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2 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

Cameron is still right about wonderwoman.


Crazy how fast idiots are to shout misogynist at the man who brought us Aliens Ripley and Sarah Connor.

Funny thing is that noone even tried to argue him wrong. They just called him an asshole. Easiest way to tell someone is full of shit is when they just attack the character instead of making any points.

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6 minutes ago, LaughingEvans said:

Funny thing is that noone even tried to argue him wrong. They just called him an asshole. Easiest way to tell someone is full of shit is when they just attack the character instead of making any points.

Patty Jenkins response was garbage aswell, it opens with "Not surprising Cameron doesn't understand WW because his a man"...



I chose to forget about this debacle because it's of how wrong and sad the backlash was.

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1 minute ago, jking123 said:

I still think James Cameron was wrong but ehh if thats how you see it fine.Also Cavill made a really stupid mistake and lets not pretend he's some super talented individual(i like him but still).

People aren't going to agree on everything and it's fine to think his wrong, my problem was the response to his comment.


Misrepresentation, unfair characterisation and a gross overreaction.

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3 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

People aren't going to agree on everything and it's fine to think his wrong, my problem was the response to his comment.


Misrepresentation, unfair characterisation and a gross overreaction.

The problem wasn't that he was right or wrong, it was the "I did it so much better" ego trip he was on ( and the fact he was trying to promote the re release of terminator at the time).


To be fair though, he didn't just randomly come out with that, he was asked the question in an interview.

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10 minutes ago, jking123 said:

I still think James Cameron was wrong but ehh if thats how you see it fine.Also Cavill made a really stupid mistake and lets not pretend he's some super talented individual(i like him but still).

Also due to the mass represtation of what he said, I'd wager you think he's wong about something he didn't even say.

What ws he wrong about?

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1 minute ago, AndyK said:

The problem wasn't that he was right or wrong, it was the "I did it so much better" ego trip he was on ( and the fact he was trying to promote the re release of terminator at the time).


To be fair though, he didn't just randomly come out with that, he was asked the question in an interview.

Maybe to you but most were calling him wrong and were just mad he critised their beloved Wonderwoman.


As you said he just responded to a question but that was just his truthful answer.

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Aren't we talking about his Guardian interview where he calls Wonder Womans characterisation  a step backwards to stuff he has done.He called her an objectified icon or something similar to that.


I kinda see what he means but at the same time i don't think its valid criticism.Not all women characters have to follow the ripley archetype or be troubled like something out of recent HBO tv dramas that have won acclaim.Patty Jenkins apparently said you don't know wonder woman as a response but the fact is she is a comic book character that has gone though many changes.Her roots stem from BDSM if i recall right.I just think calling it a step backwards because its doing something different is misguided.Also its not like the character wasnt handled gracefully in the film to begin with.


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25 minutes ago, jking123 said:

I still think James Cameron was wrong but ehh if thats how you see it fine.Also Cavill made a really stupid mistake and lets not pretend he's some super talented individual(i like him but still).


Here's how I see it: His argument is infallible. We've had great, compelling and empowered female characters starring in movies way before WW came out. His work is living proof. WW technically broke ground only in the minds of some people.


And I don't see how Cavill made a stupid mistake. He spoke his mind. He said what he believes is the truth and how he feels about this situation. The fact that he was forced to say he's sorry proves how right he is about outrage culture. You can disagree with him, but the fact that people who disagree with you have to apologize to you, is disturbing.

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8 minutes ago, jking123 said:

Aren't we talking about his Guardian interview where he calls Wonder Womans characterisation  a step backwards to stuff he has done.He called her an objectified icon or something similar to that.


I kinda see what he means but at the same time i don't think its valid criticism.Not all women characters have to follow the ripley archetype or be troubled like something out of recent HBO tv dramas that have won acclaim.Patty Jenkins apparently said you don't know wonder woman as a response but the fact is she is a comic book character that has gone though many changes.Her roots stem from BDSM if i recall right.I just think calling it a step backwards because its doing something different is misguided.Also its not like the character wasnt handled gracefully in the film to begin with.


He said it isn't groundbreaking and thinking so is a step back for us.


He is against Hollywood patting themselves in the back for something he sees as an objectified icon, which is what they've been doing forever..


Sure you can have all types of female characters but don't self congratulate for something done again and again to the point of drowning out other female types. This is in the context of big blockbusters.

Edited by IronJimbo
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10 minutes ago, matrixdmath5 said:

hoping for these

Episode IX > Black Panther's 700m domestic

Episode IX > 1.5 billion WW

I can see a scenario where Episode IX makes more than Black Panther domestic. But I think the ship has sailed OS so the max I see Episode IX getting is $1.45B

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19 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

I missed the Cavill drama.

What the Ministry of Truth was angy about this time ?

I hope he repented. for his sin.

In an interview, he said he was scared to date women he didn't know, in case he got accused of stuff in light of all the accusations than are going around nowadays.


Outrage culture translation - he likes to sexually assault women. 

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1 minute ago, AndyK said:

In an interview, he said he was scared to date women he didn't know, in case he got accused of stuff in light of all the accusations than are going around nowadays.


Outrage culture translation - he likes to sexually assault women. 




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God forbid you criticize the extreme lengths that #MeToo has reached. 


What is actually funny in this case, is that most women that I know, actually agree with Cavill. They like to be courted. The people that are outraged by this remind me of the fox and the grapes.


Also funny, Chad Johnson's story that came to light is one to look at. He was approached by a producer and was pretty much promised roles in exchange for sex. Instead of taking the sexual abuse and the roles that came with it, and crying about it on twitter ten years later, he sued the producer, gave names and gave evidence and held nothing back.  Hope the other #MeToo victims will follow suit.



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6 hours ago, Ozymandias said:


The Snyder is dead, bury it, consider this mercy.

It's sad what journalism has become. Batman v Superman ended in a hopeful and optimist tone but these people keep pretending Snyder set up future DC movies to be dark and gritty, which is simply not true. Fake news in all its glory.


Back in 2016 these people were celebrating the BVS and SS reception, calling DCEU a huge failure and predicting WB would cancel the franchise and reboot it. What happened to that?


I guess since it didn't happen they now have to pretend DC completely erased what Snyder developed. Pathetic.


While they continue to kill journalism for clicks, Snyder will keep collecting his millions out of the successful cinematic universe he created.





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