gift Shop2. The Social Network3. Toy Story 34. Black Swan5. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World6. Blue Valentine7. The Illusionist8. Inception9. 127 Hours10. The Fighter11. How To Train Your Dragon12. Let Me In13. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 214. Four Lions15. Rabbit Hole

Edited by Spaghetti
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Don't live in the US so there are always films I miss and find it hard to catch again. So, even now, my list is missing a few movies I never saw ie Fighter, Kids Are Alright, Animal Kingdom, Never Let Me Go, 127 Hours, True Grit, Let Me In, Illusionist and Four Lions.That said here's my top 151. Social Network2. Inception3. How to Train Your Dragon4. Toy Story 35. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows6. King's Speech7. Tangled8. Legend of the Guardians9. Ghost Writer10. Kick Ass11. Other Guys12. Wall Street: MNS13. Despicable Me14. Prince of Persia15. Disappearance of Alice CreedMovies seen: 90

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I did have to go back and jog my memory about some films that came out in 2010 and what I remembered liking the top three are pretty set, 4-9 could be switched depending on my mood. but here's my list:1. Inception2. Toy Story 33. The Social Network4. The Fighter5. The Town6. The King's Speech7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 18. True Grit9. How To Train Your Dragon10. 127 Hours11. Tangled12. The Crazies13. Book of Eli14. Shutter Island15. Easy AHonorable Mention: Exit Through the Gift Shop, Kick Ass, Red and Black Swan

Edited by DAR
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1. The Social Network2. Toy Story 33. 127 Hours4. Another Year5. Waste Land6. Black Swan7. How To Train Your Dragon8. Inception9. Kick-Ass10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I11. Blue Valentine12. Exit Through The Gift Shop13. Catfish14. L'illusionniste15. The King's Speech

Edited by JohnnY
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Merely passable? It's one of the funniest films of last year.

"Maybe you should embroider a red A on your wardrobe, you abominable tramp."

"Maybe you should get a wardrobe, you abominable twat."


Edited by Noctis
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1. Inception2. The Social Network3. 127 Hours4. The Fighter5. Shutter Island6. Black Swan7. The King's Speech8. Toy Story 39. The Town10. Exit Through the Gift Shop11. Kick-Ass12. Rabbit Hole13. HTTYD14. DH115. Easy A

Edited by acsc1312
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I never really got the love for Easy A. It's a passable movie (Emma Stone makes most movies better), which I guess is all a high school comedy needs to be heralded as an instant classic.

Only worth seeing it for Emma, otherwise, it's indistinguishable from your typical teen movie. It hasn't the consistency to challenge Mean Girls and I felt in the end it was weaker or comparable to the likes of John Tucker Must Die and whatever else has come out in the genre. Nothing special.Having said that, there are a couple of films I just didn't like this year that were praised, Scott Pilgrim, Black Swan, the Town for example. The Town was the best of those three, and I still felt it didn't do much to stand out. BS was pretentious and SP, even moreso, which is saying something. Such an awful script masquerading intelligence, freshness and creativity.
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I actually prefer reflecting on movies a year out like this, now that we're away from all the critic and award and box office hype. I wanted to love The Town, but it's just a well made genre exercise. It's a solid film, but nothing about it stands out. Now, Gone Baby Gone, on the other hand...Scott Pilgrim suffers from narrative and pacing issues, because you're fitting seven books into one movie. But it's fun. I've now seen it three more times on HBO and I'm not tired of it. Black Swan was Blu-Ray worthy. I still love that movie.

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