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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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I'll get things started off. There's been endless discussion about how wrong MAN OF STEEL screwed up Superman by having such tremendous civilian damage (and death) with little on-screen action or effort from Supes. 


How is this different from

the climax of CAPTAIN AMERICA 2, where Steve Rogers (and company) cause three giant hell-carriers to destroy each other over Washington D.C.? In specific, one of the heli-carriers crashes into the SHIELD building, which -- while it harbored many HYDRA agents, also harbored many innocent SHIELD office workers? Cap didn't seem particularly worked up about all the deaths and injuries he was causing, at least while he was conscious?


Well, this thought occured to me while watching the film... but then Cap (or some other character in the film; I can't remember) evacuated the SHIELD building. I'm fine with collateral damage if they address it like in Avengers, and Cap 2 did it well enough for me

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I'll get things started off. There's been endless discussion about how wrong MAN OF STEEL screwed up Superman by having such tremendous civilian damage (and death) with little on-screen action or effort from Supes. 


How is this different from

the climax of CAPTAIN AMERICA 2, where Steve Rogers (and company) cause three giant hell-carriers to destroy each other over Washington D.C.? In specific, one of the heli-carriers crashes into the SHIELD building, which -- while it harbored many HYDRA agents, also harbored many innocent SHIELD office workers? Cap didn't seem particularly worked up about all the deaths and injuries he was causing, at least while he was conscious?


Cap America didn't

crash the helicarriers in the center of Washington DC on the White House killing civilians in the process for hence.


SHIELD agents and workers are members of a top elite secret service involved in military ops with all the consequences it implies (high security threats, risk of terrorist attacks, sabotage), they're supposed to be trained for urgency situations, they're not simple innocent civilians, Cap made a preemptive speech to inform them they're working on weapons of mass destruction fulfilling Hydra's agenda before putting his plan into execution inviting them to choose their side, to work with him to take down HYDRA and that it was pretty much a kamikaze mission for the greater good. (See how Captain America is ready to sacrifice himself too at the end). That's SHIELD's business, a battlefield within the organization, and it remains within SHIELD's area protecting the rest of the city of being crushed by 3 giant helicarriers and 20 million people from being assassinated arbitrarly. Evacuating SHIELD building was adressed in the movie. So Cap succeeded in both fronts when he crashed the last helicarrier into the Potomac when Superman failed because he didn't care at all about civilians killed during his Metropolis brawls and crashing the Genesis chamber into skycrapers in the middle of the city.


Cap also left his "foe" alive because he believes in redemption. He was not written in a contrivance to have him break his neck because that's so awesome and cool even if it doesn't make any sense with the way the character is written.


If you can't tell the difference between, I can't help you any further.

Edited by dashrendar44
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Capt left his foe alive because he was his former best friend.

He has no issue killing anyone else who gets in his way!


Which part did you miss that Captain America is actually...Wait for it...A SOLDIER in duty fighting against a Nazi organization that infiltrated an american secret service at every levels for 70 years!


Wow, a supersoldier killing bad people! How shocking, my goodness! I didn't know he was supposed to be Captain Gandhi.

Edited by dashrendar44
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I guess that's kinda understandable but, to be fair, much of the debris probably obscured his view as to where the helicarrier was crashing and he had to deal with Bucky, so he didn't exactly have time to look worried. Not to mention, he was half-dying at the time. It's not like Supes who, not only got a good look at the wrecked city, but also spent the next few minutes punching Zod into the few bits of it still standing.

You're forgetting Supes big beaming smile he had on his face whilst he shares his first kiss with Louis. He could have been saving people at this time but clearly pussy was more important. Edited by Jessie
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What is there to laugh about ?I mean This is not only a sequel but also pretty much a third outing for CAP. Infact if it doesn't beat MOS it will be funny.Since CAP2 is not only a sequel to CAP1, but also following the Avengers..... I was surprise TDW didn't beat MOS.....EAch Movie deserve as much $$ as it can get....I liked all of them......I thought MOS was out of this world, and CAP2 is not far behind either.

I rarely say this...but you desperately need to get some taste in movies. MoS out of this world? Ugh. The trailer was 100x more emotionally satisfying than the film.
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I rarely say this...but you desperately need to get some taste in movies. MoS out of this world? Ugh. The trailer was 100x more emotionally satisfying than the film.

Since when did opinions become facts?

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I don't appreciate your tone.Also, it is a fact that for anyone to think MoS is great...they lack taste.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. That doesn't make it a fact though.

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MOS trailers were all lies.Superman didn't help us to accomplish wonders.

It gave the internet decades more "endless bitching about any problem they have, no matter how big or small it may be." fuel. That movie + The Dark Knight Rises gives us enough fuel for fifty lifetimes. Thank goodness.
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I don't appreciate your tone.Also, it is a fact that for anyone to think MoS is great...they lack taste.

Dude U need to get your head out of your @ss ... if you think that just because not everyone got the same taste as you.....you think they lack..... I find you wording lacks lots of character.

Edited by Subzero
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