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3 hours ago, Cochofles said:

Damn, people really love their Snyder bashing. I think that when Wonder Woman gets its third reboot in 2057, BOTers will still lament the wretchedness of BvS and the evil that is Snyder.

I agree, and I'm no Snyder fan myself. It's kind of an overtouched topic.


I mean, do I agree that poorly devised scripts failed the 1st few DCEU movies? I do, but at this point, I'm over it. In the case that JLA turns awful, then fuck it, it was Snyder's last time in the chair anyway.

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1 hour ago, cax16 said:

I think that's why you see every DC thread go to shit, it's the constant nitpicking of everything he does that's so annoying to people who actually enjoyed the movies. 


I'm in no way saying people aren't allowed opinions (or to dislike his movies or his style)but how many times have we heard the same crap from the same people in how many DC threads? 


Anyime I see someone mention Snyder in a negative way now I basically ignore all their comments, it's just such a worn out subject already. 

It's soooo beyond tired, played out, and cliched.

"ooooh, Snyder is soo dark...he doesn't 'get' Superman, he is a visual master, but he can't tell a story..., he has destroyed DC, his films are so grim" blah blah blah ad nauseaum.


I am telling you, we will get our third Wondy reboot and people will still complain about MOS's final battle and Doomsday's appearance as if those things physically destroyed their youth and their memories of Superman.


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57 minutes ago, Cochofles said:

It's soooo beyond tired, played out, and cliched.

"ooooh, Snyder is soo dark...he doesn't 'get' Superman, he is a visual master, but he can't tell a story..., he has destroyed DC, his films are so grim" blah blah blah ad nauseaum.


I am telling you, we will get our third Wondy reboot and people will still complain about MOS's final battle and Doomsday's appearance as if those things physically destroyed their youth and their memories of Superman.



Well maybe, but for me, as I listed above, it was a completely different scene sets that I had problems with. The tone was not an issue for me, but then I was watching as a casual observer. I don't have any affiliations with either franchise.....apart from absolutely adoring Wonder Woman.

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From what I've read, it seems that both franchises have issues that are brought up ad nauseum about them. For DC, it's the 'grim dark, mopey superman, Martha, Snyder, etc.' For Marvel, it the 'too quipy, no stakes, all formula, no one dies, Iron Man oversaruration, etc.' I think fans of both just need to ignore it and continue to enjoy what they enjoy.


Many casual fans don't think that deep about those issues, I know I didn't until I decided I wanted to learn more about the future movies and got sucked in. I definitely didn't understand the difference between DC and Marvel or Fox/Sony/Disney. People can repeat what they hate about movies I like, I may acknowledge the flaws, but it doesn't change how I feel about those movies, like Twilight for example. I'm personally invested, but don't feel the need to defend them from everyone who dislikes them.


CBM will be successful based on how much they can get the audience to feel connected. This is pretty evident in the successes of The Dark Knight trilogy and recently, GOTG and WW. And this year is a perfect example of how people will embrace these movies and characters despite mixed/bad reception in previous movies a la Logan, WW, Spider-Man, and I'm sure Thor and JL as well. I'm definitely excited for what's to come. 

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Snyder is secretly Lex Luthor.

Ruins Superman's reputation with the public, and then kills him off.

Also gets PAID millions to do that.

Perhaps the only thing that stopped WB from giving him Justice League 2 and Man of Steel 2 was all the BvS backlash.

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Snyder called Ant-Man "the flavor of the week ... Ant-Man. Not to be mean, but whatever it is. What is the next? Blank-Man?"

Funnily enough, Ant-man ended up being well liked and getting great boxoffice legs, and BvS ended up being destroyed by critics and fans getting disastrous boxoffice legs.

Can you imagine the shitstorm that would have followed if Kevin Feige called Wonder Woman a "flavor of the week?:"


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BvS made money, disappointment still, but so what? Doesn't mean it isn't trash like all the Bay Transformers sequels.

Also Ant-Man had a ton of heart and Scott feels like a real human being with flaws.

BvS feels like it was directed by a 15 year old fanboy or like a 10 year old making two action figures fight each other. The problem with the movie is that all the grimdark stuff is laughable bad, it's the reverse of all the campy crap from Batman & Robin. Lex Luthor himself felt like he stepped out of a cartoon.

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Call me when an Ant-Man movie opens with $166 million dollars.

BvS had a huge opening, but absolute shit legs

1.99X multiplier.


50% of its entire audience saw it on opening weekend. It had zero staying power.

Edited by Mojoguy
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Well for a movie that made 500m when was the last time you ever heard of it (reference in any way) outside the franchise war Internet ?

It had some of the best legs for a superhero movie, so I would say it was well liked. Plus it's getting a sequel which should expand its fanbase.

BvS is a joke nowadays. Most articles point out how it failed by being so grimdark, and interviews by those making Justice League constantly say how it will be "better" by getting rid of what made it BvS so divisive. WB is clearly trying to distance itself from BvS, desperate for JL to be a hit.

The Martha joke is real and Marvel has made fun of it several times. The movie also gave birth to Sad Affleck meme.

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2 minutes ago, Mojoguy said:

It had some of the best legs for a superhero movie, so I would say it was well liked. Plus it's getting a sequel which should expand its fanbase.

BvS is a joke nowadays. Most articles point out how it failed by being so grimdark, and interviews by those making Justice League constantly say how it will be "better" by getting rid of what made it BvS so divisive. WB is clearly trying to distance itself from BvS, desperate for JL to be a hit.

The Martha joke is real and Marvel has made fun of it several times. The movie also gave birth to Sad Affleck meme.


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1 hour ago, Napoleon said:

Call me when an Ant-Man movie opens with $166 million dollars.



Does anyone expect to see an Ant-Man movie opening with 166 million dollars!? I think not...
However, one would expect that a movie finally uniting two of the most recognisable and beloved superheroes in the history would pass the billion-dollar mark without much effort, but that didn't happen. I wonder if it's because most audiences are just too blatantly stupid to understand the masterpiece that is BvS OR it's the fact that people didn't like it because it was super bad (when it comes to story, character development and pacing)... :D

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